Maternity Services - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board
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Maternity Services


Temporary Changes to our Maternity Services - 31st March 2023

We would like to let you know that the Health Board has made a decision to temporarily close the Midwifery-Led Birthing Units at Nevill Hall Hospital and the Royal Gwent Hospital until further notice.

The Birthing Unit at Ysbyty Ystrad Fawr will remain fully staffed between 08:30 and 16:30, but out-of-hours this will revert to a birthing POD with a midwife attending for births only.

Home birth options and the midwife-led birthing area in Ysbyty Aneurin Bevan remain available.

We would like to reassure you that this decision has been made with the best interests of our mums and new babies in mind. Please remember that women will still have four options within the Health Board area for birth – at home, a midwife led birthing unit, within the alongside birthing unit, and in an obstetric unit.

We apologise for the inconvenience caused, but we believe this decision is the right one to ensure the safety of women and to support our midwives who are under significant pressure due to the current staffing shortage.

Thank you


Message from the Perinatal Mental Health Team

This Toolkit has been developed by the Specialist Perinatal Mental Health team to help pregnant ladies and new mums with self-help tools for you to try, to offer some guidance and to try and help you through these difficult times.
As with all guidance regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) at the moment, the guidance may change as knowledge evolves, but we will try and keep this as up-to-date as possible. The latest guidance from the government is to ‘stay at home’.

Emotional Well-being in and around childbirth


At Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Maternity Services, we are committed to providing you with kind, skilled and compassionate care. We believe strongly that women should be able to make fully informed choices around their maternity care, and we want to support you in the choices you make.

Explore these pages where you can see what services are available to you during pregnancy and birth.