The Oracle Speaks On Phil Harvey, Coldplay's 5th Member - Coldplay News - Coldplaying Jump to content
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    The Oracle Speaks On Phil Harvey, Coldplay's 5th Member

    oracle.jpgMore questions answered by The Oracle...


    October 10, 2008 - submitted by Rafael, Philippines

    Q. Who is Phil Harvey? His name appears in the credits of Viva La Vida as a band member but he’s only credited for “wise words” in X&Y. I don’t seem him in the photos in the sleeves of any of the albums and his name doesn’t even appear in the first two. Is Phil Harvey the Oracle?

    The Oracle replies:

    Phil met Chris and bonded as best friends at school. Phil subsequently became Coldplay’s first manager. He took a break after the recording of A Rush of Blood… and came back on board after X&Y. He takes a creative role and is a trusted member of the team hence being referred to as the 5th member of the band. But no, he is not I and I am not he.

    October 10, 2008 - submitted by Andrea, United States of America

    Q. Your webpage doesn’t fit on one screen and doesn’t slide to the left. I can’t see the tour dates. Can you have your webmaster adjust this please? Thanks

    The Oracle replies:

    Actually Andrea that problem is due to your own computer settings. It’s the same for many people but there’s nothing the Webmaster can do.


    October 10, 2008 - submitted by Annie, United States of America

    Q. I know this isn’t a coldplay song, but alday i’ve had this song stuck in my head and the only lyrick i remember is “this is the story of a girl, who cried a river and drwn the whole world” i’m pretty sure that’s right. anyway, it would really help if you could tell me the song name and the band who did it. thnx XDD

    The Oracle replies:

    What you’re looking for is a song by Nine Days called Absolutely (Story of a Girl).




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