The Vietnam War was a notoriously long event that was felt worldwide. Between 1955 and 1975, the central conflict of North and South Vietnam fighting each other captivated the world and resulted in several other nations, including the United States, sending in troops. Full of controversy and casualties, the Vietnam War left a serious mark on world history. With a war this consequential, it is no wonder that audiences have received many films about the event. Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, and Good Morning, Vietnam are just a few movies that came out years after the war's conclusion.

Films about the Vietnam War were primarily released in the 1970s and 1980s, yet the 21st century has still found some room for more stories to tell. For example, the new HBO series The Sympathizer has been hooking viewers with its exploration of the Vietnam War at its near end. Along with following soldiers in combat, this century has also focused on other aspects like protests and journalism. There have even been some narratives that blended the infamous war with obviously fictional elements. From Da 5 Bloods to Kong: Skull Island, these are the best Vietnam War movies of the 21st century so far.

10 Tigerland Went Largely Unnoticed

Soldier gather in a trench in Tigerland
  • IMDB Rating: 6.9
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 77%
  • Watch on Paramount+

Released in 2000, Tigerland was a starting point for modern interpretations of the Vietnam War in the 21st century. Directed by the late Joel Schumacher, the film follows a group of recruits in 1971 as they go through the final stages of infantry training at a camp in Fort Polk, Louisiana. The camp is referred to as Tigerland, and the environment there is very humid to mimic the atmospheric conditions of South Vietnam. Once training is complete, the recruits are sent to the real battlefields, where tens of thousands are already fighting.

Understandably, no one would know of Tigerland's existence since it was a box office failure upon release, grossing just shy of $150,000 worldwide. Nevertheless, the film still received praise for its emotional story and performances, particularly from lead actor Colin Farrell. Since Tigerland primarily focuses on training before being sent overseas, it feels very reminiscent of the first half of Full Metal Jacket. Therefore, Tigerland is the rare film that offers insight into what training for the war looked like.

9 We Were Soldiers Depicts One of Vietnam's First Major Battles

We Were Soldiers
We Were Soldiers (2002)
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The story of the first major battle of the American phase of the Vietnam War, and the soldiers on both sides that fought it, while their wives wait nervously and anxiously at home for the good news or the bad news.

Randall Wallace
Release Date
March 1, 2002
Mel Gibson , Madeleine Stowe , Greg Kinnear
2 Hours 18 Minutes
Main Genre
Bruce Davey, Stephen McEveety, Randall Wallace
Production Company
Icon Entertainment International, Motion Picture Production GmbH & Co. Erste KG, StudioCanal, Wheelhouse Entertainment
  • IMDB Rating: 7.2
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 64%
  • Watch on Paramount+
10 of the Most Powerful War Films of All Time
War movies always have an incredible impact on audiences and there are some that are truly powerful.

The Vietnam War was full of many violent battles, and We Were Soldiers provides a look at one of the first major ones between the United States and the North Vietnamese. Adapted from the book We Were Soldiers Once...and Young, the film centers on several U.S. soldiers during the Battle of Ia Drang in 1965. Led by Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore - played by Mel Gibson - a battalion consisting of hundreds of men gets sent into the chaotic battlefield.

We Were Soldiers does honorary justice to its source material and the real heroes who fought in the Battle of Ia Drang. Viewers are given a harrowing look into the sacrifices the brave men and women made during this crucial battle. Alongside Gibson, other actors leading the cast include Greg Kinnear and Sam Elliott. Even if it is a war film that audiences have seen many times already, We Were Soldiers still gets its message across about how historically eventful the Vietnam War was and the progress that occurred on both sides.

8 The Last Full Measure Honors a Brave War Hero

William Hurt confronts Sebastian Stan in front of the Wall of Honor in The Last Full Measure
  • IMDB Rating: 6.8
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 60%
  • Watch on Hulu

The Last Full Measure tells the true story of one of the Vietnam War's many courageous heroes who risked their lives to save their fellow men. The film honors the legacy of William H. Pitsenbarger, a U.S. Air Force medic who saved multiple injured soldiers and pilots during the war. After Pitsenbarger passes away, Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman and other veterans work together to make sure that he gets awarded the Medal of Honor.

The Last Full Measure finds a fine balance between showcasing flashback sequences of the Vietnam War and providing a present-day conflict to ensure Pitsenbarger gets properly rewarded for his actions. While the inclusion of Scott Huffman was fictional to keep the plot moving, everything about Pitsenbarger's efforts to save lives was real. In addition to an intriguing story that flips between past and present, The Last Full Measure features an impressively stacked cast. Actors featured include Sebastian Stan, Christopher Plummer, William Hurt, Peter Fonda, Ed Harris, and Samuel L. Jackson.

7 The Greatest Beer Run Ever Tells an Unbelievably True Story

The Greatest Beer Run Ever Movie Poster
The Greatest Beer Run Ever
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A man's story of leaving New York in 1967 to bring beer to his childhood buddies in the Army while they are fighting in Vietnam.

  • IMDB Rating: 6.8
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 43%
  • Watch on Apple TV+

It is extremely unconventional for a movie about the Vietnam War to have some comical elements, but The Greatest Beer Run Ever proved that it was still possible. Based on veteran John "Chickie" Donohue's book, the film stars Zac Efron as Chickie, who wants to support his friends who are fighting at the height of the Vietnam War. So, to lift their spirits, he goes on an absurdly wild mission to personally deliver American beer to them.

Despite its low critical scores, The Greatest Beer Run Ever still deserves praise for adapting an insane true story. The film is a decent reminder that everyone should be grateful for being surrounded by their friends, even in the darkest hours. Additionally, Efron - who has been moving on from his comedy and musical roots - gives an underrated performance as Chickie and works off of other well-established actors like Russell Crowe and Bill Murray. Vietnam War films are typically dark and emotional, yet The Greatest Beer Run Ever finds time for some lighthearted moments alongside the serious drama.

6 The Post Dives Into The World of Journalism During The Vietnam War

Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks on the Poster for The Post
The Post
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A cover-up spanning four U.S. Presidents pushes the country's first female newspaper publisher and her editor to join an unprecedented battle between press and government.

Steven Spielberg
Release Date
December 22, 2017
Meryl Streep , Tom Hanks , Sarah Paulson , Bob Odenkirk
1 hour 56 minutes
Main Genre
  • IMDB Rating: 7.2
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 88%
  • Rent on Prime Video
10 Best Movies Steven Spielberg Produced (But Didn't Direct)
Steven Spielberg has directed some of the best movies of all time but he also produced other classics like Back to the Future and The Goonies.

Steven Spielberg is a director with an abundant list of films, and The Post is one modern effort that has become hugely forgotten. The Post focuses on journalism during the Vietnam War rather than on the soldiers overseas. Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks star as Katharine Graham and Ben Bradlee, a publisher and an editor at The Washington Post. When the news organization discovers a government cover-up spanning decades, Katharine, Ben, and their team attempt to publish the Pentagon Papers, a series of classified documents that reveal how big of a role the United States government played in the Vietnam War.

When The Post was released in 2017, it became an awards favorite, earning multiple nominations at the Golden Globes and Oscars. Considering how the news and government were huge talking points during that year and still are today, The Post's story felt just as relevant as it did during the late 1960s and early 1970s. Streep and Hanks deliver electrifying performances, and the ensemble cast consists of strong character actors like Bob Odenkirk, Sarah Paulson, Alison Brie, and Jesse Plemons. Spielberg's direction also helps turn The Post from a possibly tedious motion picture about the news into a riveting historical biopic that pits journalists against the government.

5 Christian Bale Delivers a Committed Performance in Rescue Dawn

Christian Bale standing in disbelief in the film Rescue Dawn
  • IMDB Rating: 7.3
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 90%
  • Rent on Prime Video

Directed by the legendary Werner Herzog, Rescue Dawn tells the true story of a United States pilot named Dieter Dengler and his fight for survival in the Vietnam War. When Dieter gets shot down in Laos and taken prisoner by the enemy, he must endure torture and starvation to stay alive. By partnering with the other prisoners, Dieter develops an escape plan where they make a break for the jungle. However, the jungle also proves to be an equally challenging feat.

Christian Bale always commits to every role he plays, yet his performance as Dieter in Rescue Dawn does not get talked about enough. Bale has been known for gaining and losing weight for roles. Considering Dieter goes through rough obstacles, including starvation, the actor lost 65 pounds to play him. Both Bale and co-star Steve Zahn command the screen as prisoners of war who want nothing more than to live. In terms of war movies that never got a chance to shine, Rescue Dawn is up there as one of the most underrated in the genre, which is shocking because of the established talent involved.

4 Watchmen Shows Superheroes Making Historical Changes

Billy Crudup, Malin Akerman, Matthew Goode, Jackie Earle Haley, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and Patrick Wilson in Watchmen (2009)
Watchmen (2009)
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In a version of 1985 where superheroes exist, the murder of a colleague sends active vigilante Rorschach on the trail of a conspiracy that will change the course of history.

Zack Snyder
Release Date
March 6, 2009
Warner Bros.
Jackie Earle Haley , Patrick Wilson , Carla Gugino , Malin Akerman , Billy Crudup , Matthew Goode , Jeffrey Dean Morgan , Matt Frewer
Dave Gibbons , David Hayter , Alex Tse
162 Minutes
Main Genre
Production Company
Warner Bros., Paramount Pictures, Legendary Entertainment
  • IMDB Rating: 7.6
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 65%
  • Watch on MAX

Adapted from Alan Moore's graphic novel, Zack Snyder's Watchmen follows the titular group in an alternate version of America where costumed superheroes are a part of society and have helped change history. When one of the members, The Comedian, is brutally killed, vigilante Rorschach investigates and reunites with his powerful associates. However, as the Watchmen delve deeper into this investigation and remember what transpired before they went their separate ways, a sinister conspiracy threatens them and the rest of the world.

While Snyder's interpretation of Watchmen remains divided among superhero fans, there is no denying how violently graphic and beautifully shot the film is. As viewers become enticed by the unraveling plot, they are also treated to some interesting character backstories. Most particularly, there is a stunning sequence that shows the heroes fighting for the United States during the Vietnam War. While on the battlefield, The Comedian uses a flamethrower to cause chaos, while the all-powerful Doctor Manhattan vaporizes enemies with a single gesture. In addition, the Watchmen's involvement in the war resulted in it ending quicker than usual, one of several instances where history has been altered.

3 Kong: Skull Island Features Vietnam Soldiers Fighting The Famous Ape

Kong Skull Island
Kong: Skull Island
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  • IMDB Rating: 6.7
  • Rotten Tomatoes Score: 75%
  • Watch on MAX
10 Best Battles in Legendary’s MonsterVerse, Ranked
Since the MonsterVerse universe began in 2014, it has produced some of the most exciting battles in recent cinematic history.

Regarded as one of the better entries in the MonsterVerse, Kong: Skull Island makes fantastic use of its 1970s setting to tell a unique story of the titular monster. The film centers on a team of scientists and soldiers uniting to explore the uncharted Skull Island in the Pacific Ocean. When they arrive, they get attacked by the ginormous and mighty ape called Kong, who does not take kindly to trespassers. Separated into different groups, the characters are thrust into a battle of man versus nature as they race to get off the island. Meanwhile, Kong continues to defend his home from other treacherous monsters.

Taking inspiration from previous Vietnam War movies like Apocalypse Now, Kong: Skull Island blends its historical setting with classic Kaiju movie elements. The film is chock-full of stunning visual effects and cinematography, as well as a spectacular cast that includes Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Brie Larson, John Goodman, and John C. Reilly. While Skull Island is fictional, it feels very similar to the jungles of Vietnam. Some of the characters are soldiers returning from Vietnam who get sent on an equally grueling mission to another jungle-filled environment. However, none of them were prepared for the destruction and mayhem caused by Kong.