Feng Shui Master Singapore | 新加坡风水大师 Sherwin Tng


Sherwin Tng


 "Bring Harmony & Prosperity to You & Your Family."

Sherwin Tng, a renowned Feng Shui Master based in Singapore. With over 20 years of experience in the field, Sherwin is widely recognized as one of the leading experts in Feng Shui. His mission is to bring harmony and prosperity to you and your family through the use of this ancient art.

An international geomancer, he is notably revered for his prowess in adopting 
both contemporary and traditional approaches in geomancy.

Feng Shui is an ancient art that focuses on balancing the energies of the surrounding environment to create harmonious living and working spaces. Sherwin Tng has helped countless individuals and businesses achieve their goals through the use of Feng Shui.

The services provided by Sherwin Tng includes residential consultations to commercial projects, Sherwin has the expertise to help you achieve your goals and improve your quality of life. Let Sherwin bring harmony and prosperity to you and your family through the art of Feng Shui.

These organizations include DBS Bank, AIA Assurance Co. Ltd, Prudential, Liberty Insurance, Ministry of Defense, CoAssets International, Living Gems, My One International, DHL, Sunshine Place, Loyang Point, Bugis Junction, Country Garden, Serangoon North Village, Teban Place, and Taman Jurong Shopping Centre.

Using unconventional yet very effective methods, he channels and introduces propitious "Qi" into spaces- thereby nurturing relationships and ties forged within specific spatial commodities. He schedules personalised space-viewing inspections that are tailored to each of his clients' needs in a bid to study everything in detail proved to be effective and reliable.

Master Tng has helped many working professionals achieve their goals in life without feeling stuck, unhappy, or having to deal with complicated financial problems so they can uncover the best that life has to offer for them without wasting a lot of time, money & effort.

Feng Shui & Bazi Analysis For the Entire Family

By Master Sherwin Tng

Unlocked Your Destiny & Improve Your Luck Now!

Feng Shui Geomancy Service (新加坡风水大师)

Gone are the days where you are required to spend so much money on pricey decors, gemstones, lucky charms and other products. With our Feng Shui Master, you will receive the best-personalized geomancer service in Singapore with our innovative yet practical approach.

The time might be right for you now to adopt a more customised, exceptional geomancy consultation experience. Take a step forward, discover, and be enlightened on all you need to about your zodiac sign and your Feng Shui flying stars in 2024!

Our Feng Shui services effectively analyse and thoroughly scrutinise both the positive and negative energies lingering in your spatial commodity. Equipped with our master's extensive knowledge on the elements, get your boost in luck with regard to destiny, career, wealth, family life, and love.

Book us now to avail our extraordinary geomancy services with our highly recommended Feng Shui Master in Singapore (新加坡风水大师.

Benefits of Feng Shui(风水) and Bazi (八字) Analysis

Widely-used in deeply-entrenched traditions dating back to ancient China for more than 3,500 years, Feng Shui embodies two elements, wind (Feng) and water (Shui). Bazi (八字) which means "eight characters" or "eight words" in Chinese is also known as Four Pillars of Destiny.

While hardships are undoubtedly unavoidable, they are all but a part of life that can be minimised with the appropriate application of Feng Shui and Bazi analysis.

  • Upsurge your financial stability in your career or business, by tapping on the right wealth in these aspects.
  • Get a career boost by gaining a holistic and thorough understanding of your lucky element through a Bazi-birth profiling analysis.
  • Ensure the continued health of your loved ones by discovering foods that complement their 5-element profiles.
  • Get proper and expert-based advice on recommended locations to engage in business start-ups. 

Feng Shui Consultation by

Master Sherwin Tng

Our Feng Shui services exude a certain magical essence, effectively analysing thoroughly- both the positive and negative energies lingering in your spatial commodity. With our master’s extensive knowledge on the elements, grab this opportunity to boost your luck in destiny, career, wealth, career, family life, and love.

Book us now to avail our extraordinary

Feng Shui Master services


Tony Soon


Two years ago was what I considered the lowest point of my life. I have been jobless for a long time. Despite my efforts, it was hard for me to land a job.

IT Manager,


James Smith

(Beach Road)

“As an American, I am fascinated by Master Tng accuracy with his work especially he could share with me my past through the Bazi analysis. Not only that, he explained my current and future situation and gave me advice on how to navigate my future. Impressive!”

 General Manager,

Beach Road

Kieth Tan

(Bukit Timah)

I was referred by my relative to engage Master Sherwin for my office consultation. My business had hit a bit of a bad patch in 2018. If things did not pick up soon, I might have to close my company.

Logistic Company

Bukit Timah

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