SPECIAL TREAT - traduzione in italiano - dizionario inglese-italiano di bab.la lcp

Qual è la traduzione di "special treat" in Italiano?


"special treat" traduzione italiano

special treat

English Esempi contestuali di "special treat" in Inglese

Queste frasi vengono da fonti esterne e potrebbero essere non accurate. bab.la non è responsabile per il loro contenuto.

Alternatively, this can be done from your office; inviting them over for a
special treat
And, as a
special treat
, we're told to expect a rather noisy surprise just after 11am, so keep your ears pinned to your computer screen.
Boss fights are a
special treat
, as they have their own unique twist to the music that turns up the emotional intensity.
For fans, however -- nerds, we might be called -- it's a
special treat
Most people who buy these priority tickets do so as a
special treat
This could mean meeting up with friends for a run, watching a comedy or indulging in a
special treat
This was meant to be a
special treat
, but it didn't feel like one.
Her performance is going to be a
special treat
for viewers and for her fans around the world.

English Italian Esempi contestuali di "special treat" in Italiano

So what was once the special little side treat now is the main, much more regular.
Per cui, ciò che era un tempo un piccolo piacere speciale ora è diventato il piatto principale.
The way in which we treat this Special Report can, in a way, create a model for the future.
Pertanto, il modo in cui tratteremo la relazione definirà, in un certo senso, un modello per il futuro.
as a special treat you can do

Traduzioni simili a "special treat" in italiano

special aggettivo
treat verbo
treat sostantivo
special agreement sostantivo
special order sostantivo
special agent sostantivo
special delivery sostantivo
special education sostantivo
special effect sostantivo
special licence sostantivo
special relativity sostantivo
special tax sostantivo
trick or treat sostantivo
special leave sostantivo