老歌亂談(1149)Hands Up (Give Me Your Heart)@中古年代|PChome Online 個人新聞台
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老歌亂談(1149)Hands Up (Give Me Your Heart)

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70年代,Disco音樂舞曲大行其道,顯然是受到Boney M.和Eurption這些樂團的影響 ( 非裔人種唱跳Disco比較有勁?),Daniel Vangarde()和Jean Kluger()兩位唱片製作人找到了在巴黎的俱樂部演唱的Patrick Jean-Baptiste ( 此位老兄來自法國在加勒比海的海外島嶼屬地Guadeloupe/瓜達洛普,此地區/省份亦屬歐盟。)和他的樂隊Black Underground,之後又找了女歌手Annette Eltice,組成了雙人合唱團體Ottawan,也是法國第一個Disco樂團。至於團名的由來,據說是在取名時攤開了一張世界地圖,隨意一指,竟是加拿大的首都渥太華 (Ottawa),再在字尾加上一個「n」而成,當然也是有意要取Ottawa的諧音。

Ottawan組成於1979,同年即以一首《D.I.S.C.O.》拿下了英、德等排行榜的第2名,算是「一戰成名」。接下來1981的這首《Hands Up (Give Me Your Heart)》也打進英國排行榜的第3名 ( 在丹麥、愛爾蘭、挪威、紐西蘭、西班牙則為冠軍曲 ),也是Disco的經典歌曲。不過,好景不常,之後Ottawan未再有歌曲佳作,女歌手也更迭了數次,迄今Patrick Jean-Baptiste仍在世界各地巡演,靠的就是當年Ottawan的這兩首招標歌走天下吧!


Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
All your love, all your love
Angel face, I love your smile
Love your ways, I like your style
What can I do to get closer to you?
Don't think twice or count to ten
Don't take advice, don't ask me when
Just come my way, simply kiss me and say
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
All your love, all your love
With your head up in the sky
Every day you're walking by
Why you don't never starts looking at me?
Stop that game, don't waste your time
For all your dreams are matching mine
No use to play hide and seek for a week
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
All your love, all your love
Let me be your Romeo, your wonder boy
And your super champ
Let me take you to the Milky Way on a holiday (on a holiday)
Follow me (follow me)
Why don't you follow me? (Why don't you follow me?)
Just come my way, simply kiss me and say
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme gimme
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
Hands up, baby, hands up
Gimme your heart, gimme, gimme your heart
Gimme, gimme
All your love, all your love

台長: 流浪阿狗
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 老歌亂談 |
此分類下一篇:老歌亂談(1150)I Still Wish The Very Best For You
此分類上一篇:老歌亂談(1148)My Broken Souvenirs

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