Bill Laswell

Bill Laswell Solo performing KOYAANISQATSI - Live

In the tradition of "Nothing Is True, Everything Is Permitted," an axiom with which he has encompassed his entire career, Bill Laswell presents a new interpretive score to the classic cult film KOYAANISQATSI. With the endorsement of the film's director Godfrey Reggio, along with the Institute For Regional Education, Laswell has composed his own innovatory score to accompany a one-hour edit of the original film. This re-imagination stands in for the original epic score composed by Phillip Glass. This event will exhibit the unique interplay between the film and Laswell live on stage. Each performance will have its own distinctiveness.

Electric Bassist / Producer / Reconstructionist
Solo Electric Bass Guitar
Sound Processing

In addition to being one of the most unique producers in contemporary music, Bill Laswell is arguably one of the world's most original bassists, and brings his prodigious technique, massive sound and renegade conception to the fore in a virtuosic announcement for solo bass.

BILL LASWELL • the great bridge between Modernism and Post-Modernism in world music production. He is a tireless creator of ground breaking trans-genre constructions. Any music that is multi-layered, multi-cultural, elusive and allusive is frequently labeled Laswellian. Bill Laswell's work is based first and foremost in daring and original ideas that consistently transcend existing boundaries of genre, geography, culture and context. Creator of landmark full-length album reconstructions, on the music of Miles Davis, Bob Marley and Carlos Santana. Inventor of Herbie Hancock's Grammy-winning "Rockit/Future Shock," co-founder of radical performing groups – Material, Massacre, Painkiller, Praxis, Tabla Beat Science and Method of Defiance. Founded the Axiom Music Label with Chris Blackwell. Global production credits include work with an unimaginable range of musicians, artists and thinkers, among them William S. Burroughs, Afrika Bambaataa, John Zorn, George Clinton, Mick Jagger, Rammellzee, Paul Bowles, Brian Eno, Sly & Robbie, Laurie Anderson, Yoko Ono, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Sting, Pharaoh Sanders, Hakim Bey, The Last Poets, The Dalai Lama, Motorhead, Derek Bailey and hundreds more from the Americas, Africa, The Caribbean, Europe, The Middle East, China, and Japan.

Laswell was first heard as a solo artist on Invisible Design I & II on John Zorn's Tzadik Label – 1999 and 2008.

This is a live one-hour sound experience. Loud to soft, dense to delicate, melodic to disonate. Referencing past and future with prepared and processed sounds, ambient soundscapes, new depths of bottom end, trance repetition, improvised stories, structured themes, disorder, paradox, ambivalence, time travel containing past, present and future simultaneously while still exemplifying the flow of process. A labyrinth of new, inspiring, spontaneous and surprisingly beautiful work.

New Philosophy For Low-End Redemption
Music Sound Mythology