Ian Holloway on his approach to management - BBC Sport

Holloway on his approach to management

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Motherwell managerial candidate Ian Holloway believes the key to success a modern-day manager is ensuring the players have belief, particularly during tough situations – such as those the Steelemen find themselves in.

Speaking on BBC Scotland’s Sacked in the Morning podcast in October 2021, the former Crystal Palace and QPR boss detailed his advice to young coaches coming through, stressing the importance of signings and selflessness.

He said: “Don’t take yourself too seriously, and realise it’s not about you. If you’re going to coach people, it’s about getting the best out of them, so whatever you’re thinking, you’ve got to revert it back to them.

“I like to encourage people to make mistakes, and then if the press start on about that person, I will protect them… We have to trust them to do what we’re trying to let them do.

“A lot of coaches are coaching and I believe, making it about them, so that’s why people turn away from them. No player wants to hear a selfish quote from the coach. It’s about the team.

“Make them believe that they can shine. We all have a light inside, so if you make them believe that they can do anything – particularly when it’s not going right – you’ll have a chance of being a really good coach.

“I have signed someone I didn’t want, so I left the club. The owner interfered…so I said carry on. Do it your way. The boundaries have been overstepped then. That’s unacceptable. As a manager, you have to stand and fall by who you sign. If you get 75% of them right, you’ll be in a job. If you get 75% of them wrong, you’ll be out.”

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