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Congressman Grijalva

Raúl Grijalva

Solving big problems requires big solutions. As a representative from Southern Arizona, I will keep fighting for policies that help Arizona families thrive,  support a humane immigration system that works for everyone, and prioritize strong environmental protections to combat the climate crisis and safeguard our planet for future generations to come.
I am here to serve you!

Raúl Grijalva
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This executive action represents a significant departure from President Biden’s promise of a more humane and just approach to immigration.

My full statement on @POTUS’ border executive action ⬆️

Voting Record
06/05 247 H.R.8580 Not Voting
06/05 246 H.R.8580 Not Voting
06/05 245 H.R.8580 Not Voting
06/05 244 H.R.8580 Not Voting
06/05 243 H.R.8580 Not Voting