30 Facts about the movie The Harvey Girls - Facts.net
Elwira Willingham

Written by Elwira Willingham

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Plex.tv

The Harvey Girls is a classic movie that has stood the test of time, captivating audiences with its delightful storyline and memorable characters. Set in the old western era, this film tells the tale of a group of young women who embark on a journey to work as waitresses at the Harvey House restaurant along the Santa Fe railway line. Released in 1946, The Harvey Girls stars the legendary Judy Garland and features an ensemble cast that brings the charming town of Sandrock to life. With its catchy musical numbers, dazzling dance sequences, and heartwarming moments, The Harvey Girls became an instant hit and remains a beloved favorite among both old and new generations of movie buffs. In this article, we will explore 30 fascinating facts about this beloved movie, shedding light on the behind-the-scenes stories and trivia that make The Harvey Girls an enduring cinematic gem.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Harvey Girls” is a beloved 1946 musical film starring Judy Garland, showcasing the challenges and camaraderie of the Harvey Girls in the Wild West, and featuring captivating musical numbers and stunning Technicolor cinematography.
  • The movie won an Academy Award for Best Original Song and remains a timeless classic, blending romance, music, and comedy while shedding light on the cultural clash between the East and the West in the Old West era.
Table of Contents

The Harvey Girls was released in 1946.

The Harvey Girls is a beloved musical film from the 1940s that captured the hearts of audiences around the world.

It stars Judy Garland in the lead role.

Judy Garland, a legendary actress and singer, takes on the role of Susan Bradley, one of the Harvey Girls, in this captivating film.

The movie is based on a novel by Samuel Hopkins Adams.

The Harvey Girls is adapted from Adams’ novel of the same name, which tells the story of young women joining the famous Harvey House restaurants in the Wild West.

It showcases the renowned Fred Harvey restaurant chain.

The Fred Harvey restaurant chain was known for its top-notch service and excellent food. The movie provides a glimpse into the fascinating world of these iconic establishments.

Angela Lansbury also stars in the film.

Apart from Judy Garland, the movie features the talented Angela Lansbury playing the role of Em, one of the Harvey Girls.

The film was a critical and commercial success.

The Harvey Girls was well-received by both critics and audiences, becoming a box office hit and receiving positive reviews for its delightful storyline and performances.

The movie won an Academy Award for Best Original Song.

The iconic song “On the Atchison, Topeka, and the Santa Fe,” written by Harry Warren and Johnny Mercer, won the Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1946.

The Harvey Girls features stunning Technicolor cinematography.

Technicolor was used to its fullest effect in the film, showcasing vivid colors and capturing the beauty of the Wild West setting.

It explores themes of female empowerment and independence.

The Harvey Girls portrays strong and independent women who forge their own path in a time when societal norms were highly restrictive for women.

The movie includes memorable musical numbers.

The Harvey Girls is renowned for its catchy musical numbers, featuring captivating performances by Judy Garland and the ensemble cast.

It was directed by George Sidney.

George Sidney, a talented director known for his work in musical films, helmed The Harvey Girls, bringing his unique vision to the screen.

The movie showcases the challenges faced by the Harvey Girls.

The film highlights the trials and tribulations that the Harvey Girls encountered while trying to bring a touch of civilization to the Wild West.

It features a romantic subplot.

The Harvey Girls weaves in a captivating romance between Judy Garland’s character, Susan, and the dashing leading man, played by John Hodiak.

The film’s costumes were designed by Irene Lentz.

Irene Lentz, a highly regarded costume designer, created stunning outfits that perfectly captured the fashion of the era and added to the visual splendor of the film.

It has remained a beloved classic over the years.

The Harvey Girls has stood the test of time, gaining a cult following and earning its place as an enduring favorite among movie enthusiasts.

The movie showcases the talents of esteemed choreographer Robert Alton.

Robert Alton choreographed the dance sequences in the film, his creative flair adding an extra layer of magic to the musical numbers.

The Harvey Girls takes viewers on a journey through the Old West.

The film beautifully captures the essence of the Old West, transporting audiences back in time to experience the charm and allure of this era.

It features a stellar supporting cast.

In addition to the lead actors, The Harvey Girls boasts a talented ensemble cast, including Marjorie Main, Chill Wills, and Cyd Charisse.

The movie’s soundtrack became a best-selling album.

The songs from The Harvey Girls were extremely popular, leading to a successful soundtrack album that topped the charts and continues to be cherished by fans.

The Harvey Girls showcases the challenges of life in the Wild West.

The film depicts the hardships faced by pioneers in the Wild West, as well as the resilience and determination of those who yearned for a better life.

It demonstrates the impact of the Harvey House restaurants on American history.

The movie sheds light on the influence and significance of the Harvey House restaurants in shaping the culinary culture of the United States.

The film’s screenplay was written by Edmund Beloin and Nathaniel Curtis.

Beloin and Curtis crafted a captivating script that blended elements of romance, comedy, and adventure to create an engaging cinematic experience.

The Harvey Girls was praised for its energetic and lively dance sequences.

The dance numbers in the film are known for their vibrancy and precision, adding a dynamic element to the storytelling.

It showcases the camaraderie among the Harvey Girls.

The film portrays the bonds of friendship and support that develop among the Harvey Girls as they embark on their exciting and challenging journey.

The movie highlights the cultural clash between the East and the West.

The Harvey Girls explores the clash of cultures that occurred as the Harvey House restaurants brought a touch of Eastern refinement to the rugged Western frontier.

It was filmed on location in New Mexico.

The movie was shot in the stunning landscapes of New Mexico, further adding to its visual grandeur and authenticity.

The Harvey Girls features intricate and elaborate production design.

The sets and production design of the film are meticulously detailed, capturing the essence of the time period and creating a visually captivating experience.

It is a delightful blend of romance, music, and comedy.

The Harvey Girls successfully combines these three genres, creating a charming and entertaining film that appeals to a wide range of audiences.

The movie draws inspiration from the real-life Fred Harvey Girls.

The Harvey Girls were a group of young women who played an instrumental role in the success of the Fred Harvey restaurant chain, and their stories inspired this classic film.

The Harvey Girls was a collaboration between MGM and the Fred Harvey Company.

MGM, a renowned Hollywood studio, joined forces with the Fred Harvey Company to bring this captivating story to the silver screen.


In conclusion, The Harvey Girls is a classic movie that has left a lasting impact on the world of cinema. Its memorable characters, catchy songs, and engaging storyline have captured the hearts of audiences for decades. From its historical significance to its Hollywood glamour, there are numerous fascinating facts about The Harvey Girls that add to its legacy. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or just discovering this gem of a movie, exploring these 30 facts will deepen your appreciation for this beloved film.


Q: Who directed The Harvey Girls?

A: The Harvey Girls was directed by George Sidney.

Q: When was The Harvey Girls released?

A: The movie was released on January 18, 1946.

Q: Is The Harvey Girls based on a true story?

A: No, the movie is not based on a true story. It is a fictional musical comedy set in the Old West.

Q: Who were the main actors in The Harvey Girls?

A: The main cast included Judy Garland, John Hodiak, and Angela Lansbury.

Q: What is the plot of The Harvey Girls?

A: The movie follows a group of waitresses who work at Harvey House restaurants along the railroad in the 1800s. They face challenges, romance, and an ongoing rivalry with another group of women.

Q: Did The Harvey Girls receive any awards?

A: Yes, the movie won an Academy Award for Best Original Song for “On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe”.

Q: Are there any memorable songs in The Harvey Girls?

A: Yes, some of the well-known songs from the movie include “On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe” and “The Wild, Wild West”.

Q: Does The Harvey Girls still have a following today?

A: Absolutely! The Harvey Girls has become a cult classic, loved by fans of musicals and classic Hollywood cinema.

Q: Where can I watch The Harvey Girls?

A: The movie is available on various streaming platforms and can also be purchased on DVD or Blu-ray.

Q: Are there any other movies similar to The Harvey Girls?

A: Some movies that share a similar theme or setting with The Harvey Girls include Oklahoma! and Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.

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