In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir by Dick Cheney | Goodreads
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In My Time: A Personal and Political Memoir

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In this eagerly anticipated memoir, former Vice President Dick Cheney delivers an unyielding portrait of American politics over nearly forty years and shares personal reflections on his role as one of the most steadfast and influential statesmen in the history of our country.

The public perception of Dick Cheney has long been something of a contradiction. He has been viewed as one of the most powerful vice presidents—secretive, even mysterious, and at the same time opinionated and unflinchingly outspoken. He has been both praised and attacked by his peers, the press, and the public. Through it all, courting only the ideals that define him, he has remained true to himself, his principles, his family, and his country. Now in an enlightening and provocative memoir, a stately page-turner with flashes of surprising humor and remarkable candor, Dick Cheney takes readers through his experiences as family man, policymaker, businessman, and politician during years that shaped our collective history.

Born into a family of New Deal Democrats in Lincoln, Nebraska, Cheney was the son of a father at war and a high-spirited and resilient mother. He came of age in Casper, Wyoming, playing baseball and football and, as senior class president, courting homecoming queen Lynne Vincent, whom he later married. This all-American story took an abrupt turn when he flunked out of Yale University, signed on to build power line in the West, and started living as hard as he worked. Cheney tells the story of how he got himself back on track and began an extraordinary ascent to the heights of American public life, where he would remain for nearly four decades:

* He was the youngest White House Chief of Staff, working for President Gerald Ford—the first of four chief executives he would come to know well.

* He became Congressman from Wyoming and was soon a member of the congressional leadership working closely with President Ronald Reagan.

* He became secretary of defense in the George H. W. Bush administration, overseeing America’s military during Operation Desert Storm and in the historic transition at the end of the Cold War.

* He was CEO of Halliburton, a Fortune 500 company with projects and personnel around the globe.

* He became the first vice president of the United States to serve out his term of office in the twenty-first century. Working with George W. Bush from the beginning of the global war on terror, he was—and remains—an outspoken defender of taking every step necessary to defend the nation.

Eyewitness to history at the highest levels, Cheney brings to life scenes from past and present. He describes driving through the White House gates on August 9, 1974, just hours after Richard Nixon resigned, to begin work on the Ford transition; and he portrays a time of national crisis a quarter century later when, on September 11, 2001, he was in the White House bunker and conveyed orders to shoot down a hijacked airliner if it would not divert.

With its unique perspective on a remarkable span of American history, In My Time will enlighten. As an intimate and personal chronicle, it will surprise, move, and inspire. Dick Cheney’s is an enduring political vision to be reckoned with and admired for its honesty, its wisdom, and its resonance. In My Time is truly the last word about an incredible political era, by a man who lived it and helped define it—with courage and without compromise.

576 pages, Hardcover

First published August 30, 2011

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About the author

Dick Cheney

18 books28 followers
Richard Bruce "Dick" Cheney served as the 46th Vice President of the United States (2001-2009), under George W. Bush.

Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, but was primarily raised in Sumner, Nebraska and Casper, Wyoming. He began his political career as an intern for Congressman William A. Steiger, eventually working his way into the White House during the Nixon and Ford administrations, where he served the latter as White House Chief of Staff. In 1978, Cheney was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives from Wyoming; he was reelected five times, eventually becoming House Minority Whip. Cheney was selected to be the Secretary of Defense during the presidency of George H. W. Bush, holding the position for the majority of Bush's term. During this time, Cheney oversaw the 1991 Operation Desert Storm, among other actions.

Out of office during the Clinton presidency, Cheney was chairman and CEO of Halliburton Company from 1995 to 2000.

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Profile Image for Paul Heidebrecht.
125 reviews11 followers
March 8, 2012
I deliberately try to read the memoirs or biographies of politicians I don't like just to see if my impressions are inaccurate. To some degree, my negative image of Cheney is off-base. He seems to be a fine man of great personal integrity. In fact, he's a fairly ordinary guy who got opportunities to serve in the federal government and though hard work and perseverance found himself as the vice president. He's not a particularly self-reflective person. He did seem to remember every criticism and slight that came his way and he takes the time to explain what he did or said and why he was misunderstood or falsely accused. I was a bit surprised that he did not seem to have a religious bone in his body. If he does, he never hints at it. He expresses no personal difficulty with his one daughter's lesbian marriage but defends her to the hilt. Cheney is a straight shooter and a public servant who deserves more praises and thanks than he got.
Profile Image for Antigone.
547 reviews777 followers
May 25, 2016
One of the benefits of a long political career is a front row seat to history. Dick Cheney's been ringside since the Ford administration, during which he dealt with the aftermath of Nixon's resignation, the pardon, and the end of the Vietnam War. Once Carter was elected it was back to his home state where he ran for Congress, won, and made the return trip to D.C. for pretty much the rest of his professional life. Reagan's presidency brought him a perch on the House Intelligence Committee for Iran/Contra, the Beirut bombing, and the war in Grenada. The elder Bush tapped him as Secretary of Defense, a key position from which to witness Gorbachev's rise to power, the fall of the Berlin Wall, Noriega's Panama, and Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.

It is at this point in the telling that Cheney begins to emotionally engage; his hawkish leanings surfacing to make themselves known. The memoir now becomes a recounting of broad-based military strategy and the architecture of foreign policy in a time of war. The Desert Shield and Desert Storm engagements laid a foundation for post-9/11 response and Cheney, solid in his seat as Vice President, charges through the maelstrom of Al Qaeda on the strength of that experience and the lessons it taught. Rumsfeld, Powell and Rice come alive through his recollections, George W. Bush much less so - one imagines out of an Old School form of distanced respect.

This work does become a platform by the end, when Cheney takes on his critics over Halliburton, Iraq, Guantanamo Bay and North Korea. He's firm in his beliefs and seldom spiteful, though it's clear there are people he no longer has any use for and is certain the American government would be better off without.

The book's a little lengthy but then, as I've mentioned, so was the career. As last words go, I found it a serenely-composed farewell to the long and ardently inhabited profession of the gentleman from Wyoming.
Profile Image for William.
86 reviews1 follower
February 2, 2012
Did I like this book? Big Time! Too many great and insightful moments to cite here, but Cheney does a great job giving us a behind the scenes look at some of the most important and momentous events in American History. Of course, the MSM reviews tried to spin this as a vindictive assault on everyone by America's Dark Lord. I thought Cheney was very objective in his descriptions of the events and persons that he worked with during nearly 40 years in govt service. An honest man, giving an honest rendition. Of course, as an ultra-Conservative, Cheney thought that most liberal ideas and approaches were flawed....and he was often proven right. Because he disagreed with an approach (N. Korea, for example), hardly qualifies him as attacking both friends and foes in a revenge based screed (as the MSM would have it).
I found it comforting to know that there were (and hopefully will continue to be) individuals who love this country, and are willing to put love of country and safety of those who live here above political aspirations or financial gain. It is an unfortunate reality that we may need to let a generation, tainted by fabrication and lies from the MSM, pass before we realize the true patriotism and great work that Pres. Bush and his VP accomplished during one of the most turbulent times in US history.
Profile Image for محمد على عطية.
564 reviews420 followers
January 15, 2018
هذه سيرة ذاتية لرجل كان له دور ليس بالقليل في تشكيل واقعنا. يذكره أبناء جيلي كأحد من أُطلق عليهم (الصقور) في إدارة جورج بوش.
المشاعر التي تتولد لديك و أنت تقرأ سيرة حياة ناجحة لأحد ألد أعداءك هي مشاعر مختلطة بين الكره و الغضب، و بين الإعجاب. و الحقيقة أن حياة هذا الرجل كانت ثرية و حافلة بالمناصب التي سار فيها على نفس الخط تقريباً، و بروح الوطنية
بالمفهوم الأمريكي الذي يرى أمريكا أولاً و آخراً و لا شيء سواها..ربما باستثناء: إسرائيل!
يبدأ الكتاب بمقدمة على نظام الفلاش باك تعرض أحداث يوم 11 سبتمبر برواية تشيني، و من خلال رؤية مدى ثبات و حسم الرجل في هذا اليوم و توصيته بلا تردد بإسقاط طائرة ركاب مدنية لمجرد الشك في أنها ستستخدم في هجمة جديدة، تعطي تهيئة نفسية للقاريء لما هو مقدمٌ على قراءته.
بدأ تشيني حياته السياسية بالتدرب في مكاتب بعض أعضاء الكونجرس في واشنطن، ثم العمل مع دونالد رامسفيلد الذي تقاطع مسار حياته معه في أكثر من محطة، و منه انتقل إلى العمل في البيت الأبيض في إدارة جيرالد فورد، و غادره إثر هزيمة الأخير في انتخابات الرئاسة.
عندما عاد لمسقط رأسه في وايومينج، فكر في العودة للحياة السياسية عن طريق الترشح للكونجرس، و بذلك صقل خبرته السياسية من موقعٍ آخر بعد أن أمضى قرابة العشر سنوات كعضو بالكونجرس.
بعد وصول جورج بوش الأب للحكم عرض عليه تولي حقيبة الدفاع و قبلها، و من ثم كان وزير الدفاع الذي جرت في عهده أحداث بنما، ثم حرب الخليج الثانية.
الفصل الذي تكلم فيه عن حرب الخليج بدأه بالحكي عن زيارة قام بها مسئولون إسرائيليون كبار لمكتبه بالوزارة يعرضون عليه تقارير و صور عن قدرات العراق الصاروخية و النووية و أن إسرائيل تعتبر هذه مسألة أمن قومي، و بعد ذلك بدأ يتكلم عن الحشود العسكرية العراقية على حدود الكويت، ثم تفاجؤهم بالغزو. ثم الموقف الفاتر للإدارة الأمريكية في الأيام الأولى للغزو بإعتبار الكويت بلد صغير لا يهم الشعب الأمريكي، بينما كان تشيني هو الذي يعمل على تشجيع بوش للمضي في الحل العسكري، بعد أن اقتنع أن صدام لم يكن لينسحب بالوسائل الدبلوماسية، و أن صدام قد شاعف الاحتياطي النفطي لديه، و إذا سيطر على المنطقة الشرقية في السعودية فسيكون لديه ما يقرب من نصف الاحتياطي العالمي، و بالتالي سيتحكم في سعر النفط.
إن بداية هذا الفصل بزيارة المسئولين الإسرائيلين تعطي إشارة واضحة أن أحد أهم العوامل التي شجعت تشيني على التبشير بالحرب و السعي لتدمير قدرات العراق العسكرية هو أمن إسرائيل، إلى جانب مسألة البترول و مصالح أمريكا في المنطقة بالطبع.
تسلسل الأحداث الذي يحكيه تشيني كنت قد اطلعت عليه من قبل بشكل أكثر توسعاً في كتاب الصحافي الشهير بوب وودوورد (القادة)، و كتبت مراجعتي عنه على مدونتي هنا
و تشيني في كتابه يحكي عن مرحلة إقناع السعوديين بتواجد القوات الأمريكية لديهم، ثم تكوين التحالف الذي اتخذ شرعيته بوجود الدول العربية فيه، و مواقف الزعماء العرب المؤيدة لضرب العراق و من ضمنهم مبارك بالطبع. و يحكي عن الصواريخ العراقية التي أطلقها صدام تجاه إسرائيل بعد بداية القصف الجوي لبغداد، و الجهود الحثيثة التي بذلها تشيني لإقناع إسرائيل بضبط النفس و عدم الرد حتى لا يتصدع التحالف عندما ترى الدول العربية أن إسرائيل تساهم في ضرب العراق، و طلبه من قيادة قوات التحالف بتعديل أولويات التحركات الميدانية بشكل عاجل لاستهداف و تدمير وحداث و قواعد و منصات الصواريخ في غرب العراق و التي تستهدف إسرائيل.
بعد هزيمة بوش في الانتخابات و وصول كلينتون غادر تشيني موقعه بطبيعة الحال و توجه لوايومنج مرة أخرى ليفكر بهدوء في الخطوة التالية، حينها تواصلت معه هاليبرتون لينضم إليها، ثم ليتولى قيادتها بعد ذلك.
بطبيعة الحال فإن حديثه المقتضب عن إدارة كلينتون يغلبه الامتعاض، و طوال عهد كلينتون كان بعيداً عن المناصب السياسية و إن حافظ على اتصالاته. و تواصل معه جورج بوش الإبن يدعوه للإنضمام لفريقه، و بعد إلحاح قبل تشيني دخول سباق الانتخابات معه كنائب للرئيس.
قال تشيني إن بوش من البداية و هو يعرض عليه منصب نائب الرئيس أخبره أنه يريده كشريك في الحكم لا كنائب بالصورة المعتادة، و لا أعتقد أن أبناء جيلي ينسون بوش بقدراته المتواضعة و نظراته البلهاء و أجازاته الكثيرة في مزرعته بتكساس، لكي يتضح من كان له الدور الكبير في اتخاذ الكثير من القرارات التنفيذية، كأحد أهم و أقوى نواب الرؤساء - إن لم يكن أقواهم - في تاريخ الولايات المتحدة.
أثناء تكوين الإدارة الجديدة شجع تشيني بوش على تعيين رامسفيلد كوزير للدفاع، و كذلك تعيين باول - الذي عمل مع تشيني سابقاً كرئيس للأركان - وزيراً للخارجية، مع ضم مجموعة أخرى من اليمينيين كبول وولفويتز. و كل هؤلاء كان لهم دورٌ في تشكيل خريطة المنطقة الجديدة.
كان تشيني مرة أخرى أحد أهم المشجعين على إحتلال العراق بدعوى دعمه للإرهاب و إيواؤه للإرهابيين. و بزعم وجود أسلحة للدمار الشامل. و بعد كل ما حدث للعراق فإنه في النهاية كلما تكلم عن انكشاف زيف مزاعم امتلاك العراق لهذه الأسلحة يتكلم بشكل عابر على أساس أن الأمر كان إخفاق استخباراتي، و بدون أدنى إحساس بالندم بالطبع.
يستمر تشيني في عرض مساهماته و دوره في صناعة القرار في إدارة بوش إلى نهاية عهده و يتكلم بشكل عادي جداً عن جوانتانامو و عن ما عُرف ب"وسائل الاستجواب المعزز" و دور ذلك في انتزاع الاعترافات من أسرى طالبان و القاعدة، و أثر ذلك في سقوط قادة آخرين للقاعدة. هذا بالإضافة للمشاكسات المعتادة بين الجمهوريين و الديمقراطيين، و كيف تأثرت البلاد بالسلب نتيجة لقيام أوباما بإلغاء بعض قرارات إدارة بوش..إلخ
أثناء قراءتي لهذه المذكرات صادفت عدداً من الفقرات التي اقتبستها و عرضتها على صفحتي على الفيسبوك، حيث وجدت فيها ليس فقط رؤية رجل سياسي بارز، بل خبرة حياتية لا يُستهان بها..و أنقلها مرة أخرى هنا بتصرف كختام لهذه المراجعة
"في بدايات حياتي العملية تعلمت درساً قيماً. كنت أحضر اجتماعاً لمناقشة مشكلة لا أذكر تفاصيلها الآن، لكني أذكر جيداً أني رأيت الحل بوضوح شديد و طرحته أمام الجميع بشكل مباشر، بلهجة توحي بقدر من المرجعية و السلطة على ما أتذكر. ساد الصمت الغرفة لبرهة ثم تابع الفريق الكلام، متوصلاً في النهاية إلى الحل الذي كنت قد اقترحته، و إن كان على نحو لم يسبق لي أن طرحته مطلقاً. و لدى تأملي لما حدث أدركت أنه من الأفضل أن يستمع المرء بدلاً من أن يتكلم، لاسيما إذا كان ما يزال شخصاً صغير السن مبتدئاً.يضاف إلى ذلك أن أي جماعة تكون بحاجة عادةً،حين تجد نفسها أمام مشكلة،إلى الاشتباك و ا��تصارع مع تلك المشكلة لبعض الوقت. و إن كان لديك نوعٌ من الحل، فما عليك إلا أن تنتظر حتى يكون الناس مستعدين لقبوله، ثم تبادر إلى طرحه بأسلوب بارد بما يضمن التركيز على الحل، بعيداً عن شخصك أنت."
في جلسة جمعت بين نيكسون و خروتشوف عام 1959 - قبل سنوات عدة من توليه الرئاسة - و بعد مأدبة غداء، تكلم خروتشوف بلا تحفظ. قال الرجل "إن على المء أحياناً أن يكون سياسياً كي يكون رجل دو��ة. إذا كانت الجماهير ترى نهراً خيالياً أمامها، فإن السياسي لا يقول لهم: ليس ثمة أي نهر. بل يقوم السياسي بدلاً من ذلك ببناء جسر خيالي فوق النهر الخيالي"!
"تعلمت أن بعض الناس قد يختارك لما لست عليه، ففي جولتي الانتخابية الأولى للترشح للكونجرس قابلت راعي بقر عجوز، فسألني: هل أنت محام؟ فقلت: لا يا سيدي. فسألني: هل أنت ديمقراطي؟ فقلت:لا. فقال: إذاً صوتي لك في الإنتخابات."
زارني هنري كيسنجر في مكتبي بالبيت الأبيض كما كان يفعل بانتظام منذ توليت منصبي كنائب للرئيس، و تناقش معي في عدد من الموضوعات بما فيها كوريا الشمالية، و روسيا، و أوروبا. إلا إنه بدأ كلامه بالعراق و حذر من الآثار السياسية لسحب القوات الأمريكية منها، و قال "الانسحابات أشبه بالفستق المملح، ما إن تبدأ في تناوله حتى تصبح عاجزًا عن التوقف".
Profile Image for Matt.
4,060 reviews12.9k followers
September 17, 2011
From the outset, let me admit two things; I am not an American, and I have long been anti-Bush and his administration. That said, I was quite pleased with Cheney's memoir and felt that I learned a great deal about the man, the Administration, and some of the inner workings, about which I knew little.

Cheney uses the memoir to paint a picture of his life pre-VP and into his 8 years as 'second in command'. He draws on some excellent stories and has a wonderful way with words. I knew so little of the man, other than he was one bacon sandwich away from death and liked to shoot his friends. After finishing the book, I was truly amazed at all this man had done and the depth of his workings inside 1600 Pensylvania Ave, as well as with 4 Administrations (Nixon, Ford, Buish 41, and of course Bush 43), and time in Congress. Having not been born when he became Chief of Staff under Ford and his various workings for and with Don Rumsfeld in the early days, I was quite intrigued at the stories he could tell. He laid out some interesting tales as Chief under Ford in the 840ish days in office and some great ones as Bush 41's Sec. of Defense, who led them into Desert Storm.

One of the real eye opening things for me was his activity within Bush 43's Administration. He was no 'sit around as President of the Senate and learn to crochet' VP. He got things done and pushed for a real agenda. While I find his prop up of the Administration's post-September 11, 2001 action really in poor taste, I must admit the man has an agenda to which he sticks. Even if it is illegal and promises covert and anti-Constitutional actions, the man makes his case and props up the boss as best as he can.

I will admit a few flaws that I found in the book. One of which being its continual lack of chronologial nature. While I understand, specifically with political memoirs, it is never an A to B to C thing, which leads to the next chapter all that well, the jumping from 2001 to '06, to '08, and back to '02 really got to me. Tell the story in its chronological order, or your life in such a manner. It is as though telling his tale led to anecdotes much further along in life, before remembering that we are back in 1986 in the storyline. Also, let me also chastise for a real lack of meat in a few major parts. There is a real lack of story for the presidential campaigns (maybe 5-6 pages for 1976, 2000, and 2004), let alone the congressional campaigns that he undertook. I was also really deflated by the lack of explanation of the really exciting things that he did. We get pages and pages on Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac, but a paragraph about Ford's loss to Carter... these were interesting times.

No political memoir would be the same without some jabs at opponents. Cheney get after Reagan in '76 at the Convention, and Carter in the election (and 4 awful years to 1980, his belief), then jumps at Clinton in '92 that saw the end of Bush 41's power, and again at Clinton/Gore in 2000. Nothing like also criticizing the man who took over, Obama, in the latter stages, and the real shocker, tossing McCain under the bus and leaving the reader to wonder if Sen. McCain was a wet behind the ears fool who would not know domestic policy if it bit him in the ass. Add to that a little attack her and there on Colin Powell's disagreement with the Administration being in a useless war in Iraq (oh sorry, liberation Bush felt was needed).

All in all, Cheney changed my mind about the man behind the VP desk. While I will never agree with him entirely, he did tackle some of the key issues, including his own health, while showing that he did care about the US and its people (at least those who followed his boss' belief system). I did feel that this one was much more... filling than Dubya's attempts to show himself off as a great man.

Kudos for another great political memoir and here's high hopes that other politicians follow in his footsteps.
645 reviews8 followers
September 26, 2011
Dick Cheney said it best "The path I had traveled was partly due to the circustances of my birth. Not that I had been born into a powerful or privilieged family; I wasn't. But I was born an American, a blessing surely among life's greatest. . .. I was privileged to have chance and second chances of the kind that may be posssible only in our great nation." I would say Cheney made good use of his chances and second chances. Cheney comes across a a man with strong feelings and ideas. He gives no apology for how he feels or thinks. I have a sence of deep respect for him.
Profile Image for Barry Sierer.
Author 1 book65 followers
December 14, 2016
I'm not a fan of Dick Cheney's policies but I do find him to be fascinating, sometimes even impressive. Cheney gives a very candid (and sometimes even humble) account of his decisions and history in US Politics.
Profile Image for Tom LA.
625 reviews251 followers
January 1, 2016
Interesting read, although most topics are handled with such a broad and impersonal brush that you wonder if this book adds anything at all to what's already been reported by the media.
Profile Image for Mike.
18 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2012
I just finished reading "In My Time" by Dick Cheney. This is a great book! Whatever your politics (and mine are rarely the same as Mr. Cheney’s) there is no denying that Dick Cheney played a huge role in the American public leadership over two generations. From White House chief of staff to Congressional leader to Cabinet Secretary to corporate CEO to likely the most influential Vice President ...the USA has ever seen Cheney never shied away from expressing and defending his point of view.

Like anyone who remains true to their principles in today’s overly pragmatic world Cheney has attracted more than his share of criticism and envy. I do not defend his views on torture or as he refers to it “enhanced interrogation” but I recognize that at times of extremism we may need leadership that does what we would rather not see done. Say what you will, Cheney led; he was true to his own beliefs and for that I respect him although I often disagree with the views he expressed. Honestly the administration which has followed Bush/Cheney espouses views which are closer to what I believe but their inability to realistically enact any vision (they can’t “walk the talk”) means that they are somewhere between sad and failure.

Reading “In My Time” I often had the sense that Cheney wasn’t telling us everything he knew. Well it is his story and he shares insights that we can gather nowhere else. Serious students of the time will need to do more research to round out their knowledge of events and people.

Cheney never leaves us guessing about where he stands on an issue or what he thinks about the people with whom he shared the stage. He is loyal to George W. Bush as his president but he also points out many of the disagreements the two men had. Cheney clearly has little time or use for the US State Department and especially not for the first Secretary of State of the Bush administration. I think that Cheney dramatically underplays his role in and influence upon the Bush administration and its policies.

Cheney is a sage and experienced strategic thinker. His level of intellect is rare in American public leadership these days. He is a family man with liberal views that will surprise many of his critics. He believes in individual freedoms at any price; perhaps in some cases at too high a price for many of us.

Finally, remember please that we fail to learn and broaden our own perspective if we only read or spend time with those with whom we are always in agreement. To Cheney’s dogmatic critics and to liberals in general I say – Read this book. While many of us will not agree with the points of view expressed, the way the man stays true to his principles is admirable and sadly too rare in our time.
Profile Image for Maria.
63 reviews
November 14, 2011
Contrary to Mr. Cheney's claim, this book did not "make heads explode." If anything, it was simply an account of his time as a politician and his viewpoints on controversial topics. For the most part, none of the information revealed was new. It's exactly as I remember things happening, how the various crises played out and rationales of decisions made. The media over-exaggerated its controversy, especially as it relates to Mr. Cheney's relationship with President Bush.
This book was a general disappointment because of the hype that went into its roll-out. It is, however, a good historical account from a person who has played such an integral role in recent history.
Profile Image for Dennis.
12 reviews
June 11, 2017
Dick Cheney is a Westerner. Eastern people and West coast cultures won't understand him or the book. To me it was like reading a memoir from one of my uncles. Mr. Cheney's deep conservatism makes him mainstream in Western culture and his decision making processes seem so down home, clear, and concise.

Some of the other people in the administration were really well defined by him in the course of events that he describes. I still personally like Colin Powell but I now realize that he was a better soldier/politician than a diplomat/politician.

The most frightening aspect of the book is Mr. Cheney's description of President Obama's actions and criticisms during the second campaign. To make foolish attacks on your political opponent is understandable but to actually believe some of these patently stupid policies advocated during the presidential campaign borders on complete incompetence. It just made the Manchurian Candidate come to mind.
Profile Image for Steve Schlutow.
727 reviews6 followers
October 8, 2015
I really enjoyed this book.. All the various stories that he narrates through the book I could reflect where I was and what I was feeling when it was happening.. Also, whether I agreed or disagreed with the decisions made that he and the various administrations he served.. I loved the book--a great read for any American who enjoys history and current-affair reading..
Profile Image for mark.
Author 3 books46 followers
November 14, 2011
Dick Cheney and the elements of happiness.

In My Time: A personal and political memoir (2011) Dick Cheney

This was a difficult book to finish because, after I understood who Dick Cheney was, and how he came to be who he was – I knew what he would say and why be said it. He said “It” because that is what happened.

First, what Dick Cheney is not. He is not an evil man, a dark man, a liar, an aggressive man, or a humorless man. He is a good man, a very honest man, an extremely hard-working man, a determined man, a competent man, a funny man, a good family man, a very happy man and most of all – a very, very conservative man and a very, very persuasive man. It is these last two facts that account for all the trouble he caused, and trouble is an understatement. Contrary to what some say, Dick Cheney never changed. 9/11 didn’t change him from moderate to conservative – he was always the most conservative of men. When in 2000, then Governor G.W. Bush asked Cheney to be his Vice President, Cheney wanted to make certain Bush knew just how “deeply conservative” he was and in a conversation reiterated to Bush, “‘No, I mean really conservative.’” (pg. 264)

How does a man (or woman) become who he is? Are they a “Blank Slate” to be shaped entirely by environmental forces? I don’t think so, but the context of a person’s upbringing certainly has a significant influence.

Dick Cheney was born on January 30, 1941 – “The Day of Take Charge” according to Gary Goldschneider in The Secret Language Of Birthdays (1994). Dick Cheney, from his birth lived, and is living, the American Dream. He never faced hardship, hunger, or loss. He was always loved and cared for growing up - first on a farm in Nebraska, and then moving to Casper, Wyoming when he was thirteen, where he thrived and met a girl, fell in love, and soon married. He always knew what he wanted, worked hard for and at it, and got it. He was never unemployed, never not loved, never really challenged. He learned early in his career, “If you have a solution, wait until people are ready for it.” (pg. 35) By the age of 24 he was in politics and the Secret Service had code named him “Backseat,” for his behind-the-scene, lay-low, quiet style. At age 37, he was running for the one and only house congressional seat to represent the people of Wyoming, was a 50 cigarette-a-day smoker, and had a heart attack. So he did what anyone would, and got himself to the emergency room at the nearest hospital where he was promptly treated and released. Then Dick did – what any self-controlling and self-loving person would do – he quit smoking, and carried on with his campaign, which he won and served as ( ) … until George H.W. Bush selected him to be his Secretary of Defense in 1988. Prior to that, in 1984, at the age of 43, he was appointed to the House Intelligence Committee where he honed his personality and style because of the demands of the job, as stated and relished by him:
I buried into the work.
Tremendous amount of time, work, and study.
Detailed analysis.
Absolute confidentiality and secrecy.
(pg. 141)
Here now I, Mark Jabbour, want to slide into some analysis of Cheney and his personality and the elements of happiness. Dick Cheney is now, in this narrative (his story as told by him) 43 years young and extremely happy doing what he does and being who he is. According to Charles F. Haanel in The Master Key System (1912) happiness is determined by six factors: 1) Health 2) Strength 3) Congenial friends 4) Basic safety 5) Comfort & luxury 6) Pleasant environment. Dick Cheney had all of these components from his birth and throughout his entire life. What about his heart? You might ask – he’s had five heart attacks? Yes, but they didn’t cause him pain or encumber him or slow him down, prevent him from doing what he wanted. In fact, they may have served him well as evidenced by his quitting smoking. This was not only good for his physical health, but buoy’s up one’s self-esteem and confidence. It supports the belief that you are strong and in control of yourself and life—quitting smoking does. Which comes under Strength in the facets of happiness. (I know because I quit the same way Cheney did – cold.) All of this solidifies, by reinforcement, his inherent conservatism – a personality trait on the low end of Openness, one of the Big Five personality traits. After finishing this memoir by Mr. Cheney, I think I know who he is. On the Big-5 he would score very low on Openness, extremely high on Conscientiousness, middleish on Extroversion, low on Agreeableness, and extremely low on Neuroticism. Now … this might come as shock to you – but Cheney and I are very similar, but for the trait of Openness where we score at opposite ends of the continuum.

What makes for Openness? Well that’s for another discussion, but in short, it’s an evolutionary adaptation (see ‘Degrees of Lying’ on my website) whereas the trait in its entire range is conducive to the survival of a mindful (or not) species.

So Cheney is reveling in his POV of who he is and is not susceptible to what others’ think. He knows he’s right, which leads him to believe that Peace comes through strength and he distains weakness. And because of his smooth, happy, unchallenged, life – he has no comprehension of what it is to not have life be so … fortunate (?). In other words, he lacks compassion and empathy. He is, as are all conservative personalities, narrow and/or closed minded – rigid. Not at all unlike his counterparts Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden. Oh the irony. The only significant difference between these men is where and when and to whom they were born. They are all extremely conservative person(alities).

Allow me to get specific. In the narrative (=Cheney’s book) we now move forward to 1990, when Cheney is Bush 41’s SecDef and Saddam Hussein has invaded Kuwait. Hussein tells the international community that the reason he invaded Kuwait is that the Kuwaitis have stolen Iraq’s oil by diagonal drilling. Not only that, but that the Kuwaitis
Have been stealing Iraqi women and using them as prostitutes!! Now imagine if such a state of affairs had happened to Dick Cheney, suckled as he was on the values of family and individualism and freedom as he was (= the saga of the American West) … . Are you starting to get the picture? Cheney, being of closed mind with concrete poured around his position (= manly men defend their property and especially their family and women) has to, has to, call out Hussein as a crazy madman bent on world domination who is a threat to all that is true and good. [Cheney, for whatever reason, never evokes God (=the Christian God) as reason for his righteousness – or for that matter, American Exceptionalism.] For this analysis, forget Bush and his reasons’ to depose Hussein. But, put the two together (as “we” did by electing them in 2000) and Hussein is “toast” (Cheney’s word.)

OK, back to the story. Cheney, as SecDef of US, persuades the Saudi government that Saddam Hussein has no intention of stopping in Kuwait but that he’s going to keep on going and invade Saudi Arabia and take over the country and their possessions (=oil & women.) Where did Cheney get this idea? Well, Cheney believed [I think because of the conservative personality, that by its nature is not open to new ideas) that there is no continuum – that you are either good or evil. He did not trust diplomacy (=talk) because he knew evil people lied. Cheney always operated on a “worst case” scenario. What if …

There is just this overall simplicity to Cheney’s thought process, but a process that was/is bolstered by success. Success that was a consequence of his fortuitous life, and inherent personality, that because of confluent circumstances (the now famous “Perfect Storm”) created a upward spiral of his confidence and belief in his own superiority to all others … which tends to attract supporting events. (See on Bookshelf: Ask and It is Given.) This is not a personality disorder. It is rational thought. If something works – keep doing it. Why stop?

So …a few questions for Mr. Cheney: What about Tora Bora? Jessica Lynch? Pat Tillman? Hussein’s hanging? Was it necessary to call a liar: Condoleezza Rice, Joe Wilson, & John Kerry? Colin Powell a coward? John McCain feckless? Really? Cheney, come on… . Read David Foster Wallace’s account of McCain in “Up Simba.”

Much of what Cheney says I don’t disagree with … especially his concluding statement that: “The key, I think, is to choose serious and vigilant leaders … “ and so on. (pg.527)

It could well be that Dick Cheney, more than any other person or thing or confluence of things – is responsible for the attack on America by Osama bin Laden on September 11, 2001. Bin Laden declared war on America because of US troops on the sacred territory of the Arabian Peninsula. That was something that Dick Cheney talked the Saudis into because of his “worst case” approach to people and events. Cheney talked the deciders into the first, and the second, wars with Iraq. He wanted/wants to bomb Syria and Iran. Talk softly and carry a big stick, and use it - when the other won’t do as they are told. That is Dick Cheney’s governing philosophy and he changed the world through the force of his personality.

September 7, 2011.
Profile Image for Chase McCool.
1 review12 followers
February 22, 2012
I decided to read this book because Dick Cheney is a very controversial political figure. I gave it four stars because I thought that the memoir was well written, historically/politically insightful and just generally interesting. What follows is a general overview of the book and my concluding thoughts.

Through "In My Time" we learn that Cheney's political roots stretch as far back as the Ford Administration where he was an an aid to, then, Chief-of-Staff ("COS") Donald Rumsfeld. This allowed Cheney access to President Ford in the aftermath of the Nixon resignation.

Cheney rode the Ford wave until it washed ashore in the form of Ford's electoral defeat by Jimmy Carter in the 1976 U.S. Presidential Elections.

Following a linear political timeline, Cheney then ran for federal office and won. He was House Rep for Wyoming from 1979 to 1989.

Next, he served under President George H.W. Bush as Secretary of Defense taking on an instrumental role in the first Iraq War - Operation Desert Storm. He would also become a strong advocate for "finishing the job" of ousting Saddam Hussein as Vice President under President George W. Bush in the second Iraq War - Operation Iraqi Freedom.

There are three thoughts I am left with after reading this book. First, Cheney shows that success in politics begins with a really good network. Interestingly, Cheney did not come from a family that was wealthy or famous - he had a rather normal upbringing growing up in Nebraska and Wyoming - notoriously rural states. It seems that Cheney's defining moment - the moment that set the stage for his political life - was the willingness of COS Rumsfeld to bring on Cheney as an aid. This was Cheney's foot in the door. The rest is history. It strikes me as peculiar/interesting that not everyone is given the type of chance that Cheney received. Even those that are given this type of chance certainly didn't capitalize on it like Cheney did. Is that fair? History seems to be a spotty picker sometimes.

Second, Cheney saw an enormous amount of modern history unfold - sometimes at his direction from Ford to Carter to Reagan to Bush I to Clinton to Bush II. Particularly the events that unfolded during his Vice Presidency certainly make a good argument for the most exciting Vice Presidency in American history. As a refresher these events include the US Supreme Court opinion in Bush v. Gore, 9/11, War on Terrorism (Iraq/Afghanistan), Hurricane Katrina, sabre rattling over Iran and North Korea, and the Great Recession.

Last, Cheney is still a vigorous advocate for all of his controversial decisions. History will ultimately decide whether the "enhanced interrogation techniques" used on "enemy noncombatants" were truly necessary and actually did save as many lives as Cheney claims. Additionally, history will decide the ultimate impact of the second Iraq War and the War on Terrorism in general. And, it will decide the extent to which Cheney may have been unduly influential on President Bush in the decision to go to war in Iraq.

This memoir is Cheney's attempt to construct a monument to his accomplishments and he has every right to do so. But it will be up to the American people and history in the coming decades to decide the real lessons from the immediate post 9/11 world. Cheney's memoir is a necessary and helpful guide to understand the times he lived in but, thankfully, it will not be the only one.

Profile Image for Diem.
479 reviews165 followers
December 28, 2011
Underneath Dick Cheney's somber, deadly serious suits beats the heart of a conservative's conservative. It beats with some assistance from an elaborate system of ropes and pulleys of the medical variety but it beats nonetheless. Only you can't hear it over the clanging that, if I can mention it without seeming indelicate, comes from an area due south of the heart. Think big. Think brass. Think...well, I think you get the picture. Well, don't LITERALLY picture it. Geez. What is wrong with you? It's just an expression. Try to stay with me here, okay?

As I try desperately to avoid any and all mention of the potential Republican candidates for 2012 I find myself drowning in their flood of ineptitude nonetheless. This book was like a life preserver that buoyed my spirits and kept me hopeful that a true conservative could come rowing along if I just hung on a little longer. Probably a mirage but we all need something to cling to.

I like everything about this guy. He's tough. This is no "compassionate" conservative. He will shoot your face right off. No, really. It's in the book. Along with a few other examples of how ridiculously slanted his press coverage is. Don't get him started on the subject of his big, gay daughter. Because he will not go there with you. He did, however, help me to perfectly elucidate my position on gay marriage so it was worth it to me to read the book just for that. And for his moving tribute to Gerald Ford. And for his glowing praise for Don Rumsfeld (miss ya, Rummy). And for his, um, interesting take on Reagan. And Powell (I knew it). And Rice. The Condi. Not the grain. And, of course, the relationship he describes with George Bush is very different from the one the press conjured for us. File that under, Duh.

He has a great sense of humor about his tough as nails persona. Only it's the kind of joke that's funny because it is also kind of true. I can imagine him laughing about it with you right up until the second when he grabs your throat and crushes your larynx with his bare hand and you're all, "Oh. My. Gaw. This guy is AWESOME!" Then you die.

The writing is excellent. Not beautiful but very good. His sections on the Iraq wars and Korea and Afghanistan are riveting and meaty. The explanations of the Plame Affair and the financial meltdown of 2008 are detailed without being boring. I'm a girl bored by too much detail in a story. Tell me what they were wearing and if anyone died and spare me the rest. If it wasn't too boring for me, you can read it without worry.

So, yeah. I like everything about this guy. Except TARP. He and I are never going to see eye-to-eye on this. Same issue I had with Gee Dub and his autobiography. You saved the republic but to what end? To see it coast steadily into a European style socialism. Thanks, Buddy.

But, other than saving the republic just to let it be torn apart by wild dogs at the end of the chapter, Dick Cheney is the kind of conservative we've all been looking for. And we just didn't know it. But for a genetic anomaly that prevented him from being a front man for the band we might have had a conservative that made Reagan look wishy-washy. If I sound bitter it's only because I am. Bitter and convinced that there just aren't any more guys of this caliber in public service anymore. I have to go cry now. Read the book.

694 reviews13 followers
February 1, 2012
This is a definitive memoir, written in a direct,no-nonsense almost blunt style. Any memoir is bound to be self-serving and biased and this one is no different. Most reviews of the book are of the subject of the book, not the book, so there's plenty of negative reviews. Some of them admitted to not having read the book (talk about a lack of credibility).

Mr. Cheney had an accomplished career before he became Vice-President (Chief of Staff to Prsident Ford, Congressman, Secretary of Defence, CEO of a major corporation) and that career is described in the first half of the book; it was marginally more interesting than the second half which covered the vice-presidency. I thought his chapter about North Korea was one of the best in the book. Clearly, the "War on Terror" dominated the George W. Bush administration and Mr. Cheney makes no apology for his focus (obsession??) with preventing a repeat of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. He expresses disappointment with the performance of Colin Powell and Condi Rice on the basis he believed they did not adhere to the direction laid down by President Bush. He consulted with Henry Kissinger on several occasions.

He was loyal to President Bush throughout the life of the administration even though he admits to some disagreements (e.g. firing Donald Rumsfeld as Scretary of Denfence in favour of Robert Gates.)

I liked his comment at the time of the 2001 swearing in: "I was the only one the president couln't fire. As vice-president, having been elected and sworn in, I carried my own duties..."

At the end of the book I felt I knew more about Mr. Cheney than I knew about President Bush after reading his book. Despite that, I liked the way Bush approached his memoir, that is, picking subject matters rather than going chronologically like Mr. Cheney. Cheney enjoyed a vice-presidency where the president provided him a substantive role in governing. Cheney acknowledged that.

I thought Mr. Cheney's approach to his daughter Mary's sexual orientation was praiseworthy and exemplifies how a parent needs to handle things like that. Sadly, I think Senator Kerry and John Edwards (that paragon of virtue) should be ashamed of how they vilified Mary over her sexuality during the election campaign debates.

In the final analysis, while this has many characteristics of a typicial political memoir, it is a comprehensive picture of the life and times pf the subject which should attract serious students of history.

Profile Image for Jim.
112 reviews21 followers
May 21, 2012
There has not been a Vice President who contributed more to the success of his administration than Dick Cheney. Even before the election in 2000, he was instrumental in finding the most qualified VP available, himself, something few administrations have done, and none to greater effect. Although constitutionally, the VP doesn't wield much power, Cheney's experience in foreign policy, defense policy, and every other aspect of running the executive branch were continuously tapped by George W. Bush.

Dick is a witty, straight shooting politician, who is able to get his point across eloquently and effectively. He speaks quietly, but will not back down from his position, and is actually capable of making his points with such force as to get people to change their minds. The book illustrates several occasions where his advice kept the administration from embarrassing or damaging missteps.

A great line in the book eviscerates Obama without even mentioning his name. He gives credit where credit is due, "I was gratified that after years of diligent and dedicated work, our nations intelligence community and our special operations forces were able on May 1, 2011, to find and kill Bin Laden."

There were few surprises, having followed politics fairly closely at the time. He enumerates the ways that the Iraq war helped slow other terrorist states and regimes like Libya and Pakistan. One area where George W. Bush and his administration really dropped the ball was in North Korea. I didn't realize how ineffective and counter productive Condi Rice was in the State Department. Dick Cheney explains in detail how North Korea played her for a fool.

I enjoyed this book, it was a good read. I believe more thought should be given to the VP beyond how many votes he or she might bring to the party. Dick Cheney is a proven leader and patriot and is the best VP America has seen in an age.

Profile Image for Frank Kelly.
440 reviews24 followers
October 15, 2011
Unlike many sanitized political memoirs, it is quite clear this is pretty much the real Dick Cheney talking here (with the assistance of his daughter, Liz). A smart, ambitious boy from the upper Midwest comes to Washington and, as so many other whiz kids have found, hard work and being at the right place at the right time can propel you into the political stratosphere. In Cheney's case, it was catching the eye of Congressman Donald Rumsfeld.

And here was the most remarkable revelation of the book (at least to me): Cheney's entire early political career, leading right up his election to Congress after serving as White House Chief of Staff, was a direct result of the mentoring and direction of Rumsfeld. While I knew Cheney worked for Rumsfeld decades ago, I had no idea Rumsfeld played such a long-running role in Cheney's life. An extraordinary story in and of itself and which a whole seperate book (or books) are likely to be written.

For those who do not like Cheney, I suspect this book will only make them dislike him more. He's blunt but humorous and makes his well-known ideas and ideals very clear (something I suspect only enhanced by the co-authorship of Liz).

Historically, this book gives many clues and insights into the thinking of Bush Administration. There will undoubtedly be many more books emerging giving greater dimensional views of this presidency. But this is a very good place to start in the quest for knowing what happened, who did what and why.
16 reviews3 followers
November 22, 2011
regardless of the views someone may have about dick Cheney and the bush administration, "in my time" offers a panoramic view into some of the most important and interesting events in modern history. whether they are recent like the Bush era or go back all the way to Watergate and the ford administration.
There a few living Americans that can boast of the experience and insight that Cheney has obtained over the last couple of decades as a Washington insider.
Given Cheney's personality is not surprising to discover that the events are described as he saw them, where he was always right , where the people that agreed with him were wise and brave, and those that disagree with him where fools and naive about the ways of the world. However, I try hard to to count this against him, since this is the general tone of most memoirs, specially those of politicians.
So the bi question remains , is Cheney a Machiavellian, heartless politician who deceived the american public and the world to serve a few or was he an unwavering patriot, whose decisions saved america from harm at the hands of its most dangerous enemies. The answer is neither, dick Cheney, is simply a man with all his virtues and flaws who sought to do what he tough to be the best for the country. in the very end, whatever you think of this book, there are two things that stay with you, Cheney's loyalty for his superiors and his love for his country.
69 reviews1 follower
November 2, 2011
I realize the name Dick Cheney will bring out a lot of emotion in people. I understand that I am in the minority with this statement, but I have a deep respect for Mr. Cheney and if his health wasn't so poor would be a strong supporter for him to run for President.

In the lead-up to this book, I expected Mr. Cheney to settle a lot of scores and write a much stronger political book. In my opinion, the book was very limited on settling scores. Jabs were taken at Colin Powel, John Edwards, John Kerry, Al Gore and Barak Obama, but Mr. Cheney did not dwell on them. It was his opinion of the events he was involved in.

One major drawback of the book was Mr. Cheney making all ideas of the Bush Administration sound like they were his own. As the book goes on it seems like he was making all the decisions. It's kind of distracting, but doesn’t take away from the story.

My overwhelming thought after reading this is simply who can I believe? Is this story accurate? I'm not naive enough to think that. Are the newspaper/blog reports on Mr. Cheney true? Again, I highly doubt it. Just reading through this, my thoughts have really started to focus on just what is truth, just what really happened, and is it even possible to get an accurate picture of anything?

71 reviews
January 2, 2012
Cheney's personal and political memoir answers many questions about his role during the administration of George W. Bush. His defense of the Bush administration interrogation policies and the decision to pursue regime change in Iraq are cogent and persuasive. Also of interest are Cheney's experiences through several administrations reaching back to Nixon and Ford, including his relationships with Rumsfeld, Powell, and others who would play roles in the Bush administration. Cheney's damning descriptions of the State Department's repeated failures under Powell and Rice were unexpected but are a must-read for the serious student of foreign policy and diplomacy. After finishing Cheney's book, I found myself wondering how it is that the Republican Party in 2012 is unable to field a candidate of Cheney's character--someone committed to a set of guiding principles who is capable of defending those principles without regard for the media's predictable attacks and distortions.
Profile Image for Don Stanton.
153 reviews3 followers
September 15, 2011
Surprisingly, I enjoyed this book. I normally do not read books concerning the era in which I live. This attracted my attention because so little has been written from the 'other-side' of the aisle.
The candid comments, the framing of each decision point was well done. The detailing of circumstances that developed inside the Bush administration made it a fascinating read. To be noted, never once did I see any blaming or finger pointing to counter the heaps of negativeness of the press about him or the Bush administration.
He wrote above all of that. That impressed me.
It was refreshing to not read about scandals, cover ups and such.
I recommend this book to those who can read without a presupposed opinion of its politics.
To those who cannot read without prejudicial bias, I suggest staying with The New York Times.
Profile Image for Carrie Abigail.
45 reviews2 followers
January 20, 2012
Everyone knows I love reading political biographies and the latest one I listened to on audio was very interesting. First, it was actually read by Dick Cheney and Edward Herriman (sp?). For those of you who don't know him, he was the grandpa on Gilmore Girls AND FDR in Annie. Second,I love political memoirs that focus on more than just the politics. Dick Cheney did an excellent job combining his personal and political life. He is a great storyteller and he explains all of the heavy political stuff in a way that makes it understandable and even interesting for those of us not involved in national security everyday. This truly was an interesting listen for anyone with an avid interest in American politics!
Profile Image for Janice.
1,310 reviews11 followers
November 18, 2011
I really enjoyed this book. I distinctly remember George Bush Sr time in office (I was in high school) and it was the beginning of my interest in politics. It was fascinating to read from his own words things that took place during that time. Dick Cheney has been around for a lot of serious changes in America and he was willing to answer the call to serve many times, from his years under Ford, to being the Secretary of Defense under Bush Sr to the Vice Presidency. He knows and understands Washington better than most and I consider him a true patriot. This book sheds a bright light on that fact. I hope other rise to the caliber of this great man. Great read.
19 reviews
November 7, 2011
His upbringing and his effort to change his life are both admirable. I agree with his approach toward North Korea. But seriously, his attempt to rationalize going to war with Iraq, and keeping the troop there, is just pathetic!
3 reviews1 follower
September 8, 2011
So far, excellent book. Very easy read, well written, and relates to events I lived through.
Profile Image for Spencer Willardson.
362 reviews11 followers
January 30, 2012
It's what you would expect of a memoir. It was nice to get a less one-dimensional (i.e. Darth Vader) look at a man who was a dissertation away from being a political science professor.
16 reviews
July 13, 2012
Smug, self-satisfied, and in blissful denial of inconvenient facts. It hurts me to give it even one star, but the gentle folk at Good Reads made me do it.
Profile Image for Naif.
25 reviews18 followers
July 26, 2015
Despite the fact I really don't like him I truly enjoyed reading the book it is very well written.
Profile Image for Jerome Otte.
1,809 reviews
May 27, 2012
WARNING:this is a VERY dry, dull account. The Cheneys are definitely not talented writers, but this is a very interesting book. Not surprisingly, Cheney spins and exaggerates Iraq-al-Qaeda connections, overstating their importance and equating Saddam as Satan himself, but it was a moderately interesting read...

Cheney just wants to slam his perceived enemies (anyone who didn't always agree with him). He leaves facts out about Scooter Libby and gets dates and facts wrong. Nothing new is revealed. Bush's memoir was much better.

Cheney's writing style could best be described as a stream of conscience remembrance fest. He skips from year to year to decade and back within paragraphs of each other. Chapter headings are simply places where he thought it would be a good idea to break up the book pages, because you really couldn't count on him sticking to the subject offered up. You knew when he stopped talking about one subject and then started talking about the next subject only when you began reading a new paragraph and it had NOTHING to do with the last one. Dick's memory in action, "oh, and here's where I saved America again".

It was a bit annoying and then a bit amusing when he would leave out the details of how critical decisions were arrived at, but found it necessary to tell you how many chairs were in a room, who sat to the right of who, and how many friends he had in high places that called to ask him for advice. He can't remember how they got the Iraq nuke intel so wrong, but he can tell you what he had for breakfast on Oct 29th, 1962, what important person he was with, and what time he got up that morning. I'm thinking that he invented yellow sticky notes in 1958 and wrote his diary on them every day...threw them in a big box, and then picked them out one by one while writing this excuse for a publisher's advance. "Ah, here's one from 1988...I remember when I....."

On page 207 --- conveniently forgetting that only Congress can declare war - he wrote that he thought it "unnecessary" to seek congressional approval before the start of the First Gulf War.

On page 295, without re-traction, he quoted his own press release where he claimed "Governor Bush and I have prevailed at each step of the election." However, on the very next page, he acknowledged that Florida Supreme Court had ruled in Gore's favor. I guess Cheney forgot about Florida Supreme Court when wrote he the press release and hadn't yet thought about what he would write on page 296 when he wrote page 295.

On page 306 Cheney boasted, that he and Bush pushed through "the largest cuts since 1981." On page 313 Cheney had the audacity to claim that these tax cuts "helped grow the economy and create jobs." However, he acknowledges that when Obama took office Americas was in the greatest economic downturn since the Great Depression and that government default was a realistic possibility. However he sees no connection between Bush's policies and the failed economy. Cheney did have the decency to recall (page 396) that under Clinton, there "was a significant budget surplus."

On page 358, and in other places, Cheney asserted that water-boarding is not torture. However, he seems to forget that if an American soldier is ever captured by Al-Qaeda and subjected to water-boarding, the vast majority of Americans would have no compunction calling the soldier's treatment torture.

Despite this, and since he made such a big deal out of being a "straight shooter" (no pun intended), I was surprised that in the same way that ex-president GW Bush did in his book, Cheney too dodged the two most important issues of the Cheney/Bush administration that: (1) there were no WMDs and (2) they were warned by Richard Clarke (in August) that Bin Laden was determined to strike inside the U.S. (and did so in September)?

Omitting these two pivotal issues effectively reduces the book to little more than a diversionary apologia for having failed at them both. The score settling, especially with a man of General Colin Powell's stature, simply makes Cheney seem even smaller and more mean-spirited than his public persona would suggest. It is true that Dick Armitage worked for Powell when Armitage admitted inadvertently "outing" Valerie Plame. Most of us thought that it was a Cheney inspired "outing." To Cheney's credit, it was not. However, I worked for Dick Armitage, and know that that man is the epitome of what a high level professional and soldier should be. Cheney claimed that Powell was cowardly in not coming forth with Armitage's name. And as much as I dislike Cheney (and respect both Powell and Armitage), if Powell knew this, I admit that Cheney has a point.

However, that said, on the issue of WMD, Cheney appropriately sidestepped it by a "bait and switch operation, switching the goals for Iraq and then claiming that its "liberation" had been the administarion's goal all along, and thus that the liberation of Iraq was the administration's greatest triumph. Hogwash!

And on the bin Laden issue, although, it would have been logical (and correct in my view) for him to have to pinned the tail of the bin Laden donkey where it belonged, on Condoleeza Rice -- since she seemed not to have had a clue at the time, or even after the fact when she testified before the Senate investigating committee on the matter. Cheney chose instead to take a much cheaper shot at her that effectively exonerated her from the greatest of her policy mistakes: failure to properly interpret the Al Qaeda threat data and make an incurious President aware of it. Cheney's charge against her was not this one but was a much lesser, much cheaper more sexist and mean-spirited one: that under her leadership, the State department failed to give the President the advice he needed, that she was naïve and inexperienced in hoping for a nuclear agreement with Kim Il Song, and that she came crawling back to him with teary eyes admitting that he had been correct on Iraq. Ha! What self delusion.
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