How to Write a Two-Weeks Notice Letter (With Examples & Templates)

You aced that interview and you got the job! One of the first things you must do is send your current employer a two-week notice letter. Two weeks is standard practice in most professional industries and ensures a smooth transition.

Below, you’ll learn everything you need to know about writing a two-weeks notice letter with tips and templates to help you get started.

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What is a Two-Notice Letter and Why is it Important?

An official two-weeks’ notice letter is a resignation letter stating your plan to leave your current position two weeks from the day you sent it. Some companies may legally require a more extended notice. We recommend reviewing your company’s policies before sending your two-week notice.

Although it may not be required, giving your employer enough time to find and train your replacement is customary. A sufficient heads-up is critical to ensure a smooth transition and maintain a positive relationship with the organization. You may need a reference letter or return to the company to take on a new role, so make sure you leave on good terms.

How To Write a Two-Weeks Notice Letter

If you’re starting to get nervous about writing your two-week notice letter, don’t worry! This is a straightforward document with a clear structure. Follow this step-by-step guide to write your two-week notice quickly.

Step 1: Address your letter

If you have a close relationship with your direct supervisor, address them by first name. However, if you’re unsure whether it’s appropriate, we always recommend using the formal “Dear [first and last name].”

Step 2: State your resignation

After a quick greeting, go straight to the point by stating your current job title and last employment day. You can briefly share your reasons for leaving, but remember it’s not required.

Step 3: Say ‘thank you’

Expressing your gratitude will ensure you leave the company on the best terms. Think of skills you acquired on the job or how the opportunity helped you progress in your career. If that doesn’t apply to you, mention something positive about the workplace dynamic or your team.

Step 4: Offer to help with the transition

Commit to ensuring a seamless handover to your successor by organizing your pending assignments, making it effortless for your employer to fill your role. Let your employer know you are available to support the team during the transition.

Step 5: End your letter

Conclude by wishing success for the company and letting them know you are available by phone or email for any work-related questions that may pop up.

Tips for Writing a Two Weeks Notice Letter

These easy-to-follow tips will help you write your two-week notice letter efficiently:

  • Be courteous: A two-week notice letter is not the platform to complain about the company, its policies or your team. Keep it professional and leave it on a positive note.
  • Keep it brief: The moment for a long explanation about why you’re leaving is when you meet your manager face-to-face. This letter is an official document sent to HR and your direct supervisor, so get straight to the point.
  • Follow instructions for next steps: Your manager will probably ask you to create a transition plan or finish projects under your command.