Me - Sam Adams

About Me

My name is Sam Adams. I’m a Business owner for  over 20 years. I’ve been inspired into life coaching due to my love of helping others. Having gone  through several adversities but kept going despite these and becoming more resilient because of  them, I realised that I have a passion to help others overcome the things I had.  

I feel driven to help people heal what I have healed and transform in a way I have already  transformed. 

I’m passionate about sharing my experiences and lessons with others and guiding people to live from a place of realness. I do this with a no-BS approach and various kick-ass coaching  techniques and Breathwork.  I call this method “Life & Breath”

Not only am I a Life Coach but I’m also a certified Breathwork teacher.

I discovered the power of breathwork after attending an emotional detox program.  It was so powerful I decided to train so that I could bring it into my coaching.

Breathwork is like no other personal development tool I’ve ever come across.  One of my clients recently described it as Meditation on steroids.

I believe in it so much that it is now integral to my work.  I also run Online and In-person classes too.  You can find out more about them here

I grew up in a very white area being the third child of a black mother and a white father. We were pretty much the only black kids in school, something that I was very aware of. I was aware that no one looked like me.

I struggled with my identity, but hid this through showing up as confident and being cheeky, but the internal struggle was very different!

Growing up I felt embarrassed and weird!!

I was brought up and told by my late father to hold my head high no matter what but also hold my tongue. I never felt in control or able to speak up.

We didn’t have a lot growing up. I remember one summer us not having enough money to buy me shoes!! I chased money once I started working, I loved nice clothes, cars and things, none of which made me truly happy on the inside!

I had bad relationships, a pile of debt, depression, I lost my home and my pride!

But now life is very different, I finally figured out the secret to happiness, contentment and fulfilment. But it’d taken years of personal development, reflection, action and getting real with myself.

I struggled with my identity, but hid this through showing up as confident and being cheeky, but the internal struggle was very different!

I once asked my own coach ( all great coaches have their own coach btw) what he felt qualified me to be a Life Coach, his answer.. “Life and pain Sam” and he’s right. Helping people take responsibility like I have, shift their perspective can change everything.

I have spent 10’s of thousands of pounds on my own personal development and I continue to invest in myself, always looking for new ideas to help me and ultimately my clients get the best out of themselves and life!

I grew up in fear feeling depressed and lonely, and out of control. It took decades for me to transform myself and my life, I don’t want it to take you that long!

I’m a powerful coach, I help you gain insight into you, to take responsibility and love it all at the same time.
I’m regularly on BBC Radio, have been on various magazines and spoken at many events.

I now spend my time with my Yorkiepoo Dory in Brighton in between flitting across to Spain. I’m a massive sports fan, love ice cream, running and sunshine plus the odd glass of Prosecco

I’ve got bags of energy, I swear a fair bit and my party trick is tuning my eyelids inside out…lol