The Meaning Behind The Song: Bring It On Home To Me by Sam Cooke - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Bring It On Home To Me by Sam Cooke

The Emotions Behind “Bring It On Home To Me” by Sam Cooke

The Life of Sam Cooke

Sam Cooke was a talented musician and an important figure in the civil rights movement. Born in Clarksdale, Mississippi, in 1931, Cooke grew up the son of a reverend. He began singing in church and eventually formed a gospel group called The Soul Stirrers. However, he soon broke away from gospel music and began recording secular songs.

Cooke’s music was greatly influenced by R&B, soul, and pop. He went on to write and record many hits, including “A Change Is Gonna Come,” “Twistin’ The Night Away,” and “You Send Me.” However, one of his most personal and heartfelt songs was “Bring It On Home To Me.”

The Story Behind “Bring It On Home To Me”

“Bring It On Home To Me” was released in 1962 and quickly became a hit. The song was written for and about Cooke’s wife, Barbara. At the time, Cooke was constantly on the road, touring and performing, and he missed his wife terribly. The lyrics of the song reflect this longing:

“If you ever change your mind
About leaving, leaving me behind
Oh, bring it to me, bring your sweet loving
Bring it on home to me”

Cooke’s powerful vocals, combined with the soulful melody and horn section, made the song an instant classic.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

The lyrics of “Bring It On Home To Me” convey a deep sense of love and longing. Cooke is asking his wife to come back to him, to bring their love home. The song is a plea for reconciliation, for the chance to mend the relationship and start anew.

At the same time, the song has a universal quality. It speaks to anyone who has ever longed for someone they love, whether it’s a spouse, a partner, or a close friend. The lyrics are simple and straightforward, but they convey a powerful message of love and hope.

The Legacy of “Bring It On Home To Me”

“Bring It On Home To Me” is not only a great song, but it has also had a lasting impact on the world of music. The song has been covered by countless artists, including The Animals, Otis Redding, and Aretha Franklin. It has been featured in movies, TV shows, and commercials. Its timeless message of love and longing continues to resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds.

In addition, Cooke himself remains a beloved figure in the music industry. His contributions to soul, R&B, and pop music are immeasurable, and his influence can still be heard in the music of today’s top artists. As Quincy Jones once said of Cooke, “There was nobody like him. He was a godsend.”

The Importance of Expressing Emotion in Music

“Bring It On Home To Me” is just one example of how powerful music can be when it comes to expressing deep emotions. Music has the ability to evoke feelings of love, joy, sadness, and everything in between. It can help us connect with others and express ourselves in a way that words alone cannot.

As musicians, it’s important to tap into these emotions and convey them through our music. Whether we’re writing about love, heartbreak, or any other emotion, we can use music to speak to people on a deeper level. This is what makes music so timeless and universal.


“Bring It On Home To Me” is a timeless classic that speaks to the universal themes of love, longing, and reconciliation. Sam Cooke’s powerful vocals, combined with the soulful melody and heartfelt lyrics, make this song a true masterpiece. It’s no wonder that it has continued to inspire and touch people for generations.

As musicians, we can all learn from Cooke’s ability to express deep emotions through his music. By tapping into our own emotions and sharing them with the world, we can create music that is both timeless and impactful. After all, music is the universal language of the soul, and there’s nothing more powerful than that.

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