港鐵荔枝角站 D1 出口, 港鐵荔枝角站 D2 出口 繼續閱讀
主打天婦羅及壽喜燒兩類食品;時令海鮮和蔬菜天婦羅以芝麻油及特調炸漿製作,壽喜燒則糅合關東、關西風味及fusion醬汁,口味獨特。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 AE 銀聯
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食評 (21)
等級4 2024-03-30
309 瀏覽
位於荔枝角D2 place內,主打天婦羅同壽喜燒。門面唔算顯眼,但食過就絕對覺得有臥虎藏龍嘅感覺。舖頭唔算好大,但環境舒適乾淨。而且店員服務一流。今晚選擇咗品嚐天婦羅套餐,感覺真係好滿足好幸福☺️☺️✨前菜有鮮甜松葉蟹肉配上螢光魷魚。連同醋啫喱一齊食,非常美味醒神!仲配有超迷你蕃茄。✨花竹蝦腳/花竹蝦身天婦羅花竹蝦腳同身分製成兩款天婦羅。前者非常脆身,後者外脆内鮮味彈牙,可蘸上咖喱鹽。非常美味!✨帆立貝天婦羅用上北海道帆立貝,好厚肉,大約炸到七成熟,非常鮮甜,可以見到內裡一絲絲嘅帆立貝肉。可蘸上鹽輕輕調味。✨海膽天婦羅本身唔係海膽愛好者,但呢個真係滿分好食!用上箱根馬糞海膽,鮮甜零腥味。放上紫菜天婦羅上,再配少少淡雪鹽⋯可唔可以encore多十件?🥹✨茄子天婦羅用上熊本縣赤茄子,係全日本排第二水份最高,咬落真係好多汁。簡單食材都可以做得咁好味。適合蘸上天婦羅汁。✨茶碗蒸茶碗蒸上配上肥美兵庫縣蠔,以85度溫度蒸,寜舍滑溜。裡面嘅百合根同木耳增添口感。✨蓮藕/蘆筍天婦羅再次展現食材簡單但技巧同味非凡。簡單如蓮藕皮都炸到非常香口惹味,後者好juicy。✨龍蝦天婦羅用上澳洲龍蝦,啖啖肉,爽口彈牙。以天婦羅形式呈現完全不減鮮味。✨番薯天婦羅用上安納芋番薯,冬天當造。品嚐方法亦非常深刻創新,先蘸上威士忌,後威士忌糖,有威士忌濃濃嘅酒香,糖亦可以中和威士忌嘅苦味。再來龍蝦湯以及炸蛋飯。日本珍珠米配上炸過嘅夢王蛋,非常濃郁嘅蛋香,人間美食🥹甜品可以揀白桃雪葩/鳳梨雪糕,完美! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-11-19
1768 瀏覽
🥢餐廳裝修係簡約嘅木系日本風🇯🇵座位舒適、服務一流👍性價比高❤️好推介呀🥳✨OMAKASE SUKIYAKI 《光》✨👘前菜:先用一個萵筍鰤魚揭開序幕😍呢個係鰤魚腩嘅部份,鰤魚時令魚,係冬天先,今晚師傅用蘋果木煙薰配萵筍🔥點埋咖喱鹽又別有一番風味喔🥳👘天婦羅10品1️⃣炸花竹蝦蝦腳:師傅將個蝦頭連腳炸到脆卜卜🔥正✅2️⃣花竹蝦:花竹蝦勁新鮮呀✅師傅炸完隻蝦🔥隻蝦炸到拱起🦐仲好有美感添☺️趁隻蝦熱點岩鹽食就perfect喇👍3️⃣秋刀魚:估唔到秋刀魚加埋紫菜同埋紫蘇葉係可以咁好食🤤師傅話要快啲可以食,呢個唔使任何點醬汁已經好好味嚕💯4️⃣鮑魚:乾醬+紫菜粉配埋慢煮6小時嘅鮑魚,淨係聽到都已經流晒口水啦😍5️⃣北海道海膽炸紫菜淡雪鹽:北海道海膽新鮮到極點💯淡雪鹽係用鹽同埋米做嘅,所以唔會好鹹,用手食好滋味呀🥳6️⃣醋骨啫喱:係日本直送,味道有啲青檸味,但係唔會好酸,中和返之前食炸嘢嘅味道👅7️⃣花膠蟹肉蒸蛋:師傅用日本蛋蒸85度🔥再加埋花膠入去蒸🥚滑嘟嘟又高級💯8️⃣野山天然舞茸菇:點埋天婦羅醬汁食,超級正🥳9️⃣炸西蘭花:師傅話呢個出面🥦好少有得食,有驚喜喔🥳1️⃣0️⃣丹波栗子:季味煮法🔥丹波栗子係時令🇯🇵冬天先有架🍴原身本身有殼,師傅要先煮走咗個殼,再將啲汁煮入去個栗子裏邊,絕對係工夫菜💯師傅話今晚食完要下個秋天先至再有呢個咁甜咁好味嘅栗子食囉👍我哋有口福嚕🥳1️⃣1️⃣炸蘆筍:師傅今晚見我食得咁開心🥳特登炸多個蘆筍俾我食呀🥳🍠安立芋:呢個安立芋師傅話點威士忌同埋點糖食😂有冇食得咁招積呀😂果然係勁好食👍🔥壽喜燒:用嘅係北海道A4十勝牛西冷嘅部位,我哋喜歡生生地,所以師傅煮咗5成熟🔥配埋大蔥、大黑本菇同埋「夢王」蛋🥚真係無得輸呀💯👍🥚天婦羅炸蛋飯:師傅好熱情☺️仲邀請左我入去睇佢親身整呢個炸蛋飯🥚睇住個蛋王炸到金黃色,治癒呢✅配埋佢個特製嘅醬汁撈埋入白飯度😍味道超正喔🥳👘雜菇清湯:青青地嘅湯底配咗充滿住香味嘅雜菇,yummy🥳👘漬物:我好鍾意食漬物,正呀🥳👘甘味:甜品係暱和歌山芝麻柿 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-04-08
97 瀏覽
近排最滿足最欣賞嘅一餐,不論食物、服務定環境,都會比好高評價,絕對推薦。主打天婦羅同壽喜燒,今次同朋友主要嚟品嚐天婦羅套餐。前後共十多款菜式,不論食材本身係貴定平,師傅都能夠將佢變成一道美味佳餚,回味無窮。松葉蟹肉配上螢光魷魚作為前菜,伴以醋啫喱迷你蕃茄,鮮味中帶酸甜。花竹蝦天婦羅 - 以花竹蝦身同腳製成兩味天婦羅,賣相非常精緻。口感酥脆,可選蘸上咖喱鹽。帆立貝天婦羅 - 北海道帆立貝厚肉鮮彈,炸到約七成熟,外脆內鮮,可選蘸鹽。海膽天婦羅 - 濃厚甘甜馬糞海膽,放上酥脆紫菜天婦羅,配上淡雪鹽,美味滿分。龍蝦天婦羅 - 用上澳洲龍蝦,好厚肉,鮮甜彈牙。茄子天婦羅 - 非常多汁嘅熊本縣赤茄子,全日本排第二水份最高,可蘸上天婦羅汁。茶碗蒸 - 滑溜蒸蛋上配上非常肥美兵庫縣蠔,以85度溫度蒸,唔會太熟,保持蒸蛋滑溜口感。加入百合根同木耳,增添口感。蓮藕天婦羅 - 蓮藕好爽口,連蓮藕皮都整到好好味。蘆筍天婦羅 - 咬落爽脆多汁。番薯天婦羅 - 用上安納芋番薯。先蘸上威士忌,後蘸糖,既有酒香,糖亦可以中和較濃烈嘅威士忌味。龍蝦湯 - 以澳洲龍蝦熬製,鮮甜濃郁。炸蛋飯 -炸過嘅夢王蛋,蛋香極香濃,配上彈牙煙韌、晶瑩爽口嘅珍珠米,飽都要食哂,太好味。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Two creative master chefs (Kris and Man) who worked in a top range Japanese restaurant close to Central decided in 2023 to open their own restaurant and to continue to make excellent high class Japanese cuisine but with a much more affordable price range. For that, they had to move to a less prestigious place and a bit further away on the Kowloon side (easy to reach by MTR Tsuen Wan Line station Lai Chi Kok).Restaurant Yoake makes Tempura.sukiyaki dishes but also  Sushi, Sashimi but with finest fish available. It's absolutely worth making the effort to visit them. Kris, the owner and a chef, is very friendly and open to make new dishes and Man, his chef in the kitchen creates dishes according to the wishes of their customers. I can confirm that their food is of excellent quality and it is a pleasure to eat there the same high-class quality as in their previous location, but at a much more reasonable price range. No wonder that quite some other customers from the previous restaurant make the extra effort to travel to the Kowloon side to dine in Kris's and Man's new place. It's testimony that their food is excellent and worth the trip.We had various tempuras, but also some excellent baby squid dish, Sashimi and a lobster made in two ways (boiled and tempura style) and further some outstanding tasty Scallops. We will return in short time with a whole group of friends. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-03-15
119 瀏覽
🍽 Just had an amazing dinner at Yoake ! 🤩✨ The restaurant specializes in Tempura and Sukiyaki, and let me tell you, it was absolutely delicious! 😋🍤 The restaurant has a spacious and beautifully decorated Japanese-style ambiance, with a cozy private dining area that we absolutely loved. 😍We tried the tempura, and it was simply divine! The batter was light and crispy, and the ingredients were fresh and perfectly cooked. We couldn’t get enough of the uni, vegetables, fish and other delicacies. 🍤🥦 A true tempura feast!For sukiyaki, we indulged in the exquisite flavors of A4 Wagyu, Ribeye, and Sirloin, straight from the pristine pastures of Hokkaido! 🥩✨ The marbling in this A4 Wagyu is simply divine, evenly distributed and not overly fatty. It’s incredibly tender and melt-in-your-mouth delicious! No need for further introduction, just feast your eyes on this high-quality beef! 😍👌Accompanying our Wagyu adventure are the freshest Japanese vegetables.The restaurant uses the finest Dream King eggs from Japan, boasting a large and perfectly round yolk with a rich orange hue. The aroma and flavor of these eggs are simply heavenly, pairing flawlessly with the sizzling Wagyu! 🤤 And that’s not all! Apart from the traditional Japanese egg sauce, we offer delightful customizations like wasabi, yuzu zest, and French mustard. Adding yuzu zest is an absolute game-changer! It brings a burst of freshness that perfectly complements the succulent flavors. 👍🍋The service was impeccable. The staff was attentive and friendly, making our dining experience even more enjoyable. We highly recommend this place for anyone craving a satisfying and elegant Japanese meal. 🌸🍚 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)