Dark Horizons: Lore Live - Blue's News Story

Dark Horizons: Lore Live

The Dark Horizons Lore Players Site now offers purchase of the client software for this persistent world mecha game, which has now gone live (thanks HomeLAN Fed). Here's the description of gameplay: "Created by independent game developer, Max Gaming Technologies, Dark Horizons: Lore is set in the Dark Horizons Universe in the mid 22nd century. Packed with adrenaline-pumping action, Dark Horizons: Lore puts you in command of six outrageous Mechanized Assault Vehicles or MAVs. Remotely piloted from control pods located halfway around the globe these giant war machines are bristling with the latest in 22nd Century weaponry including plasma rifles, cannons and missiles. Customize and pilot a single MAV or gain experience and take command of a MAV group. You can even take control of an entire battalion and fight with your friends as a unit. Join a conglomerate of free nations, the Federated States, or ally yourself with the resurgent Soviet block as the Eastern Confederation. Only the men and women piloting these massive machines will decide the fate of the resource rich No Man´s Land."