Yukon Manhunt (Movie, 1951) - MovieMeter.com
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Yukon Manhunt (1951)

Adventure | 61 minutes
2,00 1 votes

Genre: Adventure / Western

Duration: 61 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Frank McDonald

Stars: Kirby Grant, Gail Davis and Margaret Field

IMDb score: 5,3 (42)

Releasedate: 12 July 1951


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Yukon Manhunt plot

Canadian Mountie Rod Webb must investigate why three messengers with the paychecks from the Kenmore mine were robbed and murdered. Rod travels to the mine by train with Jane Kenmore, the mine owner's niece, the payroll payer Brown, the armed guard Le Clerque, and the young mining engineer Len and his sister Polly. Someone secretly puts chemicals into the ventilation system and in the confusion Brown and the train conductor are killed. Also, after the confusion, the money for the salary payments has disappeared. Rod suspects Kenmore, his cousin Jane and Le Clerque were involved in the theft.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Corporal Rod Webb


Jane Kenmore

Polly Kaufman

Len Kaufman

Jim Kenmore

Charles Benson

Le Clerque

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