A Girl from Oz by Lyndall Hobbs | Goodreads
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A Girl from Oz

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In this memoir, Lyndall Hobbs bares all. Heartfelt, hilarious and down-to-earth, this book brims with Hobbs' honesty, charm and self-deprecating voice as she comes of age and leaves home to live among the stars.

Too large for life in suburbia, at 19 Lyndall left home to pursue her dream of being a journalist. A move to Sydney led to London, New York and LA, which led to wealthy, famous boyfriends, designer clothes and plenty of shoulder-brushing with an impressive list of A-listers. She describes the lavish parties she threw for everyone, from Jack Nicholson to Madonna and Prince Charles (though not all together!), while conveying the homesick, carefree, camera-toting youth she was.

From a high-school track star from Melbourne, to a young homesick journalist eating vegemite on toast in a London sharehouse, to the long-term girlfriend of Hollywood bad-boy Al Pacino; Melbourne to London to New York to Los Angeles; journalist to award-winning director to single mum to cancer survivor; The GIrl From Oz is a memoir full of heart and humour, fashion and folly, love and strife and back-talking daughters, and everything that makes a life fully lived.

336 pages, Hardcover

Published April 1, 2016

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About the author

Lyndall Hobbs

1 book2 followers

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1 review
September 13, 2021
The most boring narcissistic piece of trollop I have ever read.
Someone really clutching onto the success of others around them and leeching off it.
How was this ever published?!
Profile Image for Cat.
82 reviews1 follower
May 16, 2016
I'd never actually heard of Lyndall Hobbs...but I saw a review of this and thought it looked interesting...
Well, fast forward about 5 days and I'm glad I've heard of Lyndall Hobbs. Seems like all of Hollywood have and I love her now as much as they do!
What a life!
Honest and entertaining, I really enjoyed this.
Profile Image for Nola.
222 reviews3 followers
April 17, 2016
a good read of an Aussie woman enjoying the high life in the UK and USA and who happened to be very lucky to be in the right places at the right time. It really shows that money can't buy you love.
Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 reviews

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