Pregnancy and Childbirth by Tracy Hotchner | Goodreads
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Pregnancy and Childbirth

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With over a million copies in print, "Pregnancy and Childbirth" has been the "bible" women have turned to for information, comfort, and support to guide them through each step of having a baby. Now, filled with the most current thinking and medical information from pre-pregnancy preparation to delivery and new baby care, "Pregnancy and Childbirth" is, more than ever, the one book that gives parents an unbiased presentation of available options so they can work in partnership with their doctor to make decisions best suited to them and for their child.

689 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 1979

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Profile Image for Kristi  Siegel.
198 reviews630 followers
July 14, 2017
Going through an old list of books read long ago. What can I say? I was basically pregnant for 4-1/2 years ...
1 review
July 21, 2021
I bought this book and read it fir my first and second child. Even my sister borrowed it and read it in her pregnancy. It's a great book.
271 reviews
August 22, 2009
I read this book 4 times, one for every child I gave birth to. This book is packed with not only information, but relevant information. You get an eye full of statistics, medical and spiritual information, and everything you need to know to make decisions through the 9 and a half months and the first year. This book made me very strong minded about breastfeeding by the list of studies it revealed toward the advantages; so much so I became a lactation educator.

In this book, you pick your passions but you don't go into them uninformed.

This is a pregnancy bible; a must read for any new mom who is just starting the journey.
Profile Image for Adrianna.
136 reviews144 followers
February 13, 2008
I am a first time mommy and this book was a fantastic help! I highly recommend it.
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