How to Win Every Mega Brutal Map in Rebels Inc. Strategy Guide. : r/rebelinc Skip to main content

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How to Win Every Mega Brutal Map in Rebels Inc. Strategy Guide.


TLDR: click on imgur link. Buy in the order of numbers while waiting for inflation to go down. Send the initial two soliders purchased at insurgancy start to the red zones of each map to uncover insurgant camps.

Advisers are: Doctor, Celebrity, Chef, Tribal Elder, Tax Collector, Censor.

Profit. ~(˘▾˘~)

Okay here's the full post: I have beaten every map (easiest to hardest order: Saffron Fields, Black Caves, Southern Desert, Mountain Pass, Pistachio Forest, Distant Steppe & Azure Dam, Golden Sands, Opium Trail, [n0]) on mega-brutal difficulty with every governor (strongest to weakest for average maps: Smuggler, Banker, Economist, Development Director & Civil Servant & General & Tank Commander, Warlord). Many I have done repeatedly for fun, no I do not have a life and yes I am a college dropout, thank you for worrying.

[note 1,2,3 etc] will be used at the bottom but these are mostly extraneous details. SGP stands for special governor power which should be used appropriately throughout. TSZ is target stabilization zone that you plan to stabilize first and will prioritize needs for, usually home base.

Amazingly every map (except Golden Sands) can be beaten with a general pattern of timed button pushing, here’s how.

Advisers are: Doctor, Celebrity, Chef, Tribal Elder, Tax Collector, Censor


  • Intel1, Effective Procurement. Services Discussions, School Regeneration, Literacy Drive. [n1] Anti-corruption1. *

--Close menu. wait for inflation to fall and monies. --

  • Infrastructure discussions. Security 1. Highways or main roads (order based on hq.) [n2] Outreach office. Other road (only if the intel is there. for Golden Sands and Distant Steppe this is dirt roads). Justice pledge. *

--wait for inflation to fall in between these^ purchases and monies. Check needs [n3] and get what homebase/urban/TSZ wants (jobs is the worst for your home base/urban but go ahead and get development discussions and land rights.) Try to save up 16 dollars for start of insurgency (remember tank commander and developmental director have additional costs)--

Immediately buy *two coalition soldiers.* Here comes the mega-brutal tactics.  At this address ( ) , I’ve highlighted the zones where insurgent camps initially spawn and the order I sent my soldiers to the zones.  [n4]

While waiting for them to arrive, purchase

*Interpreters & Guides, then Human Terrain System. *

Search and destroy the camps, most likely the camp has spawned in a zone adjacent to insurgents spawn.

  • PR1 *,

Move soldiers to push/coner insurgants into the zones you don’t need. Insurgents will preferably flee to an insurgent controlled zone, therefore attack the ones outside the zone and consolidate before trying to get rid of the red zone. With practice you’ll be able to spot their movements before the arrow shows up and can preemptively move a troop between two areas since they tend to attack one (like an urban zone), then the other side of the insurgent controlled zones, and repeat. In 1x speed you can move soldiers out of non-red zones before the red retreating arrow shows up. Click on the zone to see insurgent vs soldier strength.

  • Anti-corruption2. [n5] Airstrikes (can pick up drones &| extra coalition here too). One cheap civ initiative or satisfy needs. National-soldier1, Garrisons. Anti-corruption3&4. *

Plunk national soldiers in a commonly pushed urban zone, then move coalition soldiers to support and push them out. This is the make it or break it point of the game, control those red bastards and FMA away. Leave the insurgents at least two zones while building stability (remote outreach and get some jobs before they protest), move soldiers into non-stable zones constantly to uncover any bases, subtle pressure, anti-corruption, and national soldiers. Always Threaten the insurgents on Twitter to gain reputation. Elections, reject peace plan, clear them out and finally accept it.


opium trail: reset if you didn’t destroy both insurgent bases off the start or they spawn on the right side. After resets, turn to recommended 1x speed. Constantly have soldiers stop in non-stabilized zones as you move them across the map to see undiscovered poppy seeds. Consider main roads2. For Opium Trail & Warlord combination you must hq on the far east town. I spent days beating this one, it was far more difficult for me than mega-brutal campaigns.

[n0] Golden Sands is different from every other map. Bottom oil rigs, HQ in town (recommended) or Restart until two oil rigs at top, rural zone under oil rig or central for hq. I am still experimenting with it, but general changes I did are to get: intel2, main and dirt, SGP oil job market, education or needs, anti-corruption, SGP extended stay. Security will only be useful to slow them down while your soldiers get there so don’t get it right at the beginning. Save soldier-human relations for later (rely on intel2). No initial outreach or justice pledge (rely on SGP oil market). Best places to leave your insurgents is the bottom left territory by the city and oil field (they won't expand into the mountains as they'll go after those targets). And the top mountains, main roads two will allow you to easily control this entire top.

[n1] Literacy Drive does not increase inflation. When using General or on very difficult maps/gov combos you can go for roads before education. Banker shouldn’t go for anti-corruption immediately unless you can do the 10 dollars SPG without inflation going over the bar.

[n2] for Distant Steppe Map get highways and dirt roads, not main roads. For Golden Sands get main roads and dirt roads.

[n3] usually something cheap like healthcare or water (only buy medical/water supplies). You can actually see rising needs before it shows on the map (when it reaches 10%) by clicking on the actual zone info (i) button. Delta Whiskey and Azure Dam will need water, so buy preemptively.

[n4] two insurgent camps already exist. If playing general you should buy one coalition solider before the insurgency is rumored and already have destroyed one of the camps. On harsh maps, opium trail I’m looking at you, not getting one off the bat is an insta reset, or spawning on the right side, insta reset.

[n5] be checking what you’re losing reputation to and how much corruption is affecting your support level. Controlling the insurgents is more important for stabilization than satisfying non-TSZ civilians needs, try to underbuy in the civilian tab.

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So education is really effective? I always start with water, toilet and cops. then economic dev of cities. then education and health.


Education rolls out very quickly to reduce the hostile population, which is more important than gaining support bar, and the second one doesn't increase inflation which is a nice bonus. I usually end up only getting health care, water, and the two educations from that tree. I'm also using doctor advisor.

u/Bagel_Mode avatar

Education has the fastest rollout, iirc. Water is slow and generates lots of corruption. Usually, Healthcare is a better pick than water.


i didn't know each initiative have different speed and corruption.

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If it works, it works. But those starting locations for Mountain Pass, Pistachio Forest, and Distant Steppe make me cringe a little bit. Not that they're bad, but there's multiple other locations.

Initiative build is certainly interesting. I'd rather get outreach earlier and EP and AC later, granted you prefer a militia rush. You really don't like losing rep to Corruption do you?

Advisor-wise, unless I'm losing Rural zones repeatedly, I'd go Pilot or Engineer instead.

Edit: a disorganized, but decent guide overall


I do like the bottom left town on mountain pass but if insurgants spawn in the mountains before you get the camp you can have a lot difficulty stabilizing the first zone since you do not want insurgant controlled zones nearby. (Or insurgants attacking). Keeping corruption down really helps with stabilization, and I've found opening AC1 to be a blessing, especially for the smuggler. This is kinda strange but did you upload a video of Golden sands mega brutal general to YouTube?

I believe that would probably be Killergotrekt. I hardly uploaded any walkthrough videos of Rebel Inc onto YouTube. I uploaded a General MB No Advisor run of Saffron Fields. This is my channel:

Yes hostility flood is a thing, but it's only really noticeable on maps like Black Caves (that's why its hard to stabilize), Opium Trail, and Distant Steppe.

Rurals along the highway are easier to stabilize than the city.

Edit: I could certainly record a General MB run of Golden Sands though. Idk about no advisor but worth a shot


Oh cool you've got a channel! Yeah it was this one I watched, I noticed it has a lot of mistakes, such as highways, starting location and using drill sergeant, which just contributes to the corruption issue. For opium trail do you suggest the right side town or the middle city for HQ? I've had success with both.

Middle city gross. I go highway rural or main road rural near bottom center of the map. Haven't played Main Game OT in a while. I usually just play campaign now

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u/EngineeringDeep4302 avatar

Thanks for the guide. I tried to follow it, but there was no way I could buy all the things you suggest before the insurgency starts attacking. Not sure if there was some balance change in the game. I only get to about step 9 in your diagrams. Yes I am stopping to wait for inflation to go down.

u/RetardedAtAirstrike avatar

Is regional census not worth it to purchase?