The Meaning Behind The Song: What Are Their Names by David Crosby - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: What Are Their Names by David Crosby

Title: Decoding David Crosby’s “What Are Their Names”: Unveiling the Mysteries Behind the Lyrics

David Crosby – a singer, songwriter, and founding member of the iconic band “The Byrds” – has always been known for his deep, insightful, and often political lyrics. His compositions have not only made an indelible mark in the history of music but also played an instrumental role in inspiring social change.

One song that stands out for its poignant lyrics and thought-provoking message is “What Are Their Names,” released in 1971 as part of David Crosby’s debut solo album “If I Could Only Remember My Name.” In this article, we’ll delve into the meaning behind the song’s lyrics and unravel its significance in the context of the times it was written in.

The Historical Background

David Crosby wrote “What Are Their Names” during a period of intense social upheaval in America. It was a time when the Vietnam War was at its peak, and the country was grappling with issues of racism, inequality, and injustice. Crosby, like many of his contemporaries, was deeply affected by the state of his country and wanted to use his music as a means to channel his anger and frustration.

The Lyrics

The lyrics of “What Are Their Names” are at once esoteric and deeply meaningful. The song begins with Crosby’s familiar voice accompanied by acoustic guitar, singing:

“A thousand dreams I’ve had, you’re ruling me
I have you there to thank for everything
The shadow showed me magic, mirrored road
Just tell me how you love me, like you do”

At first, the lyrics may seem vague and nonsensical, but as the song progresses, it becomes clear that Crosby is tapping into a universal feeling of disillusionment with the world and a desire to seek clarity and truth.

The chorus of the song goes:

“What are their names?
Don’t let them in
Don’t let them see
Where they have been
Clinging to things that they learned in their youth
Trying to cling to the ways of their roots”

Here, Crosby is urging his listeners to question the status quo and reject outdated ideologies that no longer serve the greater good. He is asking us to look beyond the surface and seek out the truth behind hidden agendas that manipulate our way of thinking. The song serves as a call to action, imploring us to take responsibility for our thoughts and actions and not let others dictate how we live our lives.

The Significance

“What Are Their Names” may have been written in the 1970s, but its message is as relevant today as it was back then. Call it the disillusionment of youth or the cynicism that comes with age, but many of us find ourselves questioning the world around us and seeking answers that are hard to come by. Crosby’s lyrics provide solace in such times, encouraging us to continue our search for the truth and not bow down to the pressures of conformity.

Furthermore, the song is a testament to the power of music as a tool for social change. Crosby’s protest music played a significant role in galvanizing the youth and inspiring them to stand up against injustice. Many musicians of his time followed in his footsteps, using their art as a means to ignite social change. Even today, artists continue to use their music as a platform to raise awareness about important issues.

The Bottom Line

“What Are Their Names” is more than just a song; it’s an anthem for those seeking to break free from the shackles of conformity and find their own path in life. David Crosby’s timeless lyrics resonate with us today, reminding us that the search for truth is a never-ending journey that requires constant introspection and questioning of the world around us. It’s a reminder that music can be a force for good and that it has the power to inspire social change.

In conclusion, David Crosby’s “What Are Their Names” serves as both a poignant reminder of the political and social upheavals of the 1970s and a timeless call to action for future generations. Its lyrics urge us to seek the truth, to break free from the chains of our past, and to use our voices and music to bring about positive change in the world.

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