ICC Womens World Cup 2022 Points Table | Cricbuzz.com

ICC Womens World Cup 2022 - Points Table

Australia Women
England Women3rd Match05 MarWon by 12 runs
Pakistan Women6th Match08 MarWon by 7 wkts
New Zealand Women11th Match12 MarWon by 141 runs
West Indies Women14th Match14 MarWon by 7 wkts
India Women18th Match19 MarWon by 6 wkts
South Africa Women21st Match21 MarWon by 5 wkts
Bangladesh Women25th Match24 MarWon by 5 wkts - Reduced to 43 overs per side due to rain
West Indies Women1st Semi Final29 MarWon by 157 runs (Match reduced to 45 Overs per side due to rain)
England WomenFinal03 AprWon by 71 runs
South Africa Women
Bangladesh Women2nd Match04 MarWon by 32 runs
Pakistan Women9th Match11 MarWon by 6 runs
England Women13th Match14 MarWon by 3 wkts
New Zealand Women16th Match17 MarWon by 2 wkts
Australia Women21st Match21 MarLoss by 5 wkts
West Indies Women23rd Match23 MarNo result
India Women28th Match27 MarWon by 3 wkts
England Women2nd Semi Final31 MarLoss by 137 runs
England Women
Australia Women3rd Match05 MarLoss by 12 runs
West Indies Women7th Match08 MarLoss by 7 runs
South Africa Women13th Match14 MarLoss by 3 wkts
India Women15th Match16 MarWon by 4 wkts
New Zealand Women19th Match19 MarWon by 1 wkt
Pakistan Women24th Match24 MarWon by 9 wkts
Bangladesh Women27th Match26 MarWon by 100 runs
South Africa Women2nd Semi Final31 MarWon by 137 runs
Australia WomenFinal03 AprLoss by 71 runs
West Indies Women
New Zealand Women1st Match04 MarWon by 3 runs
England Women7th Match08 MarWon by 7 runs
India Women10th Match12 MarLoss by 155 runs
Australia Women14th Match14 MarLoss by 7 wkts
Bangladesh Women17th Match17 MarWon by 4 runs
Pakistan Women20th Match21 MarLoss by 8 wkts - Match reduced to 20 overs per side due to rain
South Africa Women23rd Match23 MarNo result
Australia Women1st Semi Final29 MarLoss by 157 runs (Match reduced to 45 Overs per side due to rain)
India Women
Pakistan Women4th Match06 MarWon by 107 runs
New Zealand Women8th Match10 MarLoss by 62 runs
West Indies Women10th Match12 MarWon by 155 runs
England Women15th Match16 MarLoss by 4 wkts
Australia Women18th Match19 MarLoss by 6 wkts
Bangladesh Women22nd Match22 MarWon by 110 runs
South Africa Women28th Match27 MarLoss by 3 wkts
New Zealand Women
West Indies Women1st Match04 MarLoss by 3 runs
Bangladesh Women5th Match06 MarWon by 9 wkts
India Women8th Match10 MarWon by 62 runs
Australia Women11th Match12 MarLoss by 141 runs
South Africa Women16th Match17 MarLoss by 2 wkts
England Women19th Match19 MarLoss by 1 wkt
Pakistan Women26th Match25 MarWon by 71 runs
Bangladesh Women
South Africa Women2nd Match04 MarLoss by 32 runs
New Zealand Women5th Match06 MarLoss by 9 wkts
Pakistan Women12th Match13 MarWon by 9 runs
West Indies Women17th Match17 MarLoss by 4 runs
India Women22nd Match22 MarLoss by 110 runs
Australia Women25th Match24 MarLoss by 5 wkts - Reduced to 43 overs per side due to rain
England Women27th Match26 MarLoss by 100 runs
Pakistan Women
India Women4th Match06 MarLoss by 107 runs
Australia Women6th Match08 MarLoss by 7 wkts
South Africa Women9th Match11 MarLoss by 6 runs
Bangladesh Women12th Match13 MarLoss by 9 runs
West Indies Women20th Match21 MarWon by 8 wkts - Match reduced to 20 overs per side due to rain
England Women24th Match24 MarLoss by 9 wkts
New Zealand Women26th Match25 MarLoss by 71 runs
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