25 Facts About Mavis Dracula (Hotel Transylvania) - Facts.net
Datha Vallejo

Written by Datha Vallejo

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: Wallpapers.com

Mavis Dracula, the charming and quirky daughter of the legendary Count Dracula, is one of the beloved characters from the animated film franchise “Hotel Transylvania.” With her signature gothic attire, adorable fangs, and vibrant personality, she has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide. Mavis is not your ordinary vampire, though. She is energetic, curious, and fiercely independent, adding a refreshing twist to the classic vampire archetype.

In this article, we will delve into 25 fascinating facts about Mavis Dracula, revealing intriguing details about her origins, personality, relationships, and much more. Whether you’re a die-hard fan or simply curious about the world of “Hotel Transylvania,” get ready to dive headfirst into the enchanting world of this delightful cartoon character.

Key Takeaways:

  • Mavis Dracula, the adventurous vampire from “Hotel Transylvania,” is a positive role model for kids, teaching them to be brave, loyal, and true to themselves, while promoting acceptance and friendship.
  • Mavis Dracula’s journey of self-discovery and her unique fashion sense have made her an iconic character, inspiring fans of all ages and showcasing the importance of diversity and inclusivity in animated films.
Table of Contents

The creation of Mavis Dracula

Mavis Dracula, one of the main characters in the animated film “Hotel Transylvania,” was created by the talented animators at Sony Pictures Animation. The character was brought to life with an intricate design, capturing both her vampire heritage and her unique personality.

Mavis Dracula’s voice actor

In the English version of “Hotel Transylvania,” Mavis Dracula is voiced by actress Selena Gomez. Gomez’s distinct voice brings Mavis’ youthful energy and emotional range to the screen.

A spirited and adventurous personality

Mavis Dracula is known for her free-spirited nature and adventurous personality. Despite being raised in a sheltered environment, she longs to explore the world beyond the walls of Hotel Transylvania.

The daughter of Count Dracula

Mavis Dracula is the beloved daughter of Count Dracula, the owner of Hotel Transylvania. As a member of the Dracula family, Mavis possesses supernatural powers, including the ability to transform into a bat.

Mavis’ love for humans

Unlike her father, Mavis has a fascination with humans and their way of life. This curiosity leads her to develop a deep connection with Jonathan, a human who stumbles upon Hotel Transylvania.

Born on the 21st of July

Mavis Dracula was born on the 21st of July, which makes her zodiac sign Cancer. This astrological sign is often associated with traits such as loyalty, sensitivity, and emotional depth.

Mavis’ unique fashion sense

Mavis Dracula has a distinctive sense of fashion. She is often seen wearing gothic-inspired outfits with a modern twist, showcasing her individuality and rebellious spirit.

Mavis’ transformation throughout the films

Throughout the “Hotel Transylvania” film series, Mavis undergoes significant character development. She evolves from a sheltered young vampire into a strong, independent woman, leading her own adventures.

Mavis’ role as a mother

In “Hotel Transylvania 2” and “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation,” Mavis embraces her role as a mother after having a son named Dennis. She navigates the challenges of parenthood with love and dedication.

Mavis’ musical talent

Mavis Dracula possesses a hidden talent for music. In “Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation,” she showcases her singing skills and captivates the audience with her melodious voice.

The bond between Mavis and her father

Mavis shares a strong bond with her father, Count Dracula. Despite their occasional disagreements, they deeply care for each other and support one another throughout their adventures.

Mavis’ role as the future leader

As Count Dracula’s only child, Mavis Dracula is destined to become the future leader of Hotel Transylvania. She embraces this responsibility while striving to maintain a balance between tradition and her own desires.

Mavis’ loyalty to her friends

Mavis is known for her unwavering loyalty to her friends. She is always there to support them, even in the face of adversity, showcasing her kind-hearted nature.

Mavis’ love for adventure

Mavis has a thirst for adventure and enjoys exploring new places. Whether it’s embarking on a journey with her friends or discovering her own roots, she embraces every opportunity for excitement.

Positive representation of a female character

Mavis Dracula serves as a positive representation of a female character in animated films. She is strong, independent, and capable, breaking stereotypes and inspiring young audiences.

Mavis’ role in promoting acceptance and friendship

Mavis Dracula promotes acceptance and friendship in the “Hotel Transylvania” films. She encourages understanding and harmony among different supernatural creatures, teaching valuable lessons about inclusivity.

Mavis’ determination to follow her own path

Mavis is determined to follow her own path and make independent choices. Despite societal expectations, she stays true to herself and encourages others to do the same.

Mavis’ close relationship with her grandfather

Mavis shares a special bond with her grandfather, Vlad. He serves as a mentor and guide, imparting wisdom and lessons about their vampire heritage.

The challenges Mavis faces as a vampire-human hybrid

Being a vampire-human hybrid presents unique challenges for Mavis. She must navigate both her vampire characteristics and her human nature, finding a harmonious balance between the two.

The influence of Mavis Dracula on popular culture

Mavis Dracula has become an iconic character in popular culture, inspiring Halloween costumes, fan art, and even themed merchandise. Her vibrant personality and relatability have made her a beloved figure among audiences.

Mavis’ legacy in the “Hotel Transylvania” franchise

Mavis Dracula’s legacy in the “Hotel Transylvania” franchise is undeniable. Her character has captured the hearts of viewers worldwide and continues to be a central figure in the ongoing adventures at Hotel Transylvania.

Mavis’ impact on younger viewers

Mavis Dracula serves as a role model for younger viewers, teaching valuable lessons about acceptance, perseverance, and staying true to oneself. Her character encourages children to be brave and embrace their own unique qualities.

Mavis’ role as an ambassador of diversity

Mavis Dracula represents diversity in animated films, showcasing the importance of embracing different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. Her character promotes a message of unity and inclusivity.

The enduring popularity of Mavis Dracula

Over the years, Mavis Dracula’s popularity has persisted. She has become an iconic character within the realm of animated films, leaving a lasting impression on audiences of all ages.

Mavis Dracula’s journey of self-discovery

Throughout the “Hotel Transylvania” films, Mavis embarks on a journey of self-discovery, learning more about her own strengths and capabilities. Her personal growth inspires viewers to embrace their own journey of self-discovery.


Mavis Dracula, the beloved character from the “Hotel Transylvania” franchise, has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. From her unique personality to her remarkable vampire abilities, Mavis has become an iconic figure in the world of cartoons. Throughout the series, viewers have been fascinated by her growth, independence, and unwavering love for her family. Whether it’s her vibrant style, her witty sense of humor, or her incredible journey of self-discovery, Mavis has undoubtedly left a lasting impression on fans of all ages. With her remarkable character development and relatable qualities, Mavis Dracula continues to inspire and entertain audiences, solidifying her place as one of the most cherished cartoon characters of all time.


1. Who voices Mavis Dracula in the “Hotel Transylvania” movies?
Mavis Dracula is voiced by Selena Gomez in the “Hotel Transylvania” movies. Her portrayal of the character brings a unique blend of charm and sass, making Mavis a fan favorite.

2. How old is Mavis Dracula?
Mavis Dracula is 126 years old in the “Hotel Transylvania” movies. As a vampire, she is immortal and ages much slower than humans.

3. What are Mavis Dracula’s special abilities?
Being a vampire, Mavis possesses various supernatural abilities, including super strength, flight, and the ability to transform into a bat. She is also immune to garlic and has heightened senses.

4. Is Mavis Dracula married?
Yes, Mavis Dracula is married to the human character Jonathan in “Hotel Transylvania.” Their love story serves as a central plot point throughout the franchise.

5. Does Mavis Dracula have any kids?
Yes, Mavis Dracula has a son named Dennis, who is half-vampire and half-human. His birth is a significant event in the series and brings about new challenges and adventures for Mavis and her family.

6. Will there be more “Hotel Transylvania” movies featuring Mavis Dracula?
At the time of writing, there are no confirmed plans for additional “Hotel Transylvania” movies. However, with the franchise’s popularity, it is possible that we may see more of Mavis Dracula and the beloved characters in the future.

Mavis Dracula's captivating story doesn't end here! Dive deeper into Hotel Transylvania lore, uncovering juicy tidbits about everyone's favorite monster resort. Curious how Mavis and friends came to life? Explore fascinating animation secrets behind beloved animated characters. Ready for heartwarming adventures? Join Paddington on his unforgettable journey in this charming family film. Whatever tickles your fancy, there's always more entertainment waiting just around the corner!

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