Self Care Ideas (To Try This May) - Daisies & Pie Skip to Content

Self Care Ideas (To Try This May)

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I’m a huge self care advocate – find out how to help boost your happiness and mood with my self care ideas for May. Because it’s okay to put yourself first. 

If you’re new to the idea of self care and wondering where to start or what it even is, don’t worry, I’ve got you! Self care isn’t complicated, it’s just choosing to put time and effort into doing things that help you feel good. And it’s surprising how quickly this has become a priority for me and now just part of my regular daily routine.

There’s lots of forms of self-care, it can be taking some me-time and sitting in the garden with a cup of tea or coffee, or deciding you want to learn a new skill, take up exercise or even just looking after yourself with a pamper night, taking a hot bubble bath or booking that manicure. Deciding to eat some good healthy food or getting enough sleep. 

Self care really is something different to everyone. 

Self Care Ideas For May - image of a dandelion in seed next to some trainers - text overlay reads "self care May"

Self care can actually benefit your physical health and mental health, so it’s worth putting time into yourself. Practicing a self-care routine can help you to have more self-compassion and and self-love. It focusses you on treating yourself with kindness the way you would treat and look after others. 

Every month I like to create a little self-care plan for myself, things I’d like to continue doing or new things that I’d like to give a try. I write them down, so that I’m intentional about my own self-care and have a sense of purpose. And because I love them so much, I’m now I’m sharing them with you. And I’d love for you to join me

As always with my self care ideas, it’s important not to feel pressured and to just choose the ones you want to join in with, although I’ve called it a challenge, it should be enjoyable and happy. Not cause stress or pressure. 

Plus you can download our free self care printable down at the bottom to help you keep track.

self care challenge printable checklist

I’m new to practicing Tai Chi and I actually follow Wudang Zidong on TikTok, his videos are super simple to follow, I tend to browse through and choose one that suits my mood or need. It’s a great way of adding some physical activity to your day. And they’re always fun to do and leave me feeling uplifted and more content. 

Tai Chi is good for muscle relaxation and balance. Plus it helps to release happy endorphins into your body, which help you to feel good. 

I dislike a cluttered messy home, I find clutter and mess to be bad for my mental wellbeing. So I do tend to stay on top of the clutter. And it’s actually quite simple, if you just spend 10 minutes a day decluttering, you can put a dent into even a super cluttered home. 

I just think that a nice organised home feels better to be in, and makes me feel light. Plus decluttering gives me a sense of achievement. And I’m there for it! 

When it comes to looking after myself and physical self-care, outdoor walking is important to me. It lifts my spirits, it’s great exercise and just makes me feel refreshed. Plus it’s totally free and you can do it anywhere! In the city, countryside, park and the beach. 

I do a 1-2 mile outdoor walk every morning now before breakfast, I tend to use the time to listen to a podcast or audiobook as I walk, and it really makes the time exercising fly by!  

If you have a busy mind like I do, meditation can be difficult but I’ve found taking some quality time to spend on a 5 minute daily meditation very worthwhile. I usually use the Apple Fitness meditations or find a quick one on Youtube. Something to match my mood.

This is one of those self-care activities that takes a little practice and getting used to, but is so worth while. It gives you the opportunity to reflect back over your day, process any emotions, or things that caused you to feel anxiety and jot them down. It’s great to put down your positives, your daily wins and general thoughts or dreams. Daily journalling just helps me to have a better and more balanced perspective over my life. 

Getting up early and watching the sun rise just sat in the garden with a cup of coffee is so super peaceful and relaxing, it really makes me feel alive and connected to nature AND puts me in a good mood for the whole day. 

I simply LOVE, LOVE, LOVE daily positive affirmations! They’re one of the best self-care ideas you can follow. It helps you to focus and feel worthy of what you want and have. I tend to use daily positive affirmations to focus on what I want to achieve, if I’m working on a new project or  fitness aim then I speak it out loud to myself. It helps to give me a positive self-narrative when I’m thinking.

You can download our free positive daily affirmations printable here, to get your started.

daily positive affirmations printable

This is a good self-care practice to do at least once a month. It offers you time for reflection on your screen time, social media usage, ever piling up inbox. And gives you the chance to change a few things. Maybe hit unsubscribe on a few of those emails that don’t fill you with joy. Unfollow the people that make you feel bad. Sculpt your digital world into one you actually enjoy. 

digital detox for you might just mean a social media free day – try it, see how you feel. 

Okay this one is definitely one of my favourites! Create some playlists and listen for at least 10 minutes a day – dance like nobody is watching. Not only does it add up to an extra hour and 10 minutes exercise a week but it’s a total mood booster

Everyone deserves some me-time in their lives, and I get it, when you’re a busy parent, or snowed under with work or other responsibilities, it can be hard to justify or take time to do. But DO IT! Even if it’s just 5 minutes sat with a coffee or taking a hot bath when the kids have gone to bed. Just schedule in that down-time and look after you. 

Such a simple change to just swap out some of those sodas or caffeinated drinks for water. But it’s so worth it. Drinking more water can help you fell more energised and alert, plus it cuts out some chemicals and calories too. 

I always try to have two books on the go at the same time – a motivational, factual or business related book and a novel to absolutely lose myself in. I like to read at least a few pages of a non-fiction book everyday, just so that I’m always learning (I like that feeling). And I also like the feeling of falling into a novel, one so engrossing you think of the characters even when you’re not reading the book. It feels SO GOOD

And I’m always after new suggestions for books – so shout out with any! Or join The Contented Life Facebook Group here – we’re always happy to chat! 

If you can do this, even just once a month it’s such a boost to feeling good. It can be as simple as just paying for an extra coffee in the cafe, or helping someone out with a problem they’re stuck on and asking nothing in return. Sometimes it’s just nice to be kind.

There’s two ways you can do daily gratitude practice, I like to start the day with them, it’s not necessarily anything I speak out loud, its more a quiet reflection on the things that I’m grateful for in my life. 

You could also do this as part of your daily journalling – just jot down your daily gratitudes at the end of each day. Either is great and good for the soul. 

I don’t think you should underestimate how important your space is to your wellbeing. A well aired, clean and tidy bedroom just feels so much more relaxing to sleep in than a messy space. And it’s the same throughout the house. I like things to be clean and tidy and for rooms to be aired daily. It feels good to be in. 

You can keep up to date with all our latest wellbeing and self care ideas by signing up to our newsletter below, or catching us on our social channels, and of course we’re always happy for people to join The Contented Life Facebook group – it’s nice to have a space to encourage people to live happier lives and do nice things. 


Get all our wellbeing tips and ideas for busy moms here