Focus Online - A Brand of Hubert Burda Media

Focus Online

Focus Online is the undisputed number one among Germany's digital quality media with 27.9 million unique users per month. The news portal provides up-to-the-minute news and solution-oriented service information around the clock, not only on the Focus Online website, but also via apps for tablets, smartphones, and all relevant social media channels. Focus Online is a BurdaForward brand and one of Germany's leading digital publishers. The company publishes and markets a wide range of well-known journalistic websites and apps. In addition to Focus Online, these include Chip and Chip Online, HuffPost Deutschland, Finanzen100, NetMoms and The Weather Channel.


Florian Festl, editor-in-chief Focus Online

Division BurdaForward
Managing directors Dr. Tanja zu Waldeck (Chair), Philipp Brunner, Thomas Koelzer, Daniel Steil
Editor-in-chief Florian Festl
Reach 28.59 Mio. UUs (agma/daily digital facts 2023-03)