Games of the XXVII Olympiad

Dance Articles
Games of the XXVII Olympiad

Games of the XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, 2000

DanceSport couples have been invited to contribute to the Closing Olympic Ceremony

The International Olympic Committee today confirmed that up to 500 DanceSport couples from the Australian member body of the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF) have been invited to participate in the Closing Ceremony of the Games of the XXVII Olympiad, Sydney 2000.

"I believe that this represents another step in DanceSport's progress toward admission as a Medal Programme Sport, and admission to the Summer Olympic Games' Medal Programme," said IDSF President Rudolf Baumann during an interview at his home in Zurich, Switzerland. "We appreciate the IOC's approval of this tremendous opportunity to include our beautiful sport in the Closing Ceremony, which will be seen by sports fans all over the world." While further details of the inclusion of DanceSport are being kept confidential, so as to add to the impact of the Closing Ceremony, it is clear that including it in a televised special will be a popular move by SOCOG, the Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games.

DanceSport rivals the ice-skating sports for telegenic appeal. In addition, it has the powerful advantage that it is one of the few sports that has 100% gender parity and offers women exactly the same sport opportunities as men, right down to competing with men in the same events and on the same playing surface.

Headquartered in Lausanne, Switzerland, the International DanceSport Federation (IDSF) received full IOC recognition as the world governing body for DanceSport in September 1997. The IDSF has applied for acceptance into the Medal Program of the Olympic Games.

See also:

IDSF and DanceSport now fully Recognised by IOC

DanceSport in Olympics 2004?

CADA Establishes Standing Olympic Committee

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