US News | WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany On Wearing A Cross At Work: ‘Faith Is The Reason I’m Here’ | Christianity Daily

WH Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany On Wearing A Cross At Work: ‘Faith Is The Reason I’m Here’

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany spoke about wearing a cross at work and declared "faith is the reason why she is there.

In an interview one week before Christmas day, Kayleigh McEnany explained the reason why she would always wear a cross at work and even on national television. The White House Press Secretary boldly explained that she wears a cross every day because it signifies her faith and faith is the reason why she is there.

"The very least I can do is wear the cross - the symbol of the very instrument He died on to save humanity, Jesus Christ," McEnany told the Daily Caller's Mary Margaret Olohan.

The White House Press Secretary recalled watching Dana Perino giving out a press briefing. She said it never came to her mind that she would be the one standing behind the press podium to release messages from the country's highest office.

McEnany revealed that she always aimed to be in politics and in media but it was never her goal to be in the said position. However, she believed that it was all part of God's predestined plan as God's dream is bigger than hers.

"I always wanted to be in politics and media, but never really set out for that position - but it all fits together like a woven web because God had a path lined up for me, as He does for each and every person on Earth," the WH Press Secretary said.

She added that all we have to do is to trust God's plans, follow the path He set and pray. At the end of the day, God Himself will make all the dots fit together.

The current WH Press Secretary displays her faith not only at home and in church but even in work as well. During the pandemic, McEnany continued to run a virtual bible study with members of the Trump campaign and the GOP weekly.

The secretary credits all she has right now to God. She even believes that God has engineered all the circumstances that led her to the high visibility that she is in right now.

Being a part of the Republican Party was a challenge to McEnany. Not only her but every republican woman had to face the challenge due to the ideology of their party which is completely opposite to the liberal mindset that the majority exercise.

"It's unfortunate, but if you are a Republican, male or female, you will be attacked particularly in the Trump administration because the media always is keen to demonstrate their innately liberal bias," McEnany explained.

Amid all the challenges and changes that the Press Secretary faced since she served the Trump administration carrying her identity as a conservative woman of faith, McEnany believes that God put her in that place for a purpose.

People noticed McEnany's boldness in expressing her faith even in public. A journalist even asked her why she was like that while a lot of Americans are afraid to show up and talk about their faith. Some even feel awkward wearing a cross in public, yet the WH Press secretary is determined to continue to encourage people of her bold display of faith.