Email Finder | Hunter Help Center
Email Finder

Find the email of a specific professional

Updated over a week ago

The Email Finder functionality helps find a professional email starting from First Name, Last Name and Company Name or Domain Name. 

How to find the email of a professional contact

Go to the Email Finder and enter:

  • the First and Last Name of the person you are looking to find the email address for;

  • and the Domain Name, Website or Company name where the person works.

If you need help finding the correct website or if you only have the company name, let the autocomplete feature do the job for you:

Find email of a professional contact

Hunter will provide the email address based on the available public sources or generated based on the public data available at the domain name level.

All emails undergo a free verification before being provided (invalid emails are not listed in the results). The verification status is indicated below the email:

Store the emails found as leads

To save the emails found and store them in Hunter, click the “Save as lead” button next to the email. All saved leads are stored in your Leads:

Save emails as leads in Hunter

When you save a lead, it will automatically be added to the list of leads that is selected. Click the down arrow to choose a different list of leads or create a brand new one.

Add a lead to an email campaign

After finding an email with the Email Finder, you can add it to an existing or a new email campaign by clicking the "Add to a campaign" button.

Add leads to an email campaign

Campaigns is included for free with all plans and lets you send emails to newly found leads directly in Hunter.

👉 Click here to learn more about Hunter Campaigns.

Find emails for several contacts at once

If you need to find emails from a list of professional contacts, you won't have to find them 1 by 1, but you can click on the "Find email addresses from a list" button to access the Bulk Email Finder functionality.

Find emails for a list of contacts with Hunter

Find more emails within a company

If other emails exist within a domain, Hunter will give you the option to run a full search of the domain.

Track company changes with Signals

Users can also use Signals to stay informed when new email addresses become available within this domain or when news about funding or job opportunities is published.

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