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Two New Evil Dead Movies Now Officially in the Works

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If this comes to fruition, we Evil Dead fans are gonna be eating good!!!!! My favorite horror franchise of all time!!

Me too. I usually have an aversion to too many iterations of one franchize. This is the only exception i'll make, keep em coming! the show was epic, 2013 was epic, the last one was over the top. This franchise just leaves so many opportunities open to go all kinds of directions with the movies, it just won't get old for me.

u/SupaKoopa714 avatar

That's my thinking, we've got 5 movies and a TV show and there's not a stinker in the bunch, it almost feels lioe a fail proof series at this point.

I think it’s fair to say that a large part of that is of the amount of overall time between them.

Evil Dead came out in 81.

Evil dead 2 came out in 87

Army of Darkness came out in 92

Evil Dead reboot came out in 2013

Ash vs Evil Dead aired from 2015 - 2018

Rise came out in 2023

None of them felt forced and rushed. When you look at horror franchises that have suffered they tend to suffer because studios are so urgent to pump out a few film that they have awful ideas and rushed productions.

u/Stunning-Thanks546 avatar

2013 film wasn't a reboot it was a sequel

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u/humanvealfarm avatar

not a stinker in the bunch

Truly. I know some people didn't care for Rise, but I loved it and how they adapted the cabin in the woods scenario to an extremely urban setting, while keeping the dread of isolation

A lot of people didn't like 2013 either. At least when it came out. Opinions seem higher these days ar least.

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u/Mechalamb avatar

See, I don't love Army (way too silly for me) BUT I can recognize it's a fine film. Solid series. A+.

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Dont forget about the many many comic books

I think a lot of that has to do with Sam and Bruce staying involved. 

u/EnderCN avatar

Rise was at best mediocre and more importantly it felt like it was tacked on. It felt like a movie they knew was going to fail so they threw some deadites at it to fix it.

u/IAmThePonch avatar

What? I can understand the argument that it’s more of the same but it’s still a lot of good fun

Guess it worked since it didn't fail

u/TheGreatOpoponax avatar

"Mediocre" is the perfect word to describe it. It was also poorly lighted and the sound mix was bad. I ended up having to watch it with subtitles.

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u/thewingwangwong avatar

2013 is pretty poor imo

u/Cap-Financial avatar

Really?! I think it’s the best one of the franchise.

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Idk, the show and 2013 were SO GOOD. I was sadly disappointed by Rise, and I had been really hype for it before it came out. I'm weary now :(

u/MetalOcelot avatar

I was disappointed by both rise and 2013 as they failed to capture both the humor and ingenuity that made the originals so great. Still weren't bade movies but I am optimistic that one of these 2 will fill that hole in my heart.

I really actually liked how much more serious 2013 was! I think I helped I hadn't seen 3 or the show yet at that point. Rise failed on more than the humor I think sadly personally

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u/trollcitybandit avatar

Show was good, 2013 movie was decent but still nothing compares to the original movies

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u/throwthatoneawaydawg avatar

This and Godzilla, I’m eating good lately 🫃🏻

So happy to hear!!! I still gotta check out Godzilla and Kong, and Godzilla Minus One

u/throwthatoneawaydawg avatar

Both are great. Minus one is straight up an amazing film, GvK is a fun turn your brain off type of movie

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u/WhiteYaksha89 avatar

It's been a while since we've heard anything about the animated series. Still keeping my fingers crossed for that.

I think it's a really cool idea, and personally I would loooove this

Always crossing my fingers for that addition!!!!

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I also enjoyed the video games that I had played. A Fistful of Boomstick especially stuck out as a fun one.

I still need to play that one! I’ve only played Evil Dead the Game

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Tbf we've been eating well for the last decade. AvED, E13, and the most recent have all been great additions. I doubted any new content was going to come out. And here we are.

u/Wonka824 avatar

My favorite horror franchise too, I feel like it gets slept on though

Agreed!!! I feel like it’s also one of the few horror franchises where every entry is actually pretty great!

u/IAmThePonch avatar

I think it doesn’t come up quite as often as big slashers because, simply put, there aren’t that many of them compared to something like f13

That being said i can’t help but feel that anyone that’s into American horror will be at least familiar with one of them

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u/Last-Bee-3023 avatar

I went in looking for who is going to be attached. Thought I would see the usual suspects.

No. New, hand-picked talent. I am psyched, let's gooooo!

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u/slamchowderr avatar

He looks like AI Buzz Lightyear in this gif lmaooo

u/NeverBeenStung avatar

Bow to the golden god of horror!

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The way that Raimi is treating this series as an Evil Dead x Masters of Horror type anthology is actually pretty fuckin cool. Given how solid ED13 and Rise were, I’m fully on board with this direction.


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If Godzilla Minus-One hadn’t come out, Rise would have been my favourite film I saw in theatres last year for sure.

u/darwinpolice avatar

Rise was one of the most fun theater experiences I've had in ages. There were two other groups of people in the theater and they were clearly completely unprepared for the level of violence and gore that they were in for. They reacted accordingly.

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u/jacobsever avatar

I didn't like Rise at all, and I wish I understood why so many people enjoyed it.

u/OverlordPacer avatar

Except for the final boss battle which was a bit too much for me, i enjoyed the rest of the movie a lot!

u/stillinthesimulation avatar

My one note would be to have the protagonist chainsaw up all the deadites in the hallway in an Old Boy style tracking shot to get her and the little girl to the elevator. Then have all their remains do the dead by dawn chant and then pull themselves together to form the final beast.

Never know how much I needed an Old Boy style, one shot, corridor fight in an Evil Dead film until now.

u/Jon-Rambo avatar

That would be amazing

u/IAmThePonch avatar

That would be awesome but also consider that she (presumably) hadn’t been in any kind of combat situation before

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u/Irish_Sir avatar

I loved the Amalgama anding, to me it felt over the top in just the way the evil dead movies do so well, it fit with the family theme really wellthe way the ending of ED2013 was litterally fighting your own demons.

Iv heard others with your opinion though and I see how it could be too much aswell.

u/Low-Bend-2978 avatar

Yes and I like the idea of having a new, twisted deadite or form of deadite as the big end battle that they did in 2013 and Rise, and really all the way back in 2. Just upping the stakes by introducing a stronger monstrosity.

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u/LordManders avatar



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“My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard” - Raimi

I am on board as well, more Evil Dead is fantastic either way.

My only concern is that without a unifying character or storyline between all these projects, the franchise may lose some of its charm.

I don't necessarily feel the franchise needs another Ash, but having a huge character like him is definitely part of the allure of the series to me.

Mia and Beth were all right, but didn't really go anywhere. characters like that are hard to care about might start to feel incredibly redundant if they keep recycling the final girl trope. Beth was definitely a challenge in Rise because of it.

I'm at least hoping one of these projects puts a character through it like Ash. That's part of why the tv series was so great because all the characters had ridiculous storylines.

u/hirst avatar

is the book not the "unifying character" here?

Totally agree with you. But also, I think this current era of the franchise has a lot of room to work with, and can hopefully land on something that really solidifies it as worthy of succession.

Nah we gotta wait for the anthology to end and then all the final girls do a big crossover and fight a big evil bad guy, start the EDCU (Evil Dead Cinematic Universe) and then Bruce cameos and says "Groovy" after every other line. Maybe have the book open up to the Evil Multiverse (Grooviverse??) and pull in a bunch of alternate Ashes like Comic Ash, TV show ash, ED1 Ash, Ash from Pokémon, and a young Ash recast so the franchise goes on forever and ever and keeps making money!! Then doctor strange comes out of a portal and is all like "I wanna talk to you about the Avengers Initiative" and then we get a TITLE CARD for Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Grooviness

That would be pretty cool I think.

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Yes! Rise was a nice addition to the series.

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This is awesome!
Love that Sam is opening up and hand picking ppl to do more.

I hope he picks Rugna of where evil lurks fame for one of them.

oh my god that would be incredible

u/KatsuraRei avatar

A Rugna-directed Evil Dead... I need this now!

I need it directly into my veins.

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Would love to see Jane Levy (Mia) return

Personally I want to see Pablo and Kelly come back for a movie but there is probably copyright issues with them

That’s the Female Ash to me

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Can't wait to see what the director of Vermines is cooking.

u/Kegeldix avatar

In the US and I’ve been looking forward to this release for weeks. So stoked to watch tonight

Edit: It was excellent

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u/CZJayG avatar

I know people say they want an F13 set in the snow but an ED with everyone trapped by a snowstorm would be sick.

u/SlimmyShammy avatar

Has the potential to look incredible. All the blood contrasting with the snow

Hateful Eight, only it’s a Kandarian demon body hopping.

Cowboys and Evil Dead would honestly be the coolest fucking thing

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u/DevilCouldCry avatar

After we had Rise trying their hand at a new claustrophobic setting (set of apartments in one building) I'd legit be down for this. Hell, for each new Evil Dead film, just do them all in a variety of unique settings with a bunch of characters just having to deal with the bullshit they've unleashed. You mention an Evil Dead film set in a snowstorm? Sure, that's an easy one to do and visually it'd look cool with the gore and viscera contrasting against the snow.

Backcountry skiing trip baby

Dead Snow, anyone?

u/romeoomustdie avatar

Shut up starting making it

I wouldn't mind seeing an Evil Dead movie set during an expedition similar to the one in The Terror S1

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I'm down. You need 4 and only 4 things to make an evil dead movie fucking great

  1. Necronomicon 2.deadites

  2. Chainsaw

  3. Boomstick

  4. Buckets of blood

Ok you need 5 things to make a great fucking evil dead movie

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u/coco_xcx avatar

hell yeah!! i didn’t see rise in theaters (and regret that) but will hopefully see both of these in theaters! one of my favorite franchises ever & i genuinely don’t have a least favorite, each one is so good imo

I really enjoyed Rise and can’t wait to see what’s next with the franchise!

u/GreenAccomplished577 avatar

With the series Ash vs The Evil Dead, we know Ash has a daughter. Well there was some bow chicka wow wow in AoD. I say make a movie where another daughter of Ash comes to the future or vice versa and they both kick some Deadite ass!

Evil Dead: DoA (Daughters of Ash)

just throwing the idea out there into the void.

Fun fact: Before the end of the second season they were supposed to reveal that Kelly was his daughter, but the show runner forced them to change the season finale storyline.

Ash was gonna kill Henrietta, get the book, and it was gonna reveal Kelly was his daughter. It would have rewrote the timeline of 1982 and brought Pablo back to life.

The third season was gonna be Ash realizing he had to fix something (again) he inadvertently messed up (again).

Alas, they messed up and changed the finale to be stupid and the third season was horrible.

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u/IAmThePonch avatar

I unironically hope one of them takes it to space

Going to space is a sign that a horror franchise has gone too silly

For evil dead, it would be a Tuesday

u/IAmThePonch avatar

Exactly. Imagine the mayhem deadites could get up to in soace

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John Carpenters “Ghosts of Mars” is pretty close to what an Evil Dead in space might look like.

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