Princess Zahra Aga Khan meets Ruto, First Lady Rachel | Nation

Princess Zahra Aga Khan meets Ruto, First Lady Rachel

Princess Zahra Aga Khan Ruto

Princess Zahra Aga Khan (third left) meets President William Ruto at State House, Nairobi on February 16, 2024. 

Photo credit: PCS

What you need to know:

  • The AKDN agencies and Kenya have closely collaborated in the fields of industry, tourism, financial services, clean energy, media, health, education, community development, and infrastructure. 
  • President Ruto recognised AKDN’s significant contributions to Kenya’s development and offered his Government’s support to strengthen the collaboration. 

Princess Zahra Aga Khan Friday met both President William Ruto and the First Lady Rachel Ruto in Nairobi. They explored opportunities for collaboration and mutual support in advancing various initiatives in the country. 

The meetings, with Dr Ruto at State House, Nairobi, and Mrs Ruto at the Serena Hotel, provided an opportunity to discuss the decades-long development partnership between the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and the government of Kenya to improve the quality of life of Kenyans, and areas of future cooperation.  

The AKDN agencies and Kenya have closely collaborated in the fields of industry, tourism, financial services, clean energy, media, health, education, community development, and infrastructure. 

President Ruto recognised AKDN’s significant contributions to Kenya’s development and offered his Government’s support to strengthen the collaboration. 

“We look forward to more collaboration in other sectors as we enhance public-private partnerships in our development agenda,” President Ruto said. 

In her meeting with the First Lady, Princess Zahra Aga Khan delved into a wide range of topics, including the advancement of women's economic empowerment, healthcare, and education –topics that are the core of AKDN’s longstanding history of collaboration with the government. 

Princess Zahra Aga Khan meets First Lady Rachel Ruto

Mrs Ruto also shared insights from the various programmes in her office where she noted that private investment was “an indispensable component” for Kenya's development journey, as it complements Government efforts.

She explained that it drives economic diversification, creates employment opportunities, enhances infrastructure, and promotes innovation and knowledge transfer, ultimately contributing to sustainable and inclusive growth.

“I discussed with Princess Zahra the advancement of women's economic empowerment, healthcare, and education, sharing insights from the various programs in my office. The visit to Kenya will reinforce cooperative efforts and explore new opportunities for mutual benefit,” the First Lady said on social media site X. 

Princess Zahra is on a six-day visit to Kenya to attend the global convocation ceremony of the Aga Khan University, and to visit various AKDN projects. 

The current longest-serving member of AKU’s Board of Trustees, Princess Zahra will speak at the ceremony on behalf of AKU’s Chancellor, His Highness the Aga Khan, and its Board.

More than 730 students across four countries will graduate this year. 
The ceremony in Nairobi will be attended by Kenya’s Cabinet Secretary for Education Ezekiel Machogu, representing President Ruto.  

Princess Zahra is expected to also attend the 20th anniversary commemoration of the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, and will visit a number of health and education institutions across the country.

The AKDN is a global network that brings together a number of development agencies, institutions, and programmes in many countries and across numerous social and economic sectors to improve the quality of life of the populations where the AKDN is present.

With over 100 years of contributing to the development of East Africa, the Network has the largest regional presence of agencies with development institutions, programmes, and initiatives designed to create opportunities to improve the quality of life and engender self-reliance for all beneficiaries.