Filmclub on Friday: "The Boy Who Wants to Live" (germ. w/o subtitles) - Interkulturanstalten Westend e.V. Springe zum Inhalt

Filmclub on Friday: "The Boy Who Wants to Live" (germ. w/o subtitles)

Datum - 06.04.2018
19:00 - 21:00 Uhr

Filmclub on Friday
April 6, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
„The Boy Who Wants to Live“ directed by Feo Aladag
(German without subtitles)
Feo Aladag directed „The Boy Who Wants to Live“ in 2016 for ZDF. „The Boy“ is Nama, an unaccompanied minor from Mali (played by Nama Traore, whose experiences as a refugee influenced the film). 75-year-old Willi (Jesper Christensen), who himself fled Germany in WWII, catches Nama robbing a church and recognizes something of himself in the lonely young man. Willi brings Nama into the home of his son Stefan (Milan Peschel), who has had many differing encounters with refugees, and moves in as well. In their shared flat, conflicts between the three men play out, but a bond slowly forms…
„The Boy Who Wants to Live“ shows that living together is not a painless process, but it never loses hope. And there is an extra delight for our viewers, because we will be sitting in the Ulme35, where parts of the film were shot.
After the film we will talk to the director Feo Aladag, who, as a resident of Westend, is our neighbor!