Home News THUNDERSTICK release new single – Snakebite 

THUNDERSTICK release new single – Snakebite 

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NWOBHM icons Thunderstick are back with a new single ahead of their brand new studio album due release 20 October.

New Wave Of British Heavy Metal drummer Barry Graham Purkis, his iconic masked alter-ego Thunderstick, and his eponymously named band are set to release a second single from their forthcoming album, Lockdown.

With another powerful vocal from vocalist, Raven Blackwing, ‘Snakebite’ is a tale of prima donnas, victim narcissism and manipulation as well as some nifty bottleneck guitar from former Thunderstick guitarist, Dave Kilford.

Thunderstick’s alter ego and creator Barry Graham Purkis says: ” Snakebite …Ah Yes I won’t detail the lyrical content just to say that it depicts prima donnas, narcissism, and the ease of which communicative platforms such as social media can be used to victimise by the propagation of falsities to an all-too-eager responsive audience ready to join in the persecution…I speak from experience!!…Coupled with some rockin’ bottleneck guitar.

Lead singer Raven Blackwing: “Snakebite was a pure joy to record. Knowing who and what the song was about meant I could easily spit the lyrics (laughter).

Although I shall never let on who the real individual might be, I’m sure we can all relate to that one person whose voice really grates on us.

The single ‘Snakebite’ is released on 6th October 2023 by Roulette Records and will be available on the main digital platforms.

The album Lockdown is released by Roulette Records on 20th October 2023, in CD format and on all the main digital platforms.

Mixed and mastered BGP/Danielson at Legend Recording Studios, Ålesund, Norway.

Original artwork: Baz Crowcroft

Upcoming live date:

‘British Steel’ Festival Fismes, France – 7th October

A live DVD of the band’s appearance in Lublin, Poland last April is also scheduled for release towards the end of the year.

Best known for his time with Samson and an early Iron Maiden Barry Graham Purkis (AKA Thunderstick) has been the legendary icon for the NWOBHM (New Wave Of British Heavy Metal) scene since the late 1970s. His eponymously-named band,renowned for its female-fronted power rock and theatricality,have a considerable heritage.

The band played live and recorded for six years,both in UK and in the US, throughout the 1980s until playing their last gig October 1986.

Then in 2016 former lead vocalist, Jodee Valentine, tragically died following a five-year battle with early onset Alzheimer’s. In recognition of Jodee’s memory Barry decided to record some of the songs that Jodee had performed live.

This became the Something Wicked This Way Comes album,the first Thunderstick product in over thirty years. It was released in July 2017 to enthusiastic reviews worldwide.

Barry:“Back in 2017 after the ‘Something Wicked’ album was released I had no intention of forming a live performing band or indeed a follow-up studio album but after such positive encouragement from both long-time supporters and new followers alike I realised that there were still an audience of many out there that wanted our particular brand of mayhem.

The die was cast. After much deliberation a new Thunderstick was formed staying true to its theatrical roots but still relevant in today’s fast changing-musical environment.

I am so lucky to have found the musicians that I now work with especially Raven of whom I consider to be one of the finest rock singers that I have the good fortune to watch and listen to every time we perform.

She is the ‘real deal’ both in terms of voice and stagecraft. The next chapter in our story is now ready for the writing.


Barry Purkiss aka ‘Thunderstick’ – Drums
Raven Blackwing – Vocals
Rex Thunderbolt – Bass
Pete ‘Black Panther’ Pinto – Guitar
Dave Butters – Guitar





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