Why St. Andrew’s | St. Andrew's School | Austin TX

The St. Andrew's Experience

Lower School

Middle School

Upper School

The Four Pillars
Across the Lower, Middle, and Upper School divisions, our focus is to create an environment for students to thrive in everything they do.

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    In order to do this, our focus revolves around four main pillars: Scholar, Artist, Athlete, and Servant. All students have the opportunity to explore success in academics, the arts, on the field or court, and as community servants. St. Andrew’s believes in the qualities of all four areas and has developed a curriculum to support a richly diverse, challenging, and invigorating learning environment for all our students.

Episcopal Identity
Being an Episcopal school means we are more than an educational institution. 

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    It means we are committed to the formation and nurturing of the whole human being: body, mind, and spirit. Episcopal schools are part of a long tradition of Anglican education that is marked by a balance between faith and reason, or “the head” and “the heart”. We work to build a community that is welcoming, diverse, and authentically inclusive, and where all are honored, supported, and valued. We practice common prayer that draws upon the ancient traditions of the Church and is at the same time creative and relevant; and make a commitment to the practice of service and the work of justice. These principles and ideals are woven into every aspect of our shared life together, and are what sets us apart as a community of learning.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
St. Andrew’s values diversity as an integral element of community and education, and a vital facet of our mission, core values, and Episcopal identity. 

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    We believe that community diversity manifests in many ways, including ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, family composition, and physical ability. In our commitment to attracting, fostering, and celebrating all aspects of diversity, St. Andrew’s aims to create an intentional environment of equity and inclusion. To create a place where every voice matters, every perspective is valued, and everyone has a place at the table.

Social Emotional Learning
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) encourages the healthy development of self, relationships, and community. 

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    We believe that emotional well-being leads to confident learning. Our K-12 program guides our students toward a greater sense of self and self-regulation to build healthy relationships, and provides opportunities for each student to use these skills to positively affect the school community.

At a Glance