Mall Hath No Fury | Moonbeam City Wikia | Fandom
Moonbeam City Wikia

Mall Hath No Fury is the first episode of the first season of Moonbeam City. It aired on September 16, 2015.


Inept detective Dazzle Novak is unable to stop a purse snatcher, who becomes the new crime lord of Moonbeam City, calling himself El Diablo Malo. As a result, Chief Pizzaz Miller takes away Dazzle's gun away, but more importantly gives his #1 Cop mug to his arch rival, Rad Cunningham. In an attempt to prove he is the #1 Cop, Dazzle teams up with fellow detective, Chrysalis Tate to capture El Diablo Malo. The plan goes south when Dazzle meets beautiful singer Aiaiaia whom he falls in love with. Dazzle becomes her manager and books her at every mall in Moonbeam City but little does he know, every mall she performs at, El Diablo Malo blows up. Rad, on the other hand, gets jealous of Dazzle and Aiaiaiai's success so he finds his own singer Uakpasia9;a.


Pizzaz: (When she hear the radio of Dazzle and Aiaiaia moaning during sex, she tells Chrysalis to shut the radio off) 'Shut it off. (Chrysalis looks silent) Shut it off...Shut it off! Do I have to do everything around here? Shut it off!'

Pizzaz: (She finds Chrysails in the Van) 'Where's Dazzle?'  Chrysails: 'Pizzaz, I was='  Pizzaz: 'Start talking, or I'll push you off the stairs'

Pizzaz: 'My foot is about to meet your private of you don't do your job'
