

九一八事变,指1931年9月18日在中国东北爆发的一次军事冲突和政治事件。这次事件爆发后的几年时间内,东北三省全部被日本关东军占领,因此被中国民众视为国耻,直至今日,9月18日在中国许多非正式场合都被称为“国耻日”。历史不能忘记,中华民族的苦难史应该被我们每个国人所铭记。今天Mr. Su为大家带来关于九一八事变的相关英语表达。



In the evening of September 18, 1931, the Japanese invasion army--Kantogun (Kwantung Army) voluntarily blew up a section of the South Manchuria Railway which was near Liutiao Lake on the suburb of Shenyang, but they accused Chinese troops of destroying the railway. On this pretext, they attacked Beidaying and Shenyang City where the Chinese troops were stationed. Soon afterwards, they occupied more than 20 cities and vast surrounding areas within only several days. That was the “September 18 Incident” that shocked China and the whole world at that time.


In the evening of September 18, 1931, the Japanese troops mounted a large-scale offensive against Shenyang on the pretext of the “Liutiao Lake Incident”. At that time, the Kuomintang Government was concentrating troops on the anti-communist and anti-people civil war, adopted a policy of quislism towards the Japanese invaders, order troops stationed in Northeast China “not to resist absolutely” and withdraw to the inside of the Shanhai Pass. The Japanese invaders took advantage of this weak point, occupied Shenyang on September 9 and then divided troops to respectively occupy Jilin and Heilongjiang. By January 1932, the three provinces in Northeast China all fell into the enemy hands. In March 1932, under the aegis of the Japanese Imperialism, the puppet regime—the puppet “State of Manchukuo” was founded in Changchun. From then on, The Japanese Imperialists had changed Northeast China into Japan's exclusive colony, fully strengthening political oppressions, economic plunders and cultural enslavements. Our 30 million compatriots in Northeast China were plunged into an abyss of misery and suffering.


The “September 18 Incident” aroused people's angry tide of resistance against Japan all over China. People all over the country successively demanded resistances against Japan and opposed the Kuomintang Government's non-resistance policy. The people in Northeast China were roused to resist and launched anti-Japanese guerilla warfare. Various armed anti-Japanese forces including the Northeast Volunteers appeared. In February 1936, all anti-Japanese troops were uniformly reorganized as the Anti-Japanese Amalgamated Army of the Northeast. After the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937, the Amalgamated Army united vast majority of masses to further lunch protracted comprehensive armed anti-Japanese struggles, effectively coordinating the nationwide War of Resistance against Japan led by the Communist Party of China, and finally gained the victory over Japan.

九一八事变September 18th Incident
七七事变(卢沟桥事变)July 7th Incident (Lugou Bridge Incident)
淞沪会战Battle of Shanghai
平型关大捷Battle of Pingxingguan; victory at Pingxingguan
台儿庄大捷Battle of Tai’erzhuang; victory at Tai’erzhuang
百团大战Hundred-Regiment Campaign
八路军Eighth Route Army
新四军New Fourth Army
东北抗日联军Northeast United Resistance Army
中国远征军Chinese Expeditionary Force
持久战protracted war
游击战guerrilla warfare
运动战mobile warfare
地道战tunnel warfare
地雷战landmine warfare
抗日根据地resistance base
解放区liberated area
游击区guerrilla area
南京大屠杀Nanjing Massacre






编辑于 2020-09-18 · 著作权归作者所有
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