At This Hour With Kate Bolduan : CNNW : November 7, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PST : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive Skip to main content

tv   At This Hour With Kate Bolduan  CNN  November 7, 2022 8:00am-9:00am PST

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hello, everyone. i'm kate bolduan. at this hour, we are in the home stretch. today is the final day of campaigning before voters start getting counted. candidates across the country are out in force as they should be of course. getting final face time with voters and their final opportunity to lock in any waiving votes. the mood understandably tense with so many razor tight races and so much on the line. republicans are growing increasingly confident they'll make major gains in congress and in governor's mansions across the country. the current and former presidents back on the trail again to try to boost turnout. president biden will be campaigning for democratic candidates in maryland today. former president trump will be in ohio for a rally for the republican senate candidate there. and another sign of justice how focused in voters are on this
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midterm, more than 40 million americans in 47 states have already cast their ballots in early voting. and when all of the votes are counted, we could see record turnout for this election. we want to cover all of the key races for you this hour. let's start in pennsylvania. jessica dean is there. jessica, there one is definitely down to the wire. >> reporter: it certainly is, kate. this is a very tight race by all indications. it is also the most expensive senate race in the country. some $146 million in ads spent between labor day and now. so you could imagine just how flooded the tv airwaves are with the ads as we are now just less than 24 hours away from election day. after months of campaigning. >> i believe that we are the land of opportunities. tell them that we are the land of plenty. and tell them that i will bring change to washington. >> i'm running to serve
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pennsylvania. oz is running to use pennsylvania. >> reporter: and tens of millions of dollars in ads. >> i got knocked down, but i got back up. >> dr. oz knows we could work together. >> the hotly contested closely watched pennsylvania senate race is closing out its final hours. >> reporter: democratic nominee john fetterman who suffered a stroke in may framek his closing argument as a stark choice between himself and mehmet oz. >> i've spent my career fighting for people. oz has spent his life taking advantage of people making himself rich. i've taken on the powerful. been different. oz will only work for himself in washington. >> reporter: while oz who is endorsed by former president trump has pitched himself as an independent voice. >> politicians point fingers. doctors solve problems. together we stand up to extremism on both sides and bring balance to washington. >> reporter: in a sure sign of just how critical this race is
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to both parties, three presidents hit the trail in the commonwealth over the weekend. president biden and barack obama rallying voters in democratic strong holds. >> it is easy to joke about dr. oz and all of the quack remedies he's pushed on tv. but it matters. it said something about his character. if something is willing to peddle snake oil to make a buck, then he's probably willing to sell snake oil to get elected. >> i know pennsylvania well and john fetterman is pennsylvania. he is pennsylvania. >> reporter: and former trump appearing in latrobe, pennsylvania. oz appeared on stage with trump even as the celebrity doctor continued to position himself as a moderate. >> pennsylvania desperately needs dr. oz in the u.s. senate.
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he could very well be the tie-breaking vote as i said. >> reporter: inflation, and crime and abortion rights, threats to democracy, these are some of the issues driving this race. it will be the decision of pennsylvania voters whether it will be for oz. >> i feel like he cares about people. i felt that watching the show, i feel it now. >> reporter: or fetterman. >> wow. >> i decided a long time ago that i was voting for john fetterman. but this election is so much bigger than just fetterman. >> reporter: both of the candidates will continue to caming today and in this final sprint, kate. and then relocate to where their home bases will be for election day for ferterman there is here in the pittsburgh area and for oz it is just outside of philadelphia in the suburbs there. and for all of us to be aware of it, it takes time to count votes in pennsylvania because of how they process the votes and with a really tight race it could be we may not know for a while.
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so just everyone prepare for that in the coming days, kate. >> absolutely. and john fetterman's campaign putting that out. patience, patience, it will take a little while because of the way that the laws are written in pennsylvania. it is good to see you, thank you. so another state that could determine control of the senate, is georgia. democratic rafael warnock and herschel walker are on the campaign trail today. and unique to the state, a possible runoff hangs in the distance. more than 2.5 million georgians have already cast their ballots and in an early voting record. eve a mckend live in atlanta for us. what is the final pitch that you're hearing there? >> reporter: well central to senator warnock's argument for re-election is that ultimately he has a record of working with republicans if it benefits georgians. he spoke over the weekend in the home town of savannah and he recalled the legacy of the late
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senator johnny isaacson, a long time republican here. and he is sort of trying to fashion himself in the style of an isaacson. that sort of tells you all you need to know how he wants to be seen in this state and runs his campaign. he has argued that herschel walker is not fit to serve in the united states senate. for walker's part, he routinely called warnock a wolf in sheeps clothing saying that warnock is concerned with washington democrats and extending pr president biden's agenda and not every day georgians. take a listen as they've crisscrossed state. >> you should ask yourself if the person you're voting for has actually demonstrated any interest in the subject matter. and you could tell if you listen to them talk. and i think character matters. >> people are going to ask me why i'm running. i'm running because i'm sick and tired of this.
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and right any i want reverend warnock to let him know, don't let the door hit you -- it is time for you to go. >> so walker will appear in kenna saw tonight, not with governor brian kemp in a rematch contest with democrat stacy ab rhames. they'll hold separate events. meanwhile, senator warnock is going to be in columbus and macon today. kate. >> eva, thank you so much. joining me for for now on this is cnn chief political analyst floria borger and errol lewis. and gloria, there are more key races and every one matters when we talk about the control of the senate because they only need one. but what are your big thought and your big question on this final day of campaigning? >> well it is that people -- candidates are talking past each other and voters are dissatisfied on the one hand they have the sense, yeah,
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republicans may be threatening democracy, but on the other hand, democrats are elite and they don't understand any problems. and so they're not -- you know they're not particularly thrilled with other party and they're worried and i think there are a lot of voters who are trying to figure out do i split my ballot, do i vote one republican and one democrat, because i don't like the candidates. there is a cauldron here. >> and because georgia and pennsylvania are both examples of where ballot splitting could be a real factor. >> could be a real factor. because for example, in georgia, you have a very popular republican governor. and then you have herschel walker on the same ticket. so do people do straight tickets or is there a camp warnock situation going on where you vote for kemp for governor and same thing in pennsylvania as you point out. so it is -- you have mastreano. very unpopular and what does that do to oz. >> and you definitely see in
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those races as eva was just pointed out, you have brian kemp and herschel walker campaigning today but not together. >> i'm not sure i would want to campaign with herschel walker if i were brian kemp. because if your argument to the voters if is that your competent and you're a good manager and you could run the state, having herschel walker standing next to you undermines that all the way through. herschel walker himself is like a political science experiment come to life. will people vote on a party line for even for somebody who is clearly unfit and unqualified. it is a really interesting gkin of a situation. and in some polls he has a slight lead tells you there is a quite a lot of partisanship had a has nothing to do with the operation of government. when people are really upset, i had ann encounter at the gas pupm, i had to fill up and if
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you decide that the people in charge are responsible for my monetary discomfort this morning, then, yeah, they vote in the other direction and that is what it comes down to in georgia and other states as well. >> and gloria, i want to talk about the momentum shift. republicans are confident about their chances and taking one majority in the congress. i want to play two takes from two democrats. one an lekked democrat and another a democrat strategist. listen to this. >> we're bucking what are usual trends because folks know at the end of the day, do they want to go back to the sort of donald trump politics that divided our nation, i think that is a tough election season. it is a midterm election. but i still see a pathway for us to maintain control of the senate. >> with did not listen to voters in this election. and i think we're going to have a bad night because when voters tell you over and over and over again that they care mostly
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about the economy, listen to them. stop talking about democracy being at stake. >> there will be plenty as there always are postmortem. >> there are pre-mortems. >> what do you see in this. >> cory booker is trying to put the best spin on it. hillary rosen is being honest with what she sees going on out there. the question that i have is have democrats botched this so badly that they're going to lose women in the suburbs. even after the dobbs supreme court decision. are they going to lose black voters and a percentage of black and hispanic voters who are really concerned about crime. so, i think there is going to be a lot of going back on the couch here. trying to figure out if this does turn out to be badly for the democrats, how they missed it and how they kind of put all of their eggs in the basket on abortion and after the dobbs
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decision. and then didn't really focus on the economy. it is a difficult argument to make as cory booker said. it is like saying, oh, kokay, w got you in the ditch but we're going to get you out of the ditch. >> if reality is if the economy was heading this direction from administration's past as well. >> exactly. >> when you're in office, you take credit and you also are blamed. >> you know that old saying, when your explaining in politics, forget it. >> in the midst of all of this. there is an early signs of a battle between donald trump and florida governor ron desantis. they had dueling political rallies this weekend. new name calling setting in. the fact that they are going to be rivals come a republican primary for 2024 may not be surprising. but trump is starting this four days out of the midterm election with a republican governor.
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what now? >> yeah, well, donald trump doesn't wait for anybody else's schedule. donald trump does what is best for donald trump. when he chooses to do it. it is going to be a blood bath down there in florida. desantis has some momentum. a whole lot of money. and some popularity nationwide. if he does in fact decide to take on donald trump head on, it is going to be very, very ugly. and i don't see any way they could make an alliance. donald trump, whether he wants to be a candidate or a king maker waiting in the back and pulling the strings of the republican party does not look for allies. he doesn't look for partners. he looks for followers. he looks for people who come and basically kiss his butt as he himself has said. if ron desantis isn't ready to do that, then they'll having a real falling out. democrats should be praying for this since it will enable them to get the 2024 ducks in a row
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much more heasily, but all sign are pointing toward such an out come. >> it is great to see you. let's see what happens tomorrow. thank you so much. you could join cnn for our special election night coverage starting tomorrow at 4:00 p.m. eastern. i'll be in the commonwealth of pennsylvania bringing you all of the action from there. so after laying off half of the work force, now twitter is reportedly asking some employees to come back. that is next. i'll remember that chapter of my life forever. we laughed. we cried. we protected that progressive home & auto bundle day and night. we left our blood, sweat, and tears on thayard. i'm a coastal lodge.
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i might sound fancy but i'm pretty down to earth. no flashy lights or big city noise here. i'm looking for someone who enjoys the soothing sounds of the ocean and taking in the view. i may have a rocky exterior but i've got soft pillows and breakfast on the house. so, if you're looking for a warm place to stay, toss another log on the fire.
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the parent company of facebook and instagram is reportedly about to fire thousands of employees. according to the wall street journal, the company is
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preparing to notify staff of large scale layoffs this week, possibly as soon as wednesday. it would be the biggest reduction since the social med giant got it startt that is not is focusing on, instead weighing in on the midterm elections. what is elon musk doing here. >> reporter: he's recommending people vote republican tomorrow. that is what he's doing. just put out this tweet and he said to independent minded voters, shared power curbs the worst excesses of parties therefore i recommend voting for a republican in congress gyp that the presidency is democratic and the independent voters decide who is in charge. this is after another chaotic weekend at the social media giant. elon musk has been tweeting and setting policy. they delayed the through check mark project that he wants to
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roll out to pay dollars to get that blue check mark. he's permanently suspended kathy griffin who was impersonating him on the platform using her blue check mark and now we're getting word through reports, bloomberg is reporting they are trying to rehire some of the people that they laid off on friday in those mass layoffs. so another just chaotic week over at that company. >> a chaotic weekend and then it starts today and now meta may be joining with the reports that big layoffs could go on there. thank you so much. >> thank you so. so sites like twitter are the perfect platform for spreading conspiracy theories. the next 48 hours is going to bring a huge amount of traffic and that could mean a new big push to distract and scare people through the spread of misinformation and disinformation. here is doany o'sullivan on what to expect. >> a lot of uncertain as he head into election day tomorrow.
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but one thing is for sure, we're going to see a tidal wave of misinformation across social media. facebook and instagram and tiktok and twitter and your whatsapp groups so i think tomorrow of all days be mindful of what you see on social media, take a breath. what we have seen from covering these campaigns and election days, on social media, over the past few cycles, is that it is the same type of misinformation that goes viral on the election days and many times it is designed to tldeliberately misld and unundermine our confidence in the election process. i want to show you this example from a 2020. it is a shocking video of ballots cast for donald trump being burned. it was viewed millions of times on election week 2020. it was even shared by the then president's son eric trump. saying, look, this is proof of all of this fraud and in this election.
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it turned out to be totally bogus. you could read the fact check on multiple outlets who said it is bogus but that went viral. on election week. and it played into this narrative that the elections are totally fraudulent. so just be very mindful of what you see on social media platforms and especially over the next few days. kate. >> that is a good reminder. even past the new next few days. thank you. so an exclusive interview with keb mccarthy making big plans and big predictions for the election. you dry all day? we've put dove men dry spray to the test... >> i think in where over 20 is a red wave. it's a deodorant that really protects m my skin. it's comfortable and lasts a long time. dove men. . goes on dry. clean feel all day.
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matching your job description. visit i love san francisco, but i'm working overtime to stay here. now is not the time to raise taxes. i'm voting no on propositions m and o, because the cost of everything is going up. san francisco collects more tax revenue than nearly any city in america. but our streets are dirty and public safety is not getting better. i'm working hard to live within my budget. the city should too. join me in voting no on m and o. now is not the time to raise taxes in san francisco. vote no on m and o.
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a sign of growing confidence in the midterms, republicans are already making plans and making them public for where they're first targets will be if they win majority. cnn's melanie zanona sat down with the top republican in the house kevin mccarthy for an interview about his plans and his tarngts and hopes of becoming the next speaker of the house. a powerful position that as you remember has evaded him before.
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melanie is in texas with more. what is mccarthy saying now? >> reporter: well, i pressed mccarthy on what are his plans for addressing the issues that have become so central in republican's pitch to voters. and he said they're going to try to tackle inflation and crime and border and providing for brants to police officers and reinstituting the remain in mexico policy and making america nor energy independent. but most of the bills are going to be messaging endeavors because they could not over come the president's veto or the 60 vote threshold. and he will have to deal with raising the nation's borrowing limit. he told me that republicans are going to demand spending cuts in exchange for lifting the debt ceiling. risking a very potential disastrous fiscal showdown. take a listen. >> the view that i give a person a higher limit, wouldn't you first say you should change your behavior so you don't keep
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raising it all of the time. i think we need to look at where the waste and fraud and abuse. washington has so much wasteful spunding and we could curb that from day one. we can't say i'm going to let you keep spending money. no household could do that. >> they did raise the debt ceiling under trump. >> mm-hmm, and when the democrats took over spent $10 trillion that got us into this problem. got us inflation. hit another debt ceiling. do you want to continue that same pattern? >> reporter: now the other issue mccarthy is going to have to confront is whether to launch impeachment proceedings in joe biden. his right is pressuring him to do but so far they say they will pu pursue investigations just leaving the door open a crack to impeachment. >> mccarthy is hoping for big gains in the midterms but what kind of projection is he actually making here?
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>> well, i asked him that very question and he said he's not going to name any numbers for seats but he did say they will win enough to get the majority. they eenl need to net five seats and he's confident he'll have the votes to become speaker and he will have the support of hardliner and former president donald trump. kate. >> great to see you. great work. joining me now is former trump campaign adviser david urban and ed rendell. so mccarthy, as you see throughout the interview, mccarthy is going to have to put more meat on the bones when it comes to what they want to do and how they want to pull it off when you talk about the targets. but what do you think of his confidence and what do you think of his targets when he's talking about republicans if they win the majority they're going after. >> so look, governing is really tough. campaigns is tough. governor rendell will tell you that. i think realistically they're
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looking in the 20, 25 for pickups and the higher he has to govern and legislation. i love seeing kevin mccarthy on cnn making his case to cnn that this is how we're going to govern and love seeing him out there and melanie getting that. but if the number gets bigger, he'll have more flexibility and if it is smaller he'll have less flexibility. so it is tough. >> and governor, what is washington going to look like come january given the who i'll call them most likely scenes. the republican win the majority in both chambers? >> well that will only have an effect on one area and that is the confirmation of judges. if the democrats continue to hold the senate, they will be able to confirm many of the judges that they the president appoints. the house has no role in that. but other than that, any other
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policy has to go through both houses. and so it's -- that is almost the same as having a divided government because the republicans will be able to stop anything that the president wants to do that requires legislative approval. even if they just take that. >> yeah, absolutely. and pennsylvania, so the pennsylvania senate race is the most expensive race in the country right now. it is also the race and state that is getting understandably the most attention i would say. and you two know the commonwealth better than most. so david, what do you think is going to be the deciding factor if you -- is there one thing that you think is a deciding factor on what could tip the scales? is it an issue, a final message or the mood of voters or the economy in pennsylvania. what do you think could tip the scales. >> i think it is all of the above. >> good eanswer, david.
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>> yes. ed rendell, knows more about politics in pennsylvania than i've forgot. but unfortunately his team this time is on the wrong side of the field. the pennsylvania voters and voters across country were saying it is the economy. it is crime. and yet democratic politics and the dnc and the president, they didn't hear that. we're messaging on abortion all summer and democracy is on the ballot and that is not what voters are buying. their buying crime and inflation and the economy and kitchen table issues. democrats didn't message that correctly. >> governor are you optimistic or pessimistic about what it will mean for democrats in the commonwealth. >> i'm fairly optimistic because we have a great candidate for governor. the republicans have probably the worst candidate for governor in any state in the union. he'll drag down in and a close race like that could be determinative. but i want to say about the republican campaign strategy, they criticize the democrats, criticize the democrats for
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being weak on crime. but they don't say how they would do any differently. and in fact, let the record show that the entire democratic caucus in the house and senate voted to cut spending to police that was in the budget last year. secondly, almost no republican voted to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. almost every democrat did. and we're talking about the increase in homicides fueled by the availability of guns. so who is weak on crime. would you suggest it the republicans. >> the governor is right but late on the messaging. agree. but they should have been out there early on and selling that and talking about it, not the day before the election. it is a little late. you would have done a much better job if you were still running the dnc. >> governor rendell, it is good to see you as always. >> good to see you. >> thank you very much. commonwealth of pennsylvania. we will see. along with everyone else when the votes start coming in. and again, another warning in
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pennsylvania because of the rules, it could be a minute. so there is this, a blistering report from the united amortizations as world leaders gather with a goal of landing on a unified response to climate change. what former vice president al gore is now saying needs to happen before it is too late. introducing the nenew sleep number climate360 smart bed. the only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms and effortlessly responds to bh of you. our smart sleepers get 28 minutes morrestful sleep per night. proven quality sleep. only from eep number.
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so it seems the atlantic hurricane season is not going to end quietly. a now storm in the atlantic is expected to become a hurricane whether it makes landfall in florida this week. hurricane watch is now in effect because of subtropical storm nicole. jennifer bray is tracking if for us. what does it tell you. >> this could become a donald trump -- a tropical storm and a hurricane, and it could become a hurricane while it is over the bahamass. right now winds of 45 miles per hour and gusts of 60, it is a very disorganized system but it is broad. tropical storm force winds extend 275 miles from the center and a lot on the eastern side but it will become more symmetrical. so here are the latest watches
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and warnings in the last couple of hours. we have hurricane watch as long the coast of the florida and the bahamas and the tropical storm watches in effect. this is latest forecast track and you could see becoming a category one storm wednesday evening and then making landfall wednesday night into thursday morning. this storm crosses the state and then heads back to the east. so this is one that is going to be talking about for several days. and it's bringing torrential rain across the southeast coast and the gust we winds and potential storm surge. we have above average see surface temperatures across the atlantic and the gulf of mexico. that is going to fuel the storm. we have the potential for three to five feet of storm surge, kate. not only for the bahamas but across much of the florida coast line. so we'll be nailing down the forecast specifics in the know. couple of days. >> the one model shows it could impact the entire state of
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florida. thank you for tracking it. so let's go to egypt. the u.n. secretary general is declaring the world is losing fight against climate change as catastrophic results that we're already seeing. delegates are gathering for the cop 27 climate conference. the u.n. chief is not the only one offering a bleak assessment of progress on this issue. david mckenzie is in egypt at this hour. what are huhheriearing from the leaders gathering there. >> what we're hearing from leaders and those pushing for change is action, action, action. and a lot people telling me talk is not enough. there needs to be a change and it needs to come fast. if you look at emissions targets, we are blowing past what we need to do in terms of keeping the temperatures to a liveable level. the world needs to cut emissions by 45% to get to the paris agreement target that would mitigate some of the worst impacts of the climate change.
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earlier, vice president al gore gave a impassioned speech, said there was a trust deficit between the global population and the leaders who are trying to make this happen. >> we have a credibility problem. all of us. we're talking. and we're starting to act. but we're not doing enough. it is a choice to continue this pattern of destructive behavior. we have other choices. >> reporter: one of the biggest areas of contention, i think, kate, is the discussion between developing countries and countries like the u.s. and regions like europe. developing countries say that they are getting the worst impacts of climate change and they don't have the finances to deal with those impacts. you have seen the terrible droughts in the horn of africa and east africa and the flooding in pakistan this year.
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unlike with hurricane ian, with billion dollars of used, as i hear the planes coming into the conference, millions of dollars used by the u.s. government to help people get past these catastrophes an the poorer countries don't have that money and they need it from the rich ones. kate. >> david, thank you so much for that. so the new study out suggesting all of those or at least many of the supplements improving your heart health. they may not be doing that at all. details next. just a few nigights of fun. i'm looking for someone who will let loose,, dress up a little, see a show, order the steak, and the lobster. some people say i'm excessive, but who cares. i just want to enjoy some late nights. and some very late checkouts. think you can keep up?
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developing story out of
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iowa. police are searching for an 18-year-old woman who was convicted of killing her alleged rapist. piper lewis escaped custody on friday after cutting off her tracking device. adrienne proudous is following this search. what is the latest here. >> reporter: kate, good afternoon. authorities still don't have a location for that teen who was on probation. she pled guilty, keep in mind, to killing the man she said raped her over and over. she was 15 when that happened. let's bring you up to speed for those of you who have not followed this story. right now the department of corrections in that district is and the original sentence imposed. she received what's called a deferred judgment from the polk county district judge, david porter, after she pled guilty to voluntary manslaughter and willful injury. initially the teen was charged
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with first-degree murder. you may remember this is a story that captured the attention of people across the country when that teen was ordered to pay her alleged rapist's family $150,000 in restitution fees. it's part of iowa's law. whenever someone is convicted of killing someone, these fines are imposed no matter the circumstance. but according to a spokesperson with the department of corrections in that district, this 18-year-old cut her ankle monitor friday morning and walked away from the facility where she was being held. now there's a warrant out for her arrest. kate? >> thank you very much for that. we'll continue to follow those developments. there's also this -- if you take dietary supplements to lower your cholesterol, a new study suggests they may be a waste of your money. and they may also have no impact on actual heart health. elizabeth cohen has been looking into this and joining us now.
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what exactly did you find in the study? >> reporter: kate, this is really interesting. they put statins versus supplements to the test to see which did d bbetter and threw i placebo, followed people for four weeks, look at what hay did. there was 190 participants, not a huge study but not terrible. they divided them, some of them took a statin for four weeks, some were given a placebo, which is a sugar pill that does nothing, some took fish oil, and you can see the whole list here. they were divided up. at the end of those four weeks, only the statin group saw a decrease in cholesterol. now a couple of sort of take-home messages from this. one, if you have high cholesterol and your doctor wants you on a statin, i wouldn't go monkeying around with that. high cholesterol can be very dangerous. statins are tried and true and safe drugs. you probably shouldn't say, no, i want to take whatever, this vitamin or this whatever, statins really have been shown to work.
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another take-home message here is that actually supplements have been shown sometimes to work for other things. there was a story we did a few months ago about a study that showed that multivitamin might be good for cognitive function, for elderly people. now the supplement industry has chimed in on this story. they say dietary supplements are not quick fixes and effects may not be revealed during a study that only spans four weeks. again, remember statins do lower cholesterol, don't be disappointed by the study. sometimes supplements can be good for other things. kate? >> great point. thank you so much for that. so even before election day there will be another result maybe tonight that a lot of people will be watching for. that is powerball. the jackpot now historic. now at a record-breaking $1.9 billion making it the largest lotto prize ever offered. the odds -- they're the same every time regardless of the jackpot, one in 292 million. so let that one sink in on you.
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a lump sum payment which is one of the options, of course, of this jackpot would be something over $929 million. there's just a lot of dollars going on here and not a lot of chance to win it. the drawing tonight is at 10:59 eastern. so in entertainment news, a familiar face is returning to host the biggest night in hollywood. abc announced this morning that jimmy kimmel will host next year's academy awards. kimmel is no stranger to the oscars, of course. he has already hosted the show two times previously. you may remember the ceremony has gone without a host in recent years. the oscars will take place on sunday, march 12th. finally, a touchdown dance to end all touchdown dances. the minnesota vikings continued their winning streak yesterday defeating the washington commanders in a comeback win 20-17. who cares? all that matters is not the highlight of the game is not the fourth quarter interception that set up the win, it's that -- instead, the vikings'
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celebration that followed. a bowling party allowing vikings' safety to roll a strike. you know, with a week like we have ahead of us, you might as well have some fun to get it started. thank you so much for watching. "inside politics with john king" starts after this break. think about the best night's sleep you've ever had. at tempur-pedic, we're dedicated to helping you sleep like that. with solutions that help relieve pressure, aches and pains, keep you cool, even automatically respond to snoring. fofor deep, undisturbed rest. we all have a purpose in life - a “why.” no matter your purpose, at pnc private bank we will workith you every step of the way to help yoachieve it. so let us focus on the how. just tell us - what's your why?
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hello, and welcome to "inside politics," i'm john king in washington. thank you for sharing your day with us, and welcome to election week. tomorrow we color in the midterm mapment control of congress is at stake. plus, critical races for governor and more. today, the final appeals. >> kitchen table issues everyone in pennsylvania's worried about. >> dr. oz, you know of his immense wealth with ten gigantic mansions, has never like personally experienced that. >> right now i want reverend warnock to know don't let the door hit you in the backside as you walk out of office. that's what you got to do. it's time for you to go. >> truth and facts and


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