Daughter's Igor Haefeli: "To build a pop song is very, very hard."
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Daughter's Igor Haefeli: "To build a pop song is very, very hard."

Daughter’s Igor Haefeli on Simplicity, Soundtracks, & Stereo Mind Game

In a new conversation, Igor Haefeli of Daughter joins Kyle Meredith to dive into the band's new album, Stereo Mind Game, their first release since 2016. The guitarist and producer take us on the journey behind the creation of the LP, revealing the discarded music and artistic evolution that ultimately shaped its sound.

Haefeli draws a connection between the album and the video game soundtrack to Before The Storm, highlighting the thematic threads that tie these projects together. He also opens up about finding inspiration from Johnny Greenwood's remarkable Phantom Thread soundtrack, which has left a lasting impact on his musical exploration.

Throughout the interview, Haefeli discusses the struggles with simplicity in their songwriting process, revealing how voice messages served as a unique foundation for crafting heartfelt lyrics. Furthermore, he delves into the symbolic meaning behind the dandelion featured on the album's cover art, providing deeper insight into the album's overarching themes and messages.

With Igor Haefeli's unique perspective and passion for his craft, it's clear that this new album is a testament to the band's artistic growth and commitment to producing evocative and emotionally resonant music.

Listen to the interview above and then check out the video below.

Kyle is the WFPK Music Director. Email Kyle at kmeredith@lpm.org

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