The Meaning Behind The Song: Meditation by Frank Sinatra - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Meditation by Frank Sinatra

The Meaning Behind The Song: Meditation by Frank Sinatra

Frank Sinatra, known as one of the greatest singers of all time, had a knack for capturing the hearts of his audience with his soulful renditions. One such song that showcases his incredible talent and emotional depth is “Meditation.” Released in 1967, this masterpiece instantly resonated with listeners, leaving them captivated by its profound meaning. In this article, we will delve into the captivating journey of this song, exploring its lyrical genius and the powerful emotions it evokes.

The Melodic Journey of Meditation

The enchanting melody of “Meditation” wraps itself around you like a warm embrace, effortlessly transporting you to a world of tranquility and introspection. Sinatra’s velvety voice glides smoothly over the lush orchestration, creating a mesmerizing symphony of emotions. As the listener immerses themselves in the hypnotic waves of sound, they become enveloped in a state of calmness and contemplation.

Behind this sublime melody lies an incredibly meaningful story. “Meditation” was originally composed by Antonio Carlos Jobim, a Brazilian legend who played a pivotal role in popularizing bossa nova. This musical genre was characterized by its delicate harmonies, gentle rhythms, and poetic lyrics. Sinatra, with his timeless interpretations, further elevated the beauty of bossa nova, and “Meditation” became one of his most emblematic songs within this genre.

The Lyrical Poetry of Meditation

The lyrics of “Meditation” paint a vivid picture of a serene voyage within oneself. The poetic phrases, delicately weaved together, evoke a sense of introspection and contemplation of life’s deeper meaning. Sinatra’s soulful delivery breathes life into every word, making the song feel deeply personal and relatable.

The opening lines of the song set the tone for this introspective journey: “In my loneliness when you’re gone and I’m all by myself / And I need your caress, I just think of you, and the thought of you holding me near / Makes my loneliness soon disappear.” These words speak to the longing and desire for connection, conveying the idea that even in solitude, the memory of a loved one can bring solace.

Throughout the song, the lyrics continue to unravel the essence of meditation, not as a mere act of sitting in silence but as a profound experience of self-discovery. Lines such as “You are mine, I’m yours for ever and a day” and “In a world of gods and men, you are all I need to sustain me” showcase the enduring bond between two souls, as well as the transformative power of love and companionship.


1. What inspired Frank Sinatra to record “Meditation”?

Frank Sinatra was enamored with the beauty and cultural significance of bossa nova. He was deeply inspired by Antonio Carlos Jobim’s compositions and wanted to bring this unique genre to a broader audience. “Meditation” was a natural choice for Sinatra as its melodious charm and enchanting lyrics resonated deeply with his own artistic sensibilities.

2. Was “Meditation” a popular hit when it was released?

Upon its release in 1967, “Meditation” garnered widespread acclaim and quickly became a fan favorite. It reached various Billboard charts, including the Adult Contemporary chart, where it peaked at number 8. Sinatra’s rendition, infused with his distinctive style, further propelled the popularity of the song.

3. What makes “Meditation” so appealing to listeners?

“Meditation” possesses an inherent simplicity and sincerity that captivates listeners. The blend of Jobim’s enchanting composition and Sinatra’s heartfelt delivery strikes a chord with individuals seeking moments of tranquility and introspection. The song’s timeless appeal lies in its ability to evoke a range of emotions while inviting listeners to embark on a personal journey.

4. How does “Meditation” inspire a sense of serenity?

The calming melody and the introspective lyrics of “Meditation” work harmoniously to create a serene ambiance. The gentle rhythm, Sinatra’s soothing vocals, and the poetic nature of the lyrics collectively transport listeners to a place of tranquility and peace, making it an ideal song for meditation or simply unwinding after a long day.

5. What is the significance of bossa nova in “Meditation”?

Bossa nova, a genre that originated in Brazil, revolutionized the world of music with its fusion of samba and jazz elements. In “Meditation,” bossa nova plays a pivotal role in creating the distinct ambiance of the song. The soothing guitar strums, intricate harmonies, and the genre’s signature rhythm enhance the lyrical beauty and add depth to Sinatra’s interpretation.

6. Can “Meditation” be considered a love song?

While “Meditation” does explore themes of love and companionship, its essence extends beyond the conventional love song. The lyrics delve into a deeper introspection of one’s connection with oneself and the transformative power of love. It beautifully captures the essence of meditation as a journey of self-discovery and finding solace in one’s memories.

7. What impact did Sinatra’s rendition have on the popularity of “Meditation”?

Frank Sinatra’s interpretation of “Meditation” undoubtedly contributed to the song’s popularity, allowing it to reach a wider audience. As one of the most influential and revered musicians of his time, Sinatra’s resonating voice breathed new life into the song, capturing the hearts of fans and adding a touch of his inimitable style.

8. How does “Meditation” capture the spirit of the 1960s?

“Meditation” encapsulates the essence of the 1960s with its fusion of bossa nova and Sinatra’s own artistic interpretation. The ’60s marked a period of cultural exploration and a shift in musical styles. Sinatra’s inclusion of bossa nova in his repertoire was emblematic of this movement, as he embraced diverse genres and paved the way for a new era of musical expression.

9. What emotions does “Meditation” evoke in listeners?

“Meditation” has the power to evoke a myriad of emotions within listeners. While the song’s calming melody and serene atmosphere inspire feelings of tranquility and peace, Sinatra’s poignant delivery adds a layer of emotional depth. Listeners may find themselves experiencing a range of emotions, including nostalgia, longing, and even a sense of spiritual connectedness.

10. Can “Meditation” be interpreted differently by different people?

Yes, “Meditation” allows for personal interpretation, and its meaning may vary from person to person. The song’s lyrical poetry and introspective nature provide listeners with the freedom to find their own connection and understanding. It is this open-ended quality that makes the song universally relatable and a timeless masterpiece.

11. Has “Meditation” been covered by other artists?

Yes, “Meditation” has been covered by numerous artists over the years. Its enduring appeal has inspired singers from various musical backgrounds to interpret the song in their own unique style. Each rendition adds a fresh perspective to the lyrics and further highlights the song’s universality.

12. Why is “Meditation” still relevant today?

The timeless beauty of “Meditation” lies in its ability to transcend eras and resonate with listeners across generations. The song’s message of introspection, love, and finding solace in memories is one that remains relevant in our fast-paced and chaotic world. As long as individuals seek meaning, tranquility, and emotional connection, “Meditation” will continue to hold a special place in the hearts of music lovers.

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