The Meaning Behind The Song: Humility by Gorillaz (featuring George Benson) - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Humility by Gorillaz (featuring George Benson)

Title: Decoding the Deeper Message of Humility by Gorillaz ft. George Benson


Gorillaz, the virtual band created by musician Damon Albarn and artist Jamie Hewlett, is renowned for its unique blend of rock, hip-hop, and electronic music. They have released numerous hit songs that consistently top the charts and resonate with a diverse audience. Among their most recent popular releases is the 2018 song “Humility,” featuring the legendary jazz guitarist George Benson.

The music video for “Humility” showcases Gorillaz’ typical animated aesthetic, taking viewers on an eccentric journey through colorful settings as the members of the band play music and skate around a boardwalk. But beneath the surface of this visual masterpiece lies a deeper meaning and message that speaks volumes about society today.

The Creative Meaning

The song “Humility” seems to be encouraging listeners to reject arrogance and embrace a more modest, self-aware approach to life. The lyrics urge the listener to be humble, reminding us that “the world is moving, but I’m standing still” and “I’m a low achiever, but I’m trying real hard.”

In particular, the line “I’m feeling seasick” suggests that the narrator feels overwhelmed and out of balance in a world that is constantly changing and evolving. However, the emphasis on the importance of humility as a way of staying grounded and connected to oneself and others resonates strongly with audiences.

Musically, “Humility” features upbeat rhythms and smooth guitar licks, eliciting an overall happy and laid-back vibe. The addition of George Benson’s soulful guitar playing further emphasizes the song’s message of humility, as Benson is known for his humble and gracious personality, both on and off stage.

The Social Meaning

Beyond its creative and musical significance, “Humility” also addresses larger social issues. The song speaks to a greater shift in society towards a more humble and empathetic way of being. Recent studies have shown that people are more likely to choose co-operation than competition, and build relationships based on generosity and kindness rather than individual ambition.

As our world becomes more connected and diverse, the need for humility and understanding has become increasingly important. Racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination are still major challenges, and the message of humility reminds us to remain open-minded and compassionate towards one another.

Moreover, the increasing prevalence of technology and social media has made it easier than ever for individuals to create their own virtual identities. However, this also means that many people are putting on a false front, trying to present themselves as perfect beings without any flaws. The concept of humility in Gorillaz’ “Humility” encourages people to be more authentic and vulnerable, embracing both their strengths and weaknesses and building genuine relationships based on mutual respect.

The Future of Humility in Music

The message of humility in music is a powerful one, and it is likely to become even more relevant in the years to come. Many other artists, both old and new, are incorporating this theme into their music. Childish Gambino’s “Redbone” embodies the message of humility, reminding us that “stay woke” and recognizing what is real is the first step in achieving true self-awareness. Adia Victoria’s “Different Kind of Love” encourages us to be more accepting of each other, despite our differences.

As society moves towards a new era of understanding and respect, music will continue to play a key role in shaping these values. Artists like Gorillaz, who embrace the message of humility, are paving the way for a new generation of musicians who will make humility a central part of their creative expression.


As we have seen, there is a deeper message of humility that can be found in Gorillaz’ song, “Humility”. Beyond the surface-level of its rocking beat and clever lyrics, the song suggests a greater need for people to embrace humility and empathy towards one another. As musicians and artists continue to incorporate this message into their work, it is likely that we will see a gradual shift towards a more compassionate and humble society. Ultimately, it is up to us as individuals to embrace this message in our own lives and strive towards a more harmonious world.

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