Learn HTML | Codecademy

Learn HTML

Start at the beginning by learning HTML basics — an important foundation for building and editing web pages.

4.58 out of 5 stars
3,113,824 learners enrolled
  • Skill level

  • Time to complete

    Average based on combined completion rates — individual pacing in lessons, projects, and quizzes may vary
    7 hours
  • Certificate of completion

    Included with paid plans
  • Prerequisites


About this course

Fun fact: all websites use HTML — even this one. It’s a fundamental part of every web developer’s toolkit. HTML provides the content that gives web pages structure, by using elements and tags, you can add text, images, videos, forms, and more. Learning HTML basics is an important first step in your web development journey and an essential skill for front- and back-end developers.

Skills you'll gain

  • Structure pages with HTML

  • Present data with tables

  • Write cleaner HTML


6 lessons • 4 projects • 5 quizzes

The platform

Hands-on learning

Animated GIF of an AI learning assistant explaining an error within Codecademy's learning environment
Mobile-friendly version of a lesson and code editor for the course 'Introduction to HTML' running in Codecademy's learning environment
An AI-generated hint within the instructions of a Codecademy project
Animated GIF of a mouse cursor hovering over the Python term "comment" displaying a Docs tooltip within a Codecademy lesson
Meet the creator of the course
Jiwon Shin
Senior Curriculum Developer at Codecademy
Jiwon is a Senior Curriculum Developer at Codecademy. She has created courses across the web development catalog on languages such as JavaScript, PHP, and CSS, frameworks like React and Node.js, and the Front-End Engineer Career Path. She also created courses on p5.js, build tools, and Intro to UI and UX Design.

Learn HTML course ratings and reviews

4.58 out of 5 stars
37,888 ratings
  1. 5 stars
  2. 4 stars
  3. 3 stars
  4. 2 stars
  5. 1 star
  • This course was made so easy to understand for people like me who have never had any experience with coding. I liked that they have you work with projects while they teach you concepts. As someone who is more of a hands-on learner, this method was incredibly helpful.
    Maria G.
    Verified Learner
  • This course was honestly fantastic. The lessons along with the practice make retention 10x easier, which is usually really hard with online course material.
    Miles L.
    Verified Learner
  • Best course for beginners! That's the only way to describe it. And to top it off, everything is conveniently accessible on the same screen—absolutely no hassle at all!
    Adollet K.
    Verified Learner

Our learners work at

  • Google Logo
  • Meta Logo
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Frequently asked questions about HTML

  • HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the skeleton of all modern web pages. Together with CSS and JavaScript, it forms the foundation of modern web development.

Join over 50 million learners and start Learn HTML today!

Unlock additional features with a paid plan

  • Practice Projects

    Guided projects that help you solidify the skills and concepts you're learning.
  • Assessments

    Auto-graded quizzes and immediate feedback help you reinforce your skills as you learn.
  • Certificate of Completion

    Earn a document to prove you've completed a course or path that you can share with your network.