Degree Programs

Degree Programs


National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) offers Full English Taught Programs and up to 126 degree programs at the bachelor's, master's, and Ph.D. levels, with an ever-increasing number of programs and courses taught in English. No matter which field of study you are looking for, you can definitely find an appropriate one here to pursue your degree studies.


NCHU also provides many scholarship opportunities for both prospective and current students to support their studies. Click HERE to find more information before you start the application. 


Most important of all, you can simply submit your application online without sending us any hard copy documents, and can also submit your application for all the scholarships at the same time. 


Degree Program

Overseas students applying to NCHU are divided into International Students, Overseas Chinese Students, Hong Kong and Macao Students, and Mainland Chinese Students. The application process, tuition fees, and available degrees may differ depending on student identities. 


If you are interested in NCHU's International Students Degree Programs, please click HERE to get more detailed information including eligibility, tuition & fees, accommodation, and application methods, etc.


Dual Degree Program

Dual Degree Program is open for International Students whose home university has signed a Co-implementation of the International Dual Degree Programs Agreement with NCHU (click HERE for the universities having a dual degree agreement with NCHU). To apply for this program, International Student also needs to be currently enrolled in the university and has at least studied for two semesters.