Last-minute Flights 2024 | Skyscanner

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The hottest last-minute flight deals leaving soon

Act fast – these flights depart from Indonesia within the next three months, but prices could shoot up at any moment.

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Fast facts

Cheapest deal this week Kuala Lumpur, Rp 248.739
Cheapest deal this monthKuala Lumpur, Rp 248.739

Finding last-minute flight deals: FAQs

Right now, it looks like you could bag a deal to Kuala Lumpur International for Rp 447.907, Bandar Lampung for Rp 732.408, Singapore Changi for Rp 1.137.826, Don Mueang for Rp 1.695.320 or Ho Chi Minh City for Rp 1.891.479.
It's easy with us. Look for last-minute flights to anywhere using Everywhere search – it'll show you the lowest fares for the upcoming week or month. The best time to book, on average, tends to be 30 days before flying.
Of course – we search most top providers across the net to find the cheapest room rates, too! Find your ideal hotel deal now.
The best deal we found departing this weekend is to Bandar Lampung for Rp 732.408. We also found a last-minute flight deal to Kathmandu for Rp 4.137.920.
The best deal we found departing this week is to Kuala Lumpur for Rp 447.907. We also found a last-minute flight deal to Bangkok for Rp 1.695.320.
The best deal we found departing in June is to Kuala Lumpur International for Rp 447.907. We also found a last-minute flight deal to Bandar Lampung for Rp 732.408.