Poem Sampler

Mother's Day Poems

Poems about the enduring bond between mother and child.
Image of a pink wrapped gift box, an orange envelop labeled MOM, and a yellow/orange/white floral arrangement.

Every year, many of us struggle to find the perfect way to express how much we love our moms. These poems—which range from tender, to funny, to mournful—explore what it means to be a mom and affirm the special bond between mother and child.

1. What I Learned From My Mother by Julia Kasdorf
The poet lists the life lessons she's learned from her mother, especially in the ways we care for and console one another. Kasdorf begins, “I learned from my mother how to love / the living" and ends with "To every house you enter, you must offer / healing: a chocolate cake you baked yourself, / the blessing of your voice, your chaste touch.”

2. Thanking My Mother For Piano Lessons by Diane Wakoski
A poem expressing gratitude for a simple part of childhood, as the poet remembers “the relief / of putting your fingers on the keyboard,” while those memories give direction later in life. The poet uses the poem to thank her mother for her sacrifices of “working every day / in a drab office” and “always paying for / my piano lessons / before she paid the Bank of America loan / or bought the groceries / or had our old rattling Ford repaired.”

3. A Practical Mom by Amy Uyematsu
A daughter explores the different views and opinions she and her mother have, on topics ranging from religion to nature, which leads the daughter to appreciate her mom's way of seeing and living in the world. 

4. A Dandelion for My Mother by Jean Nordhaus
The familiar image of a child picking dandelions—“those spiky suns, / rooted stubborn as childhood / in the grass”—leads this poet to contemplate the once strong and sturdy aspects of life and the now delicate and fragile aspects of motherhood. 

5. Rock Me to Sleep by Elizabeth Akers Allen
A touching and affectionate tribute to a mother's love. This ninteenth-century poet longs to turn back the clock and return to her childhood, when she was free of “toil without recompense, tears all in vain.” At the end of each meditation on the simplicities of the past and the “faithful, unselfish, and patient love” of her mother, Allen returns to the refrain, “Rock me to sleep, mother, – rock me to sleep!”

6. The Great Blue Heron by Carolyn Kizer
When the poet sees the heron on the beach, she wonders, “Heron, whose ghost are you?” and then, realizing, runs up the path to her mother. Her mother also catches a glimpse of the bird drifting out of view and understands that the bird is a symbol of her death. Fifteen years later, haunted by the bird, the anguished poet asks the heron why he has stood patiently “Waiting upon the day . . . / My mother would drift away”.

7. Your Clothes by Judith Kroll
A short and touching poem about the lingering self contained in the possessions of a mother, and how a mother is always part of a child. 

8. Tintype on the Pond, 1925 J. Lorraine Brown
“Believe it or not,” the poem begins, and in a tone mixed with skepticism and empathy, the poet tries to imagine her mother, now an old woman, ice skating on the rib bones of a roast tied to her boots with waxed twine.

9. Not Here by Jane Kenyon
The poet discovers mice have nested in her bureau and ruined her mother-in-law’s linens. She uses the occasion to both mourn an absent generation of women (“There’s almost no one left / who knows how to crochet lace. . . .”) and the life that also passes with time. The mice are her metaphor: “making themselves / flat and scarce while the cat / dozed with her paws in the air, / and we read the mail / or evening paper, unaware.”

10. Lunchbox Love Note by Kenn Nesbitt
In this poem—notable for its hard end rhymes—the poet discovers a valentine in his notebook and wonders who wrote it. Jennifer? Jo? He opens it and “Then wham! as if / it were a bomb, / inside it reads, / “I love you—Mom.”

11. To a Child by Sophie Jewett 
Late 19th-century poet Jewett frames the mother-child relationship using natural imagery: a forest tree that shelters a wild, sweet bird from the north wind. When the wind calms, the bird sings for one golden hour. Recalling the song, the mother feels her heart—and the world—grow young again. 

12. To Any Reader by Robert Louis Stevenson 
The poet imagines a mother who envisions her child at play, and presents himself as such a child who cannot be summoned now because he has grown, is “a child of air.”  

13. Ending the Estrangement by Ross Gay
This poem looks into the emotional territory of reconciling with a mother after a long silence. The poet can begin to understand his mother's sadness, “which was / ... unbearable,” and “ ... like death, / like dying ... ” but also “a form of gratitude.”


Browse more Mother's Day poems from our archive.

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  1. May 3, 2007

    these poems are about to make me want to write all of them they are so instersting!

  2. May 9, 2007

    Mother to love, Mother who cares mother who will be there forever and ever =. Happy Mothers Day

  3. May 9, 2007

    hay mom I just wanna say that I love you with all my heart but I just dont now how to show it so I need to let you know this cause if I did not let you know then how would you know that I love you all ways and on mothers day

  4. May 15, 2007
     Natalee Whitely

    Please!!!..send me a few of your favorite step-mom Mother's Day Verses....

  5. May 21, 2007

    hi there

  6. June 6, 2007

    thats a nice website,keep up the good work mommies................................................................................................

  7. June 16, 2007
     Susan Baker


  8. May 5, 2008

    look amm...

    i'm just teenager and i think this poems are wonderful they shouild be at some other important web page !!

  9. September 7, 2008

    There is a poem I read a long time ago and can't think of the name of it, if anyone can help me, one line in is 'where the blue heron sleeps' and another is 'surrounding the days of my mothers death.'

  10. May 8, 2010
     Mrs. DeRaps

    I love the "Lunchbox Love Note" poem! Thanks for the great poems and suggestions for Mother's Day.

  11. May 6, 2011

    i love it

  12. May 15, 2011

    You could have included my favorite motherhood poem --
    Mother - A Cradle to Hold Me by Maya Angelou.

  13. May 2, 2012
     Larry Levy

    Wonderful poems. I'd include also "The Iron Bridge" by Billy Collins.

  14. May 10, 2012

    Not even ONE happy poem ?- except Kenn Nesbitt's- who writes for children.

  15. April 30, 2015
     Jeff Gibbons

    Billy Collins, "The Lanyard"

  16. May 9, 2015

    Out of 13 poems, only one poem from a son to his mom? Of course the mother-daughter relationship is very important, but c'mon -- just off the top of my head there are very famous poems by Robert Duncan, D.H. Lawrence, Mark Strand, Langston Hughes (four very different types of poets...) Anyways, male poets love their mothers equally as much as this disproportionate representation might lead a reader to believe.

  17. May 10, 2015
     Precious Nnamdi Uwaechi

    Her loving is a wow!! even before I knew what loving is
    all about she has already lay down a full example of
    unconditional love for me loving with out holding back,
    careering with out letting go. My best and my first
    teacher, councilor and my acquaintance how could I
    forget her sweet meals and sacrifices she made even in
    her pains she always smile just to comfort and assure
    me that every thing will be fine. When I was down and
    no one believes in me she only believe in me, she
    always let me know that I can face any thing if I stand
    strong. Mama you will always be my first true love.

  18. May 6, 2016