Sir Thomas Dale | British colonial governor | Britannica

Sir Thomas Dale

British colonial governor

Learn about this topic in these articles:

association with Pocahontas

  • Pocahontas
    In Pocahontas

    …settler; both the Virginia governor, Sir Thomas Dale, and Chief Powhatan agreed to the marriage, which took place in April 1614. Following the marriage, peace prevailed between the English and the Native Americans as long as Chief Powhatan lived. According to Powhatan tradition and the account of one colonist, Pocahontas…

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history of Virginia

  • United States of America
    In United States: Virginia

    …time, with the arrival of Sir Thomas Dale in the colony as governor in 1611, the settlers gradually began to practice the discipline necessary for their survival, though at an enormous personal cost.

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  • English colonies in 17th-century North America
    In American colonies: How colonization took place

    An able soldier, Sir Thomas Dale, went to Virginia in 1611 with three ships, 300 colonists, and some livestock, and for five years exercised statesmanlike control. During these years the colony took up the cultivation of tobacco with great profit.

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role in Puritanism

  • Martin Luther's excommunication
    In Protestantism: Virginia

    …held by the Virginia settler Sir Thomas Dale. His strict application of laws disciplining the colony probably saved Jamestown from extinction in 1611, but he also earned a reputation as a tyrant. Dale thought of himself as a labourer in the vineyard of the Lord, as a member of Israel…

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