Michelle Obama: In Her Own Words by Michelle Obama | Goodreads
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Michelle Obama: In Her Own Words

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Michelle Obama - In Her Own Words.

62 pages, Paperback

First published November 24, 2008

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About the author

Michelle Obama

43 books110k followers
Michelle Obama served as First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A graduate of Princeton University and Harvard Law School, Mrs. Obama started her career as an attorney at the Chicago law firm Sidley & Austin, where she met her future husband, Barack Obama. She later worked in the Chicago mayor’s office, at the University of Chicago, and at the University of Chicago Medical Center. Mrs. Obama also founded the Chicago chapter of Public Allies, an organization that prepares young people for careers in public service. She is the author of the #1 global bestseller Becoming and the #1 national bestseller American Grown. The Obamas currently live in Washington, D.C., and have two daughters, Malia and Sasha.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews
Profile Image for Sketchbook.
688 reviews239 followers
May 3, 2015
Title: Michelle Obama : In Her Own Wigs
Ok, Michelle, you're bald as a billiard ball, but do you need 4,000 wigs? Won't 2,500 do the trick ? Applaud liberal media for Not Saying Anything. And, I am tired of your one dress "pattern" that shows off your muscular armpits. ~~ Otherwise, as Nancy Mitford would say, you're a perfect darling.
Profile Image for France.
7 reviews1 follower
September 14, 2013
I chose to read this book because I’m quite interested in biographies because it reveals the true life-style well-known people live, rather than what reality TV shows show us. Also this book caught my eye because everything that’s written in this book is quoted from Michelle Obama herself.

This book covers the ‘a diary, biography or autobiography’ category on the book blog bingo board. I was really interested in completing this category as I really enjoy reading books about true stories. I started to gain my interest in real life activities and stories after I saw the movies ‘Titanic’ and ‘The boy in the striped pajamas’ many years ago.

A quote that I found inspiring was "just do what works for you, because there will always be someone who thinks differently..." in other words this means always be yourself and don't change for anyone. In the world we live in today many people do not like being different to what society tells us is right, so we change to fit it. This quote fits one of the key themes of our term three book study, 'Never Let Me Go', conformity is inherited in human nature.

Being that this book is about Michelle Obama, a character that caught my attention was her herself. From reading this book I have learnt a lot about Michelle Obama which is why I enjoyed reading this book. She is an intelligent and humble lady, who wouldn't change a thing about her successful husband. What I admire about her is that she is constantly thinking about her two daughters, she is constantly making sure that her children have everything they need. Though she is the first lady she believes her number one job is to be a good mother for her children.

Something I learnt from this book was to always strive for what you want. Though many people think that she hasn't done anything to be where she is, that all she has done was marry the president. This is wrong, Michelle Obama is a very intelligent lady who has been working non-stop to become more successful. In fact she has had more success in terms of education and university than Barack.

I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this book.
12 reviews
January 18, 2013
How to write a book like this: Google search "Michelle Obama + topic of choice."
The quotes were good, but they hardly constitute a full book.
74 reviews6 followers
July 9, 2018
First, I want to clarify, the book I've been reading is actually edited by Lisa Rogak, so it's not officially written by First Lady Michelle Obama, but it's supposed to be her quotes.

My other problem is that it's mainly quotes from before she was the First Lady and it speaks to what her dreams were as she was thinking about the task ahead of her. I know much changed for her once she actually became the First Lady for 8 years.

I'm struggling to unite the quotes into a single woman. I see First Lady Michelle Obama as a woman who loves her husband and thinks he really has something impressive to offer. I see a sadness that his political life interfered with his being able to raise his children as they had dreamed he would early on. I see a woman who determined that she would be a strong resource for her children and that she had to realize that, though she resented being the mother and the one who had to be the main parent, she realized that she needed to take the task seriously and learn how to rely on the resources at hand rather than those she had once dreamed of using. As a mother, myself, I understand this as part of the beauty of motherhood. Being able to stay grounded and work in a goal directed way so that your children or child has a solid background.

Then, there are these la di da quotes by a woman who thinks her husband is just like any other husband and that she's not so serious about what's happening to her. That's hard to believe, frankly, and I think I need to read one of her later books to really grasp who First Lady Michelle Obama really is.
Profile Image for Darlene.
85 reviews
July 16, 2012
Very disappointing. This is just a compilation of all her media quotes.
Profile Image for Caity.
268 reviews58 followers
April 24, 2023
Michelle Obama is brilliant and I believe everyone should read some of her work once in their lifetime.

Her quote on women - “if a toilet overflows, we’re the ones frantically rescheduling the 9am meetings so that we can meet the plumber. And we have the added social pressure of being attractive, charming, and delightful mates, well-groomed, in good spirits, ready to be supportive of our significant others. I know I can get an amen on that. I’m tired just thinking about it”.
Profile Image for Jacquelyn Smith.
1,272 reviews
October 8, 2012
This is a easy one, Michelle tell you I am first a mother, then a wife and now the roll
as the first lady. If you have children, a husband, and pet then you can understand her words.
But this is the first lady, she also have other duties on top. I enjoyed this I take it out every once in while to read.
Profile Image for Theresa.
1,161 reviews19 followers
March 5, 2018
This is a collection of quotes from Michelle's speeches and interviews before the first election. I was a bit disappointed because it was quite repetitive. When I ordered the book, I thought it was Michelle's writing rather than simply quotes. I admire Michelle Obama; so of course I was not disappointed by what she was saying (other than her unwillingness to call herself a feminist when clearly she espouses feminist views).
Profile Image for Fredrick Danysh.
6,844 reviews179 followers
September 4, 2013
Rogak has put together a collection of Mrs. Obama's statements from various sources. Many of these reflect Obama's belief that her ethnicity is more important that her nationality and that she should be a privileged or special person. None of her statements changed my opinion about the family. but one must understand the people on the other side.
Profile Image for Itsjuliaeliza.
18 reviews
May 12, 2010
This was an excellent book of quotes that gave me an inssight into the extraordinary mind of the First Lady. I enhoyed her sense of humour and her honesty. Definitely recommended for a short, light read
Profile Image for Rohullah.
58 reviews
August 1, 2010
It is a great book, miraculously, the writer put to gather some of the Michelle Obama’s best contemplation and idea’s. Michelle Obama is really a special first lady and Obama family is a unique family living in white house.
72 reviews
June 4, 2013
An OK read. It is compiled out of her many interviews she has given up to around 2008. Very high standards and she appears to be a very genuine person. Supports her husband and children as her main focus in life.
Profile Image for Rachael.
12 reviews5 followers
February 19, 2016
I knew better then to waste my time on this, but I did read it... and really - there isn't anything productive to say about it. I will file it in the fire starter pile, then I will feel I got a little bit of a return from the book.
Profile Image for Traci.
495 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2014
It was interesting to see into how Michelle Obama feels about different issues.
Profile Image for estar*.
245 reviews8 followers
November 19, 2016
Loved this short collection of Mrs. Obama's words. Smart, funny lady. Also, #relationshipgoals
Profile Image for Kimberly Jingwen.
6 reviews1 follower
January 29, 2017
I would read a full biography first. But still a lot of insights on Michelle's perspective on different things.
Profile Image for Swati Sarangi.
Author 2 books28 followers
October 8, 2022
Book 19
I got the version of this book edited by Lisa Rogak. My eyes fell on this book after my mind got intimated by the volume of the book "Becoming Michelle Obama". I am definitely going to pick the autobiography of Michelle Obama very soon as I was very inspired by the thoughts and ideologies of the first lady of the 44th President of the United States Of America. From the book, I got to know that Michelle was a gifted child who rose to the ladder of academia through her merits. She believes that it was because of the faith and self-confidence that her parents instilled in her, she could attend two Ivy League colleges like Princeton University and Harvard University in her life. She will continue to the transfer same values and confidence to her children. This book is a compilation of her thoughts on various spheres, ranging from her life, politics, relationships with her husband, raising children, etc., which she publically expressed through her speeches in various rallies or interviews. These speeches let others know about the kind of lady she is! She is indeed an inspiration to all working and ambitious women who struggle to keep the balance between their careers and family.
Profile Image for Kathryn Wahlberg.
6 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2021
This is a completely ridiculous book. It's just a compilation of quotes with no context and in seemingly no particular order. They're not even impressive, inspirational, or particular well thought out quotes. It's literally just a list of things that Michelle Obama has said in her life with no through line.

I also object to the tag line referencing "views and values" as well as the foreword that implies that America needs to make some kind of assessment about this woman and this book will help them to do that. It's condescending, paternalistic, and frankly racist. It implies that Michelle Obama needed to prove herself at the time of this book's publication, which is not something I have ever seen placed on other First Ladies in that way.

Very silly all around. I hope Michelle Obama got some money off of this, but I kind of doubt it.
Profile Image for Indika de Silva.
397 reviews7 followers
September 16, 2018
This book is just a compilation of all Michelle Obama's quotes done to various TV shows, interviews and magazines. Therefore it provides a quick read to get a somewhat understanding on Michelle Obama's attitude towards family life, her husband and various other topics.

It is not a biography nor does it have a continuous narration/time line. But nevertheless it is a different read as it provides summarized overview of one of the first ladies of USA who was a true original.
Profile Image for Jo.
641 reviews
October 10, 2018
Michelle is an amazing woman who I greatly admire! This is a compilation of quotes more than talks. Sound bites really. They are good - and give you a general sense of what she is about - but left me longing for some depth. Looking forward to her book.
3 reviews
June 7, 2019
Our first Black Presidents wife appears to be more intelligent than former first ladies!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Karina V Nieblas.
114 reviews1 follower
December 30, 2019
She keep things real. It’a crazy because we’re talking about Michel wonder women Obama and still reading the things she says it’s amaze me how I can see her in my mother, in my teacher, in my aunt, in my friends. She is a feeling living inside of all women. LOVE HEEERR!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 33 reviews

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