The Meaning Behind The Song: The Very First Night by Taylor Swift - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: The Very First Night by Taylor Swift

The Hidden Message Behind Taylor Swift’s The Very First Night

Taylor Swift is one of the most successful musicians of all time, selling over 50 million albums and winning countless awards. But what makes her so special is not just her catchy tunes, but also the deep message she embeds in her songs. One of her most enigmatic songs is “The Very First Night,” which has sparked many debates among fans about its true meaning. In this article, we’ll delve into the hidden message behind “The Very First Night” and explore the lyricism that makes Taylor Swift such a beloved figure in music.

The Story Behind The Song

Before we analyze the hidden meaning behind “The Very First Night,” it’s helpful to know the backstory of the song. It’s believed that the song was inspired by Taylor Swift’s own experiences during her early years in the music industry. When she first started out, she was an unknown artist, playing small gigs in bars and cafes. It was a long road to success, and there were many nights where she was alone, feeling the weight of her dreams, and unsure about the future. “The Very First Night” is said to capture those feelings she had during that time frame.

The Lyrics

“The Very First Night” has four verses, each of which paints a different picture of Taylor Swift’s emotions during those lonely nights. Let’s take a closer look at each verse.

Verse 1:

“The very first night, End of the night, when it’s the hardest time”

This verse sets the tone for the rest of the song. It’s about that moment when Taylor is finishing up her gig, packing up her gear and feeling the weight of her dreams. It is an exhausting time, and she feels like giving up.

Verse 2:

“Don’t fall asleep, You’ve got the hardest heart I’ve ever seen”

This verse is directed to herself, as she tries to push herself through the tough time. It’s her way of saying she can’t give up, she has to keep going because she doesn’t want to go to sleep knowing she hasn’t given enough.

Verse 3:

“Oh I’m afraid to dream, afraid to love, but I’m still here, I’m still here”

This verse is about fear and doubt that Taylor has. She is afraid to dream because she is afraid of failure, afraid to love because that could lead to heartbreak. But even with all this fear, she is still here, still trying to follow her dreams.

Verse 4:

“And I’m not afraid of you, but I’m afraid of tomorrow”

In the final verse, Taylor acknowledges that she is not afraid of the world and all its unknowns, but she is afraid of what tomorrow may hold. She is afraid of failure, critics, and everything else that comes with being in the music industry, but she’s still here because she knows it’s worth it.

Actionable Advice We Can Take Away

Despite all the hardships Taylor Swift has faced in her early career, she’s now one of the most successful musicians of all time. “The Very First Night” is about perseverance, dedication, and hard work. Taylor knew that she had to push through those hard nights to reach her dreams. So what can we learn from this?

1. Perseverance pays off: Keep pushing through the tough times, and eventually, you will achieve your goals.

2. Believe in yourself: Even if things aren’t going well, believe in your talent, your passion, and yourself.

3. Follow your dreams: Don’t be afraid to dream and aim high, you never know where it will take you.


“The Very First Night” is a deeply personal and meaningful song that reflects Taylor Swift’s early career struggles. It’s a powerful message that emphasizes the importance of perseverance, belief in oneself, and following your dreams. It’s no wonder Taylor Swift has become a musical icon. Her lyrics and messages have resonated with millions of fans worldwide. So let this song be a reminder to keep going, even when it’s tough. Because the very first night is just the beginning of an incredible journey.

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