The Meaning Behind The Song: It’s Okay to Cry by SOPHIE - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: It’s Okay to Cry by SOPHIE


The Meaning Behind The Song: It’s Okay to Cry by SOPHIE


As I sit here, listening to the song “It’s Okay to Cry” by SOPHIE, I can’t help but reflect on the deep emotional resonance that this song holds. Released in October 2017, it marked a significant shift in SOPHIE’s artistic expression, both musically and visually. The lyrics and the vulnerable tone of the song touched many listeners, including myself, and prompted us to delve deeper into its meaning.

Exploring the Lyrics

The song begins with SOPHIE acknowledging the fear that often accompanies vulnerability when saying, “I don’t mean to reproach you by saying this, I know that scares you.” It’s an honest admission that many of us can relate to, as we often fear being judged or misunderstood when sharing our innermost thoughts and emotions.

SOPHIE then reassures the listener, “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay,” emphasizing the acceptance and understanding she offers. The line, “I think you sometimes forget, I would know you best,” reminds us that genuine connections are built on knowing and accepting each other wholly, including our vulnerabilities.

In the chorus, SOPHIE sings, “I never thought I’d see you cry, just know whatever hurts, it’s all mine.” These lines speak to the universal experiences of pain and the importance of having someone who is willing to bear that burden with us. SOPHIE emphasizes that crying and showing emotions are not signs of weakness but rather acts of courage and authenticity.

The second verse recounts a personal experience of SOPHIE finding someone lost and unfamiliar, underlining the transformative power of vulnerability. The recognition that “It’s okay to cry” becomes an invitation to embrace our emotions and discover unfamiliar parts within ourselves.

The Visual Impact

What makes the release of “It’s Okay to Cry” even more significant is the accompanying music video. It marked the first time SOPHIE revealed her face to the public, further emphasizing the theme of vulnerability and acceptance. The video features stunning visuals and breathtaking landscapes, creating a sense of freedom and self-expression.

Personal Connection

For me, “It’s Okay to Cry” holds a special place because it reminds me of the times when I felt overwhelmed by my own emotions. The song encourages me to let go of the fear and societal expectations that often prevent us from expressing ourselves authentically. Whether I’m working, playing a game, or watching a football match, SOPHIE’s voice resonates within me, reminding me that it’s okay to embrace my vulnerabilities.


“It’s Okay to Cry” by SOPHIE is a powerful song that explores the significance of embracing vulnerability and the importance of accepting both ourselves and others. Through its lyrics and visually striking music video, SOPHIE encourages us to shed societal norms and be unapologetically ourselves. So, let us remember that it’s okay to cry, to express our emotions, and to seek solace and support in one another, as we navigate the complex tapestry of human emotions.

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