Only one surprise current Liverpool man named in combined '81 & '24 XI

(Video) Not Salah or Van Dijk; one surprise current Liverpool player named in combined 1981 and 2024 XI

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Liverpool have a rich history of amazing players, with many modern fans thinking there aren’t many better than the current crop – although this may not be the case.

Speaking on The Football Historian Podcast, Howard Gayle was tasked with naming a combined XI from Jurgen Klopp’s current squad and the team that he played in during the 1981 European Cup semi final against Bayern Munich.

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The 65-year-old’s selection in full was: ‘Clemence, Neal, Hansen, Irwin, Money, Lee, McDermott, Souness, Kennedy, Johnson, Nunez’.

To see Darwin Nunez in the side may surprise some, especially as the likes of Virigl van Dijk and Mo Salah missed out, but it perhaps shows the humility of the ex-player who didn’t put himself in the side.

You can watch Gayle’s selection of Nunez in the Liverpool combined XI via The Football Historian Podcast on YouTube:

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