
  • Star Wars: The Bad Batch has had an impressive array of incredible moments over the course of its three-season run, with high highs and low lows.
  • Moments between Omega and Clone Force 99 prove their special relationship, as well as their resilient strength and bravery in all situations.
  • The return of iconic characters, such as Captain Rex and Asajj Ventress, also stand out as some of the series' very best.

After 3 years and 3 seasons, Star Wars: The Bad Batch has come to an end, providing an impressive number of incredible moments over the course of its run on Disney+. The animated Star Wars series is a spin-off of the beloved Star Wars: The Clone Wars, following Clone Force 99 through the earliest days of the Galactic Empire's reign over the galaxy. As a very character-driven narrative, The Bad Batch has not only created many meaningful moments, but has also rooted itself deeply into Star Wars lore that has forever changed the franchise.

While the members of the Bad Batch, including Omega, certainly get the spotlight, some of the show's best moments also include some familiar faces from The Clone Wars and other Star Wars movies and TV shows. This, mixed with important new developments in existing lore, has made The Bad Batch an absolutely essential watch for Star Wars - with plenty of incredible highlights along the way. From the beginning of the animated series to the very end, here are the 20 best moments that will no doubt be sticking with viewers of The Bad Batch for many years to come.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Season 3 Ending Explained (& What Happened To Clone Force 99)

Star Wars: The Bad Batch season 3’s ending brought the show to a close, providing plenty of reveals, action sequences, and character conclusions.

20 Captain Rex Helps The Batch To Remove Their Inhibitor Chips

Season 1, Episode 7 "Battle Scars"

Easily one of the best moments of The Bad Batch season 1 arrives when the fan-favorite Captain Rex makes his return. He does so in the best way, arriving on Ord Mantell to ensure the Bad Batch has removed their inhibitor chips, despite resisting Order 66. He then takes them to Bracca, a hat-tip to the planet made famous by the Jedi: Fallen Order video game, to use the proper equipment - though the foreshadowing of Wrecker's headaches and utterances of the haunting "Good soldiers follow orders" line pays off.

It's a devastating, tense, and action-packed moment when Wrecker's chip activates, one that sees him not only fight his own brothers, but also go after the young Omega. This event forces Clone Force 99 to face the true tragedy of Order 66, and helps them to understand just how impossible it is to resist the inhibitor chips. Wrecker's apology to Omega afterward, and her quick and loving forgiveness, makes this moment one of the best, though the panic it instills sets it back compared to others.

19 Kamino's Eternal Storm Comes To An End After Its Destruction

Season 1, Episode 16 "Kamino Lost"

Perhaps the most defining trait of the planet Kamino, the homeworld of the clones, is its constant, never-ending rainstorms. First seen in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, Kamino's atmosphere has always been dark and stormy, a trend that continued in The Clone Wars. The Bad Batch season 1 finale, however, reveals that this may not have always been the case, as the storm finally breaks after Tipoca City has been destroyed by the Empire.

When Clone Force 99 has finally made it back to their ship safely, they take a moment to look out at the sunken, smoking city they used to call home. The moment is particularly emotional for Omega, who spent all of her life there before leaving with the Batch, but the heaviness of this moment is contrasted with the bright, shining sun of Kamino. This, in a way, represents the brighter future ahead for Clone Force 99, ending season 1 of the series on a sad yet hopeful note - much like other Star Wars stories.

18 Tech Races & Wins To Save Cid

Season 2, Episode 4 "Faster"

Up until The Bad Batch season 2, Tech could easily be considered one of Clone Force 99's most underrated characters. Thankfully, he's given a spotlight in season 2, which is taken up a notch in "Faster." This episode gives Tech the chance to be the leading hero by entering a dangerous race on behalf of Cid, both helping their ally and showing off his quick-thinking and problem-solving skills.

While the episode itself is less than relevant to the season's overarching plot, it's an incredibly fun and entertaining story that peaks when Tech begins to race. Tech's focus is constantly challenged by Wrecker and Omega's input, most notably Wrecker critiquing Tech's strategies. Tech shows his affinity for danger by taking on some incredibly risky maneuvers, but they all pay off when Tech manages to get in front and win the race. This moment leaves viewers cheering from their own homes for Tech, making it one of the series' most fun.

17 Omega Officially Joins Clone Force 99

Season 1, Episode 1 "Aftermath"

The Bad Batch series premiere is already one of its best episodes, mostly for the way it both deals with the direct fallout of Order 66 and introduces Omega to the Bad Batch, but this particular moment is a massive and important highlight for Clone Force 99. After the Batch has already decided to make their risky return to Kamino to take Omega with them, she begins to integrate herself even more into their group. Omega acts brave through it all, and she proves that their escape would not have been possible without her.

This moment solidifies Omega's place within the Bad Batch, proving she's not only loyal, but also extremely capable.

When Crosshair is revealed to be on the Empire's side and attempts to thwart his squad's escape, Omega is the one who steps up to save her brothers. Rather than simply returning to the ship as Hunter had ordered, Omega takes up a blaster and makes a perfect shot, disarming Crosshair of his weapon to buy time for Hunter and Echo to get the wounded Wrecker on board. This moment solidifies Omega's place within the Bad Batch, proving she's not only loyal, but also extremely capable.

16 Hunter & Crosshair Finally Make Amends

Season 3, Episode 5 "The Return"

Prior to their reunion in season 3, the relationship between Hunter and Crosshair is strained at best. The series premiere sees Crosshair constantly questioning Hunter's decision-making, and when Hunter's faced with the impossible choice of saving his squad or saving Crosshair, he chooses the former - leaving a sour taste in Crosshair's mouth. The two have plenty of tense encounters during the course of season 1, with Crosshair on one occasion capturing Hunter and using him as bait for the rest of Clone Force 99. This history is difficult to move past, which "The Return" shows in full effect.

That makes it all the better when the two brothers do finally make amends. The dangerous situation they're faced with forces them to work together for each other's survival, which helps to reestablish their trustful bond. After they've both survived the wyrm on Barton IV, they take a moment to exchange nods and sit in silence together, creating one of the most beautiful shots in the series. While it's a small moment, it's an important one for them and the Batch as a whole, making it one of the most meaningful of the entire series.

Hunter from Star Wars the Bad Batch Holding a Helmet in front of a clone army-1
Hunter (Clone Force 99)

Leader of Clone Force 99, Hunter is a mutant clone created with enhanced senses - gifts he uses to help him strategize in combat operations. Hunter led his squad on countless successful missions during the Clone Wars, and they deserted shortly after Order 66. Hunter has become a father-figure to fellow mutant clone Omega, who he loves dearly and is sworn to protect.

Created By
George Lucas
Dee Bradley Baker
Star Wars

15 Clone Force 99 Fights One Last Time As Their Full Squad

Season 1, Episode 15 "Return to Kamino"

Though at the time, no one knew it would be their last fight together as a squad, Clone Force 99 reunites for a small yet epic fight against the training droids on Kamino. Taking place just after yet another tense reunion with Crosshair, the Batch is surprised by the deployment of the training droids, forcing them to work together for survival. There are several moments where Crosshair makes shots to help out Hunter, though their broken trust is evident in the way Hunter's constantly looking to make sure Crosshair's aim doesn't change.

The triumphant sound of their theme song as the Batch works together once again makes this an extremely powerful moment. It has even more meaning now in light of Tech's tragic death, which makes this the last time they ever work together as a full squad. Though their victory is quickly disrupted by harsh revelations about Crosshair's inhibitor chip and the destruction of Tipoca City, this last fight shines as evidence that Clone Force 99 was truly one of the most elite squads to ever do it.

Star Wars: The Bad Batch Voice Cast - What The Actors Look Like In Real Life

Star Wars: The Bad Batch has quite an interesting cast of actors that features multiple Star Wars veterans, as well as a few newcomers.

14 Cad Bane Has A Showdown With Fennec Shand

Season 1, Episode 9 "Bounty Lost"

The return of Cad Bane in The Bad Batch is tense and thrilling, with him managing to gun down Hunter before capturing Omega. It's the next episode, however, where Cad Bane gets his full chance to shine, and he's not the only one. After making an appearance earlier in the season, which is her first Star Wars appearance outside The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand emerges to challenge Bane for the bounty. This leads to an incredible showdown between the two, showcasing their full skills as some of the galaxy's most feared mercenaries.

With the pair somewhat reuniting in The Book of Boba Fett, this particular fight has even more meaning in retrospect. While it does show the ruthlessness of Bane, it also shows off Fennec's own abilities, especially considering she's quite early on in her bounty hunting career at that point. The way she's able to go toe-to-toe with the galaxy's best bounty hunter at that time in galactic history proves she's a force to be reckoned with. This entire fight is wonderfully executed, easily making it one of the most memorable moments of the show's first season.

13 Clone Force 99 Just Barely Hitches A Ride To Mount Tantiss

Season 3, Episode 13 "Into the Breach"

The stakes are the highest they have ever been when Clone Force 99 is faced with their last best chance to get to Omega on Mount Tantiss. Willing to risk it all, Echo is sent to an Imperial research vessel to infiltrate it and enable the Batch's stolen Imperial shuttle to latch on without being detected. Hunter, who's tasked with piloting the shuttle, refuses to back down from the mission, even when it seems as if Echo won't be able to pull through.

This moment is easily one of the series' most tense and leaves viewers on the edges of their seats. From the full trust Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair all have in Echo to the way Hunter refuses to abort the mission at Rampart's request, these final seconds of "Into the Breach" put on full display the reason why Clone Force 99 is such an elite squad. The fierce loyalty the Bad Batch has to Omega and to rescuing her and all the other clones on Mount Tantiss is also evident, making this one of their best moments of action.

12 Commander Cody Returns - & Goes AWOL

Season 2, Episode 3 "The Solitary Clone"

One of the most frequently asked questions following both Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith and The Clone Wars has always been what happens to Commander Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi's faithful right-hand throughout the war. With him failing to appear in Star Wars Rebels and other entities that confirmed the survival of clones such as Captain Rex and Commander Wolffe, many viewers have long since been begging to find out what happened to Cody. The Bad Batch season 2 starts to tell that story at long last.

Cody's return sees him still swearing loyalty to the Empire at first, but over the course of "The Solitary Clone," the ways of the Empire begin to weather on him. After some incredible action alongside Crosshair, Cody ultimately begins to question the Empire as a whole, and the end of the episode reveals that he's chosen to go AWOL rather than continue serving the Empire. While the next part of his story is still a mystery, this return, as well as Cody's choice to abandon the Empire, is certainly one of the very best The Bad Batch has offered.

11 Asajj Ventress Returns From The Dead

Season 3, Episode 9 "The Harbinger"

The only return more thrilling than Commander Cody is that of Asajj Ventress, who was thought to be dead following the events of the canon novel Dark Disciple by Christie Golden. First revealed in the trailer for The Bad Batch season 3, Ventress' return is much more than a surprise, as it seems to promise that even more is coming for the beloved Clone Wars character. This only adds even more value to Ventress' return in The Bad Batch, and the nature of her return in the story enhances it even more.

Ventress' return is much more than a surprise, as it seems to promise that even more is coming for the beloved Clone Wars character.

While Ventress doesn't play an overall vital role in the narrative of season 3, she does get the chance to show off her yellow lightsaber in a fight against the Batch. This fight is one of the most well-animated in Star Wars history, from hand-to-hand combat to Ventress' easy defense against the Batch's blaster bolts. She's able to easily defeat them with her saber in hand, much to Omega's dismay, and even gets to air out her own gripes about the war itself - rounding out her return in a truly epic way.

10 Omega & Crosshair Narrowly Escape Mount Tantiss

Season 3, Episode 3 "Shadows of Tantiss"

At the culmination of The Bad Batch season 3's three-episode premiere is Omega and Crosshair's risky escape from Mount Tantiss, which is barely made possible. While Omega is seeking out Crosshair and finding ways to exit the base without being noticed, her sample ticks even closer to being tested, all while Emperor Palpatine is touring the facility. The tension mounts in the most perfect way, especially as more and more challenges arise for Omega and Crosshair.

While this scene is full of action and suspense, it's also key because of its other undertones. The emotion is present in the way Omega apologizes when things look grim, and in the small moment of reminiscing Omega and Crosshair have about Tech and his insistence on Omega learning all the squad's numbered plans. This lays the foundation for Omega and Crosshair's relationship, which quickly becomes one of the most important parts of the season - making this escape one of the show's best moments.

20 Best Quotes From Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Star Wars: The Bad Batch has finally come to a close, and there have been plenty of funny, memorable, and iconic quotes throughout the series.

9 Emperor Palpatine Seals The Fate Of All Clones

Season 2, Episode 8 "Truth & Consequences"

While Senator Riyo Chuchi, Captain Rex, and Clone Force 99 are knee-deep in an effort to expose Rampart's crime of ordering Tipoca City's destruction and to get the Imperial Senate to help the clones, Emperor Palpatine arrives to do what he does best: manipulate the situation to his desires. He not only stabs Rampart in the back by condemning his actions, but he also manages to turn the tide on the way clones are viewed. Dwelling upon the clones' blind loyalty to following Rampart's orders, Palpatine fully seals the fate of all clones.

This moment is extremely important for not just The Bad Batch, but the entire Star Wars franchise as a whole. Clones have become dearly beloved to viewers, especially those who have long since followed along with The Clone Wars, and to see their rights stripped away after the war is utterly painful and devastating. To have it be ordered by Palpatine in his characteristically manipulative and sinister yet brilliant way only adds to that, making this one of the series' most important and thus one of its best moments.

8 Hunter & The Batch Save Caleb Dume From Order 66

Season 1, Episode 1 "Aftermath"

As the boy who will one day become Kanan Jarrus, the survival of Caleb Dume during Order 66 is key, and The Bad Batch season 1 premiere retcons this survival in the best way. Clone Force 99 is working directly with Caleb and Depa Billaba when the order is given, and even in the midst of their confusion as a result of their inhibitor chips failing to activate, the Batch focuses on protecting Caleb. Hunter is especially worried about the boy's safety, especially as Crosshair starts to go after him.

The moment when Hunter tries to get through to Caleb is both tense and meaningful, as it not only allows Caleb to get away safely, but it also sets up Hunter as the protective caretaker he will soon become to Omega. The Bad Batch proves in this moment that without Hunter and the Batch, Caleb would not have survived, and thus Kanan would never have made it to Rebels. Hunter even lies about the Padawan's death to protect him, setting up the rest of The Bad Batch and Star Wars' future in an absolutely brilliant way.

7 Omega Reunites With Hunter & Wrecker

Season 3, Episode 4 "A Different Approach"

In what's easily one of the most heartfelt and emotional moments of the series, Omega at last reunites with Hunter and Wrecker following her capture and her lengthy stay on Mount Tantiss. The buildup to this moment makes it feel more than earned, with an earlier episode focusing on Hunter and Wrecker's desperation for intel to find her amidst Omega's own eagerness to be reunited with her family. The loss of Tech adds another silent yet tragic layer to all of this, as the family realizes just how precious it is to be together again.

Omega being the one to find them after all their tireless searching for her is satisfying, proving how far she's come under their care and their training. The tears in her eyes as she runs to Wrecker and Hunter easily inspires the audience to react in the same way, especially as Hunter reminds Wrecker that they had actually crossed the galaxy five times to find her. The way it ends on the cliffhanger of Crosshair's reunion with the squad makes this one of the best moments in the series, one that viewers will remember and feel for a long time.

6 Tech Sacrifices Himself To Save His Squad

Season 2, Episode 16 "Plan 99"

Though it's an extremely painful moment, Tech's death is one of the most important of the entire series - and thus one of its best. Tech showcases his bravery when an escape from Eriadu goes wrong, and he's quick to comply with Hunter's order to get their railcar moving once again. When an explosion knocks him from the railcar and causes him to dangle from the broken half of it that's been dislodged from the track, Tech knows exactly what he must do to save his squad, leading to the show's most devastating moment.

Because he gave his life to let them live, they eventually earned their happy and peaceful ending on Pabu.

Tech being the one to pull the trigger before his final words of "When have we ever followed orders?" proves the courage he had right up until his final moments. In retrospect, Tech's sacrifice has certainly paid off for his entire squad, including Crosshair. Because he gave his life to let them live, they eventually earned their happy and peaceful ending on Pabu, which wouldn't have been possible if it weren't for this moment. It's certainly a difficult one to process, but its significance makes it one of the series' best.

5 Hunter & Crosshair Kill Dr. Royce Hemlock

Season 3, Episode 15 "The Calvary Has Arrived"

In one of the most tense yet victorious moments of the entire series, Hunter and Crosshair work together to free Omega of her torment at the hands of the sinister Dr. Royce Hemlock. Though the pair have just escaped Hemlock's torturous means of conditioning, they help one another to go after Omega, who Hemlock intends on taking with him offworld. The loss of Crosshair's shooting hand presents a challenge that they overcome together by Hunter offering his shoulder as support for Crosshair, who has to take a risky shot to free Omega.

Omega and Hunter's shared trust in Crosshair enables him to take the shot that severs the connection between Omega and Hemlock's handcuffed hands. Hunter and Crosshair then fire round after round at Hemlock until he's forced off the side of the narrow platform, with each shot no doubt representing the hurt Hemlock has caused their family. The embrace the three of them share at the end is absolutely heartwarming, making this moment one of the most memorable and intense in the entire series.

All 47 Episodes Of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, Ranked

Star Wars: The Bad Batch has officially come to an end, & it's had an incredible run of thrilling & emotional episodes. Here are all of them, ranked.

4 Tech & Omega Have A Heart-To-Heart About Change

Season 2, Episode 9 "The Crossing"

In a pivot away from the moments that bring heart-pumping action is this meaningful conversation between Omega and Tech, which takes place just after Echo has decided to leave Clone Force 99 to instead help Rex and his burgeoning clone rebellion. The entirety of this episode sees the whole squad heavily feeling Echo's absence, culminating when Tech responds to Omega's emotions in a less than helpful way. When she's in danger, however, Tech's quick to go after her to help her, and this leads them to have a heart-to-heart moment to themselves.

Tech is given the opportunity to explain why he acts the way he does in such situations, allowing audiences to see a vulnerable side of him. His sentiment has also resonated with many viewers who have long since struggled to explain the very same thing, making this moment important outside the narrative itself. While it may not be a massive moment of action or even vital to the story itself, this heart-to-heart between Omega and Tech is incredibly meaningful, and certainly one of the show's best moments.

3 Crosshair Kills Lieutenant Nolan On Barton IV

Season 2, Episode 12 "The Outpost"

Crosshair's redemption is one of the most brilliant aspects of The Bad Batch as a whole, and it begins in this very moment. "The Outpost" shows the harsh reality of how the Empire looks upon clones, with Commander Mayday often giving Crosshair insight as to just how poorly he and his men are treated. For such a harsh environment to be living in, they are provided with so little in terms of resources, and they are asked to do even more than what should be required - which all culminates when Crosshair and Mayday are trapped in an avalanche.

Crosshair manages to survive and tries to give Mayday the same chance, but Lieutenant Nolan's lack of care for clones causes the commander to succumb to his injuries. It's then that Crosshair fully comes to terms with the Empire and their betrayal, leading him to kill the lieutenant in an act that kickstarts his entire redemption. This scene is extremely powerful and meaningful to the future of The Bad Batch, and the way it's done is absolutely brilliant and heartbreaking, easily making it one of the best and most important moments.

2 Hunter & Omega Say Goodbye On Pabu

Season 3, Episode 15 "The Calvary Has Arrived"

The epilogue at the end of The Bad Batch is a welcome surprise, drawing upon the entire series as a whole to round it out with the most perfect yet bittersweet ending. After earning a long life of peace on Pabu, Omega acknowledges that it's time for her to do her part, just as her brothers did during the Clone Wars. She fails to sneak away, however, as Hunter - now aged quite a bit - is revealed to be waiting for her with Batcher by her ship, leading to a meaningful heart-to-heart about Omega's new adventure.

This goodbye is a perfect send-off to The Bad Batch and a wonderful setup for Omega's future story.

This moment beautifully depicts the reality of a parent-child relationship, especially once it's time for the parent to let go of their child. Omega's reassurance to Hunter that she's no longer a child and can fend for herself, followed up with Hunter's insistence that she'll always be their child, is both heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. This goodbye is a perfect send-off to The Bad Batch and a wonderful setup for Omega's future story, making it bested by only one other moment in the series as a whole.

1 Clone Force 99 Gets Their Happy Ending

Season 3, Episode 15 "The Calvary Has Arrived"

There's no doubt that the best moment of The Bad Batch is the squad getting their happy ending once and for all. After the grueling mission on Mount Tantiss, it's only right that the Batch gets to rest, especially with everything they've been through - even since long before then. While it's bittersweet due to the absence of Tech, the meaning of his sacrifice is enhanced, as it's proven that he truly gave his life for a good purpose. Now, because of him, his brothers and his sister get to rest and lead the life they've always deserved.

The best part about this happy ending, which is a rarity in Star Wars, is the fact that it feels earned. The Batch has had to fight for the entirety of the series and long before then, just as the other clones have had to. They were quite literally bred for war and thus were left with no rights and no protection once that war came to an end. Now, the Batch gets to live out their days on Pabu as they please, making this moment in The Bad Batch the very best there could ever be.