NPG D31002; Charlotte Lee (née Fitzroy), Countess of Lichfield - Portrait - National Portrait Gallery

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Charlotte Lee (née Fitzroy), Countess of Lichfield

© National Portrait Gallery, London

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Charlotte Lee (née Fitzroy), Countess of Lichfield

by Peter Vanderbank (Vandrebanc), after Simon Verelst
line engraving, late 17th century
14 5/8 in. x 10 3/4 in. (372 mm x 273 mm) plate size
Given by the daughter of compiler William Fleming MD, Mary Elizabeth Stopford (née Fleming), 1931
Reference Collection
NPG D31002

Sitterback to top

Artistsback to top

  • Peter Vanderbank (Vandrebanc) (1649-1697), Engraver. Artist or producer associated with 76 portraits, Sitter in 2 portraits.
  • Simon Verelst (1644-circa 1710), Artist. Artist or producer associated with 7 portraits.

Related worksback to top

  • NPG D10657: Charlotte Lee (née Fitzroy), Countess of Lichfield (from same plate)

Events of 1670back to top

Current affairs

Charles II mistress, Barbara Villiers, is created Duchess of Cleveland and granted Nonsuch Palace including its sizeable grounds.
Actress and royal mistress, Nell Gwyn, gives birth to Charles II's son, Charles, who would later become, Duke of St. Albans.

Art and science

Tragicomedy, The Forc'd Marriage, by Aphra Behn, staged by the Duke's Company, starts Behn's career as a professional writer. The writer may have been a royalist spy towards the end of the interregnum.
Poet laureate, John Dryden, is made historiographer royal, a post he would hold for nearly 20 years.


Terms of a secret treaty between Charles II and Louis XIV are brought by Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans during a visit to Dover; upon England supplying the majority of military power for a war against Holland and Charles's official conversion to Catholicism, France would assist financially.

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